Pain is a kind of disease. It's not good to bear it


When pain comes, do you choose to actively seek medical treatment or endure it? The World Health Organization clearly points out that acute pain is a symptom and chronic pain is a disease. How to recognize pain correctly? What are the common types of pain? How to effectively prevent and respond to pain? Recently, many experts answered these questions. Pain is an early warning signal. Pain is one of the most direct and real feelings of the human body. "Medicine was born with the initial expression of human suffering and the initial desire to alleviate it." Professor Fan Bifa, director of the Pain Department of the China Japan Friendship Hospital, said that pain is an alarm signal of the human body. For example, normal people will immediately withdraw their hands when they encounter a hot water cup. This is an instinctive protective reaction caused by pain. It enables people to avoid the risk of injury. However, if long-term pain is not effectively treated, it will seriously affect the quality of life and mental state of patients, "Take the post herpetic neuralgia as an example. Its pain covers most of the manifestations of neuropathic pain, such as knife like pain, acupuncture like pain, numbness, etc., which is unbearable". "At present, there are more than 300 million pain patients in China, and they are growing at the rate of 10 million to 20 million every year." Fan Bifa introduced that the common pain includes the following categories: first, neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain, which accounts for almost half of the common pain in the middle-aged and elderly, and a series of painful diseases known to the public, such as cervical spondylosis, lumbar spondylosis, osteoarthritis, shoulder periarthritis, etc. Middle aged and elderly people are the largest sufferers of neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain. In the process of human degenerative disease aging, they first show various neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain problems. The other is neuropathic pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia, sciatica, herpes zoster related pain, and diabetes peripheral neuropathy, which are easily suffered by middle-aged and elderly people. These diseases also seriously affect the quality of life of patients. The third is cancer pain, which is difficult to treat and severe. In addition, head and face pain, muscle and soft tissue pain are also common pain problems. "If divided by time, pain can be divided into acute pain and chronic pain." Cheng Hao, director of the Department of Anesthesia of Beijing Ditan Hospital, said that the former is a recent emergency with a short duration, often one of the symptoms of many diseases, and is related to surgery, trauma, tissue damage or some disease states; The latter lasts for a long time and is often the continuation of acute pain. It is necessary to identify the cause and choose the appropriate treatment. "When acute pain occurs, everyone has a strong sense of seeing a doctor. However, when chronic pain is intermittent, severe or mild, people tend to ignore it. In the traditional concept, patience is a virtue, which leads many elderly people to believe that pain should also be tolerated, without realizing that it will pose a huge threat to life and health, which is a problem that needs to be paid attention to by the public." Fan Bifa reminded that when the pain lasts for more than a month, we should actively seek medical advice regardless of the severity. "The pain indicates that we may have a very serious and deep hidden danger of the body, and we should conduct a comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of the pain under the guidance of the doctor, so as to identify the cause and develop a standardized and effective treatment plan.". Follow the doctor's advice and standardize treatment Recently, under the guidance of China Elderly Health Care Association, People's Daily Health

Edit:qihang    Responsible editor:xinglan


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