Xishuangbanna general Buddhist temple: a witness and practitioner of national unity in the frontier


Located in Jinghong City, Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, the Xishuangbanna general Buddhist Temple (hereinafter referred to as the general Buddhist temple) is one of the earliest Southern Buddhist temples built in Xishuangbanna. It has a history of thousands of years, and has witnessed the history of the children of all ethnic groups in Xishuangbanna working together to build the frontier of their ancestral country and protect the sacred land. Inherit the glorious tradition of patriotism, love of education, unity and progress On June 24, pasong lielong zhuangmeng, vice president of the China Buddhist Association, vice president of the Yunnan Provincial Buddhist Association, President of the Xishuangbanna Buddhist Association and Abbot of the general Buddhist temple, led a group of people from the Xishuangbanna branch of the Yunnan Buddhist Institute and the state Buddhist Association to the Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County of Pu'er City to cast a solid awareness education base of the Chinese national community (zhaocunxin national unity model exhibition hall) to carry out theme education activities. On June 24, pasong lielong Zhuang Meng (first from the left) and his party carried out theme education activities in Jiangcheng Hani and Yi Autonomous County to cast a solid awareness education base of the Chinese national community (zhaocunxin national unity model exhibition hall). On New Year's day in 1951, Dai people were the first to sign on the "first monument of national unity in New China" - Puer national unity oath monument. Back in Xishuangbanna, Zhao Cunxin led the leaders of all ethnic groups to swear, "always follow the Communist Party and build a new socialist frontier". Zhao Cunxin was originally a chieftain. He was invited to Beijing in 1950 and received by Chairman Mao Zedong. He presented the golden umbrella symbolizing the hereditary power of the feudal lord to Chairman Mao Zedong, joined the Communist Party of China, and was elected the first governor of Xishuangbanna, realizing the transformation from a feudal lord to a public servant of the people. "The general Buddhist temple Association often creates opportunities for monks and believers to have a deeper understanding of national unity and enhance their sense of identity with the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China and socialism with Chinese characteristics through visits and studies." Pasong lie long Zhuang Meng said. In the new era, the general Buddhist temple adheres to the direction of Sinicization of Buddhism, inherits and carries forward the glorious tradition of patriotism, love of religion, unity and progress, and takes the "five advances" as an opportunity to carry out demonstration activities of national unity and progress. Carry out activities to create harmonious temples and churches with the theme of "building a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation", post pictures in the temples, explain the history and festival customs of all ethnic groups in Xishuangbanna, and publicize the "three inseparables". In 2020 and 2022, more than 10 outstanding monks from the state Buddhist College were organized to carry out social practice activities in 8 Buddhist temples in Jinghong City, Menghai county and Mengla County, to publicize the party's ethnic and religious policies, laws and regulations, and teach Buddhist etiquette, Buddhist knowledge and other related content to believers. In various religious festivals and Buddhist activities, pasong lielong zhuangmeng explained and publicized the party's ethnic and religious policies, laws and regulations to the believers, educated and guided the monks and believers to firmly establish the "five identities", and helped to forge a strong sense of the Chinese national community. Participate in promoting common prosperity and Rural Revitalization in border ethnic areas, actively serve the masses of all ethnic groups, and promote border ethnic unity and social stability. At the fifth session of the 13th CPPCC National Committee held in March this year, member of the CPPCC National Committee pasong lielong zhuangmeng suggested that we should grasp the key point of the lack of high-quality innovation and development of the economy in the border ethnic areas of Yunnan, implement targeted policies and technical assistance measures, promote the economic development and social prosperity and stability of the border areas, build a beautiful home and protect the sacred land. Pasong lielong zhuangmeng said that standing at a new historical starting point, Yunnan border ethnic areas supported by traditional industries need to improve their own capabilities, consolidate the achievements of poverty eradication, promote the common prosperity of the people of all ethnic groups by exploring a high-quality development path, form a distinctive national economic development model, and basically realize socialist modernization at the same time as the whole country. On June 24, pasong lielong zhuangmeng was invited to Zhengdong Buddhist temple in Jiangcheng County, Pu'er City to carry out the activity of publicizing the "joint initiative on advocating thrift and abstaining from extravagance". "This is my first time here. Entering the village, I deeply feel that everyone's life is getting better and better day by day, life is booming, the face of all ethnic groups, ethnic relations, economic and social development is taking on a new look, and the people of all ethnic groups have an unprecedented sense of gain, happiness and security." In recent