Chinese path to modernization is a development model created by China that conforms to China's national conditions -- An interview with Pierre Laurent, Vice President of the French Senate and Chairman of the National Committee of the French Communist


"Chinese path to modernization is a development model created by China that conforms to China's national conditions. I think it is extremely important." Pierre Laurent, Vice President of the French Senate and Chairman of the National Committee of the French Communist Party, said in an exclusive interview with Xinhua News Agency at the headquarters of the French Communist Party in Paris a few days ago. Laurent once worked as a reporter in the French newspaper Le Monde, and later served as the chief editor of Le Monde. Today, he still keeps the habit of taking notes when he is a reporter. Before receiving an exclusive interview from Xinhua News Agency, he closely recorded his feelings about studying the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on paper. "China has achieved an important international status through development, which makes the 20th CPC National Congress extremely important to China, the Chinese people and the world." Luo Lang said, "Human society has tried (different development models), and China has explored a new path, a development path suitable for China's national conditions." "China adheres to reform and opening up and continues to develop rapidly. China will continue to achieve its set development goals and meet new challenges." He said. In 1983, at the age of 26, Laurent led the French Communist Youth Delegation to start his first trip to China. What he saw was a China that opened its doors to the world. From 2010 to 2018, Laurent served as the national secretary of the French Communist Party. He visited China twice in 2011 and 2016. "When I look at China every few years, I am shocked by the tremendous changes and development. In the past decade, China has continued to develop rapidly, but what most impresses me is the path China has taken to overcome poverty. As promised by Chinese leaders and the CPC, China has lifted itself out of absolute poverty and built a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way by promoting the continuous development of the country." He believed that building a community with a shared future for mankind is the consensus of many countries, including France. Food security, energy security, social development and other important global issues "can only be properly addressed on the basis of multilateralism and respect for all countries", Laurent said. In Luo Lang's view, capitalism has gone through centuries of development, which has brought a lot of pollution and captured the resources of the world, causing the dilemma of today's global ecological problems. "We must create a new model of economic development, and create an international order that is more equitable, more shared, and more respectful of all countries. I think China will obviously play a pivotal role in global development.". Referring to China's global development initiatives and global security initiatives, Laurent believed that "these initiatives constitute the conditions required for the establishment of a new and more equitable international order". "China hopes to improve people's living standards, improve the way of development, and protect the ecological environment at the same time. I believe that the goals set at the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on these issues concern the world. The world should seize the opportunity to develop together with China, which is not only conducive to China's development, but also for the development of all mankind." He pointed out. Laurent also said that in 1964, France became the first Western power to formally establish diplomatic relations with New China. France and China should continue to work together to promote the implementation of new policies that benefit the development of the two countries, Europe and the world

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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