"Striving for orders", stabilizing the economy and fighting bravely will win


Recently, in order to help enterprises to win overseas orders, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province organized a team consisting of 12 investment promotion teams and 51 persons in charge of foreign trade enterprises to charter a plane to Japan to attract investment. Through "face-to-face" negotiations, the distance was shortened. In just a few days, an intended investment of 1.86 billion dollars was reached, and the amount of orders for foreign trade enterprises exceeded 1 billion yuan. Coincidentally, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian and other provinces and cities have organized investment promotion personnel and enterprise representatives to travel to Europe and the United States to negotiate cooperation, seek investment and grab orders, releasing a clear signal of stabilizing the economy and promoting development. Take the lead by taking a quick step. At the moment when the epidemic prevention and control policy is constantly adjusted and optimized, many provinces, autonomous regions and cities step on the accelerator to seize the economy and seek development with full power, demonstrating the determination and responsibility of stabilizing the economic market. The Spring River Plumbing Duck Prophet, faced with the fleeting foreign trade opportunities, the local governments and enterprises dare to think and act, actively plan, charter flights to the sea to attract investment, visit customers and win orders while avoiding the epidemic risk as much as possible, highlighting the vision and ability to efficiently coordinate the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. From several provinces and cities to go overseas to "grab orders" and "attract foreign capital", to more than 40 cities to issue a new round of consumer vouchers, with the continuous improvement of the macro and micro environment for development, promoting consumption and stabilizing foreign trade should become an important focus, and the measures to relieve the worries and difficulties of market players should also be stepped up. In the post epidemic era, where there are many market players, enterprises with sufficient vitality and excellent public services, there will be great development potential and sufficient stamina, which will win more development opportunities in the future. Since the COVID-19 raged for three years, various industries have been impacted to varying degrees. With the adjustment and optimization of prevention and control policies, the signal of Chunjiang water heating is in sight. On December 6, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to analyze and study the economic work in 2023. It clearly pointed out that we should better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, better coordinate development and security, comprehensively deepen reform and opening up, vigorously boost market confidence, organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply side structural reform, highlight the work of stabilizing growth, employment and prices, and effectively prevent and resolve major risks, We will improve overall economic performance. This is of great significance for stabilizing development expectations, boosting market confidence and stimulating the vitality of all social officers to start businesses. At present, China's economy is still facing great downward pressure, but its advantages of strong ability to cope with shocks and large policy room for maneuver have not changed. With the continuous adjustment and optimization of prevention and control policies, the trend of China's economy stabilizing and improving is more obvious. No pain, no gain. There is no waiting for development, only brilliant work. Only by centering on the development goals and the central work of planning formulated by the Party Central Committee, and maintaining the spirit of "pioneering", the momentum of "innovation", and the style of "doing", can we draw a bright picture of high-quality development. At the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee held on December 6, it was also pointed out that we should adhere to the principle of real work, stimulate the entrepreneurial vitality of all social officers, and let cadres dare to do things, local people dare to do things, enterprises dare to do things, and the masses dare to initiate things. When cadres, localities, enterprises and the masses can "dare to do", "dare to rush", "dare to do" and "dare to initiate", the enthusiasm and creativity of all parties can be fully exerted and activated

Edit:sishi    Responsible editor:xingyong


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