years, the monks of the general Buddhist temple have actively participated in the targeted poverty alleviation work of the state minzong Bureau in Anle Village (niuguntang) and mansai village, Xiangming Township, Mengla County, and have participated in poverty alleviation and donation activities for many times. Since 2014, every year on International Children's Day, monks from the general Buddhist temple have visited children of all ethnic groups in Jinghong special education school, Xishuangbanna children's welfare home and other places, and donated medical aid and scholarships. Give back to the public and sow the seeds of goodness In July, 2003, the general Buddhist temple established the "house of Buddha's light" to mobilize the Buddhist community to participate in drug control and AIDS prevention and control publicity. Pasong lielong Zhuang Meng said, "monks should care for people afflicted by AIDS with compassion and create a harmonious social environment." The monks of the general Buddhist temple went to the village to carry out publicity and education on the prevention and control of AIDS, staying away from drugs, helping the disabled and supporting the weak, especially providing necessary advice, care and help to people infected with AIDS virus. "Buddha's light home" has held more than 200 drug and AIDS prevention publicity training courses involving monks, village backbones, rural doctors and other relevant personnel, with more than 25000 participants. "Buddha's light house" has compiled and printed more than 15000 copies of knowledge album of AIDS prevention and care, as well as more than 10000 posters with pictures and texts, to publicize AIDS prevention and care knowledge in an easy to understand way. Zongfo temple and the folk language center of Xishuangbanna people's radio station jointly produced Xishuangbanna Dai anti drug and anti AIDS songs, which were broadcast on a rolling basis during the anti drug and anti AIDS Day activities. The "family of Buddha's light" has long cared for AIDS patients. Every Spring Festival, Dai New Year's day and national day, the staff of the "family of Buddha's light" will visit and comfort the patients with poor families, encourage them to face life bravely, actively accept treatment, and issue condolences and living allowances. For nearly 20 years of continuous assistance, the "house of Buddha's light" has been rated as an advanced unit in drug control and AIDS prevention by the Xishuangbanna State Party committee and the state government. When Yunnan and other provinces and cities encounter disasters, the general Buddhist temple always tries its best to provide some help. In May, 2008, believers were organized to raise money for disaster relief for compatriots in Wenchuan earthquake stricken areas in Sichuan Province; In April, 2010, the "prayer and donation law meeting for the people in Yushu disaster area in Qinghai Province" was held; In August 2014, believers were organized to hold a prayer and donation law meeting to raise money for the earthquake victims in Ludian County, Yunnan Province. "Compared with some developed regions, we don't raise much money every time. But we still need to express the hearts and minds of the people of all ethnic groups. One side has difficulties and all sides support." Pasong lie long Zhuang Meng said. Tell the Chinese story of national unity and religious harmony "Buddhism in the three major language families is full, harmonious and complementary. It is a distinctive feature and great advantage of Chinese Buddhism and an important resource for building a strong sense of the community of the Chinese nation." Pasong lielong Zhuang Meng said that for a long time, the general Buddhist temple has adhered to the fine tradition of patriotism and love of education, and has made positive contributions to promoting the development and construction of China's southwest border, promoting the development and progress of culture and society in southwest ethnic areas, strengthening exchanges and integration of all ethnic groups, and forging a strong sense of the Chinese national community. The total Buddhist temple is a window for cultural exchanges between China and South and Southeast Asia. It is committed to telling the Chinese story of national unity, religious harmony and obedience in foreign cultural exchanges. Pasong lielong zhuangmeng has been invited to South and Southeast Asian countries to carry out cultural exchanges, publicize China's policy of freedom of religious belief, introduce China's great achievements since the reform and opening up, promote cultural exchanges and mutual learning, and promote people to people communication. In December 2012, the general Buddhist temple held the opening ceremony for the completion of the Mahavira hall, with eminent monks from nine countries participating in the ceremony; In February 2016, the "pasonglie" and "pahuba" ascension ceremony was held in the general Buddhist temple, and eminent monks from 12 countries gathered in the general Buddhist temple. Buddhist circles in South and Southeast Asia have been invited to participate in the celebration activities of the general Buddhist temple for many times, witnessing the good situation of national unity and progress, religious harmony and stability in China. Pasong lielong zhuangmeng said that in the new era, Buddhism should adhere to the direction of sinicization, and the Buddhist community should continue to promote national unity, maintain social stability in the border areas, help forge a strong sense of the Chinese national community, and contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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