Vice president of El Salvador: I hope that the relations between El Salvador and China will continue to develop in mutual respect and win-win cooperation


News from San Salvador: on the 19th, vice president Felix Ulloa of El Salvador expressed the hope that the relations between El Salvador and China will continue to develop in mutual respect and win-win cooperation. The Chinese Embassy in El Salvador held a reception in San Salvador, the capital of El Salvador, to celebrate the fourth anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and El Salvador. In his speech at the event, ulloya said that Sao Paulo confirmed that it would abide by the one China principle and adhere to this position for a long time. Ulloya said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Sao Tome and China, high-level exchanges and interactions have been actively carried out. China's assistance projects to Sao Tome, such as the National Library, the National Stadium, the lalibertad wharf, and the ilopango lake water supply, are being carried out in an orderly manner. The completion of these projects will greatly promote the development of social, economic, cultural, sports and ecological fields and improve the people's livelihood. Ulloya said that the Chinese side has extended a helping hand and carried out unity and cooperation to the Saskatchewan side at the critical moment, and the relations between the two countries have transcended the limits of time and space. The Sao Paulo side highly appreciates and thanks China for its unconditional assistance and anti epidemic support to Sao Paulo. In his speech, Ou Jianhong, Chinese ambassador to El Salvador, said that since the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and El Salvador four years ago, the two countries have actively explored corresponding ways to get along with each other on the basis of the five principles of peaceful coexistence. China and El Salvador have become a model of peaceful coexistence, mutual benefit and win-win results between countries of different scales, different systems and different stages of development. The Chinese side is ready to work hand in hand with the Sahrawi side to implement the global development initiative and the global security initiative, and help the Sino Sahrawi friendship grow into a towering tree that will benefit the present and future generations and continuously benefit the two countries and their peoples. On August 21, 2018, the governments of China and El Salvador signed a joint communique on the establishment of diplomatic relations. The two countries have established diplomatic relations at the ambassadorial level since that day. (news agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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