On the Inheritance of Context from Notebook Novels


The cover of the recently published Qin Ling Ji by Jia Pingwa, a writer, writes "a long note novel", which makes people see the inheritance of note novels in the new era. Jia Pingwa mentioned in his postscript that "it cannot be said as a novel, and prose is not suitable". This contradictory mentality is related to the positioning of note novels between literature and history. Notebook novel is the early form of Chinese novel, but its content and form have not changed much in the course of thousands of years, and many classic works have appeared, which has nourished the literary creation of later generations. As far as the emergence time of the two words "novel" and "note" is concerned, the earlier reference to "novel" is Zhuangzi · Foreign Object: "It is far from being big to decorate novels to dry county magistrate." The novel here refers to simple words. Chuang Tzu's Leisure Journey also mentioned: "Those who are in Harmony are also those who are supernatural." Mention "supernatural beings". The earliest reference to "notes" is Liu Xie's "Wen Xin Diao Long · Cai Lue" of the Southern Dynasty: But the meaning of "notes" here is different from that in people's cognition nowadays, it refers to the secretary of notes. The reference to "note novels" appeared earlier in the "Xue Zhai Zhanbi" by Shi Shengzu of the Song Dynasty: As far as the content of the note novels is concerned, the General Catalogue of Imperial Siku Quanshu · Sub Part 50 · Class of Novelists mentions: "There are three schools of thought, one of which describes miscellaneous events, one of which records strange news, and one of which compiles trivial words. Since the Tang and Song Dynasties, the authors have been numerous. There are many false stories in the middle, and there are many false listeners. However, those who combine exhortation, widespread information, and textual research also make mistakes." The classification and positive role of novels are mentioned here. In fact, even if the people or things in the note novels are fictitious, they will also reflect people's living habits and ideas at that time. For example, Pu Songling in the Qing Dynasty exposed the current problems and praised the virtues in Liaozhai Zhiyi. Notebook novels are short, concise, beautiful and far-reaching, ranging from writing an action or a famous saying to writing a person's life. There are only one or two sentences in the short note novels. For example, there is only one sentence in Donghai Jun in Soushen Ji: "Chen Jie visits the gods, and Donghai Jun leads the legacy by weaving into Qingru." The longer Guanlu and Wujiang Mountain Ancestral Temple in Soushen are only about 1200 words. Nowadays, according to Mr. Lu Xun's point of view, the note novels are generally divided into the fiction of people and the fiction of supernatural beings. Zhiren novels are represented by Liu Yiqing's Shi Shuo Xin Yu, and Zhiguai novels are represented by Gan Bao's Sou Shen Ji. In terms of the development process of note novels, the representative note novels include The Classic of Mountains and Seas in the Pre Qin Period, New Preface and Wenyuan by Liu Xiang in the Western Han Dynasty, Soushen Ji by Ganbao in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Youyang Zazu by Duan Cheng in the Tang Dynasty, Xuanguai Record by Niu Sengru, Rongzhai Essay by Hong Mai in the Song Dynasty, Yi Jianzhi by Yuan Mei in the Qing Dynasty, etc. Famous notebook novels include Taiping Guangji compiled by Li Fang in the Song Dynasty, Lei Shuo compiled by Zeng Dian, Notebook Novel Grand View by an unknown editor in modern times, Shuo Ku compiled by Wang Wenru, etc. Selected Notes and Novels

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

Source:China Culture Daily

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