What can I eat to solve the hangover?


A friend often has a terrible headache the next day after drinking. He especially wants to know if there is any "hangover therapy" that can relieve various symptoms of hangover. We all know that alcohol should be moderate, but when we have to drink socially, we really need a diet that can help alleviate nausea, restore vitality, and reduce the harm of alcohol to our bodies. What effect does drinking have on body organs? Before recommending a diet to relieve alcoholism, let's make a scientific introduction to the relevant knowledge of alcohol. When drinking, what are the different organs of the human body doing? 1. Liver: 80% to 90% of alcohol is decomposed by enzymes in the liver, which can decompose about 14g alcohol per hour. 2. Brain: If alcohol is absorbed quickly, it will enter the brain within 5 to 10 minutes after drinking, which may lead to emotional changes, difficulty in thinking and coordination, and some people will break up. 3. Kidney: 10% alcohol is discharged from urine. Alcohol can promote diuresis. Some people always go to the toilet after drinking, which indicates that the body can eliminate the waste in alcohol by producing more urine. So it is important to replenish water after drinking. 4. Stomach: When drinking on an empty stomach, alcohol will be quickly absorbed by the stomach wall. At this time, the concentration of gastric acid secreted by gastric juice will also increase. Gastric acid and alcohol will stimulate the gastric mucosa together. The higher the alcohol content, the greater the damage to the stomach. What to eat after drinking? It depends on what symptoms you have. For different people, hangovers have different manifestations. For different symptoms, there are also different eating methods. Here are some examples. 1. Headache After a hangover, headache is actually a sign of dehydration, so more water is a top priority. Recommended method 1: drink plenty of water. Drinking plain water, mineral water, fruit juice or milk shake can supplement water. Recommended method 2: eat bananas, avocados, strawberries and blueberries. These fruits are high in potassium. Dehydration not only lacks water, but also loses electrolytes. Lack of potassium can cause fatigue, dizziness, nausea and palpitations. Recommended method 3: drink coconut water. While replenishing water, it can also replenish various electrolytes to relieve headaches. 2. Recommended method 1 for stomach nausea: eat ginger. A natural anti nausea agent, it can also prevent some inflammation and damage caused by drinking. Recommended method 2: eat soda biscuits, steamed bread slices and bread slices. This method can neutralize part of gastric acid, reduce the irritation to gastric mucosa, and thus alleviate stomach discomfort. 3. Dizziness and fatigue If you feel tired or continue to feel dizzy, it may be related to hypoglycemia. Recommended methods: porridge, bread and steamed bread. Eating a nutritious breakfast the next morning can help maintain your blood sugar level. It is recommended to eat a variety of staple foods rich in carbon water. Does Eating Antialcoholic Liver Protecting Tablets Work? The antialcoholic effect of Jiejiuhugan Tablets varies from person to person. About 60% of people can reduce the severe hangover symptoms, but some people have no use eating. Although they cannot completely prevent hangovers or sober up, some plant extracts may relieve the symptoms of discomfort after drinking. However, liver protecting tablets can not reduce the harm that alcohol has caused to the body, so you should never have the idea that wine can be freely drunk, and then eat liver protecting tablets. That's too much damage to the body! (1)

Edit:wangwenting    Responsible editor:xiaomai


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