Taoism, China, Worship of God and Worship of fetishism -- Important enlightenment of Chinese culture on human civilization


Lou Yulie, a famous Chinese philosophy historian and professor of the Department of Philosophy and the Academy of Chinese Studies of Peking University. (Photographed by China News Agency reporter Yang Chengchen) Compared with western culture, the humanistic spirit of people-oriented is the most fundamental spirit of Chinese culture, and also the most important feature. Chinese culture does not rely on an external god or creator, but on people's moral consciousness and self-discipline, emphasizing people's subjectivity, independence and initiative. The maintenance of family order and social order in China depends on people's moral consciousness and self-discipline. This is the humanist spirit of Chinese culture. The humanistic spirit of human orientation in Chinese culture is an important contribution of the Chinese nation to mankind. In the view of many of us, the current humanism is an imported product from the West, and we have no idea that it was originally a native product of Chinese culture. The humanistic thought advocated in western culture since modern times is closely related to the humanistic thought in Chinese culture. In Chinese culture, people oriented cultural spirit and cultural character have been established since the Western Zhou Dynasty, while the West established a God based culture after the A.D., and it was not until the European Enlightenment that the banner of humanism was raised to inspire people not to be slaves of God, but to be themselves. One of its ideological sources is the ancient Greek and Roman culture, and the more important source is the Chinese people-oriented humanistic culture that missionaries returned from China after the 16th century. They criticized the God based culture in Europe since the Middle Ages with Chinese humanism, advocated the independence and autonomy of human reason, and regarded China as the most ideal society. Therefore, European humanism was spread from China and was greatly influenced by Chinese culture. As for the formation and characteristics of such a culture in China, I think we must know the two outstanding traditions in Chinese culture. One is "taking history as a mirror", the other is "taking heaven as the rule". As for "taking history as a mirror", Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty said: "Take copper as a mirror, and you can keep your clothes straight. Take the past as a mirror, and you can see the rise and fall." (The New Book of Tang · Biography of Wei Zheng) emphasizes the importance of historical experience. Because of this, China's historical works are the most systematic and complete in the world. China has 24 or 25 histories, as well as many unofficial or auxiliary historical materials. When the political power of each dynasty in China became relatively stable, the first thing to do was to make rites and make music, and the second thing to do was to repair the history of the previous dynasty. China's people-oriented humanistic spirit is summarized through "taking history as a mirror", which is a result of this tradition. In the early Western Zhou Dynasty, people reflected on the reasons for the rise and fall of Xia and Shang dynasties. Through the observation of history, they saw that Dayu began to control the flood in the Xia Dynasty. At that time, the world was flooded and the people couldn't make a living. Dayu cured the flood and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. It was with his support that the Xia Dynasty was founded. But when the last king, Xia Jie, became dissolute and tyrannical, the people cursed him all day long, saying, "Time flies and you die!" (Shangshu · Tangshi) In such a period of "having the virtue of the summer, the people fall to the ground" (Shangshu · Xibo Kanli), the Shang tribe, under the leadership of Cheng Tang, finally overthrew the Xia Dynasty and established the Shang Dynasty. The people praised him for bringing people out of deep trouble

Edit:luoyu    Responsible editor:jiajia


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