"China compound eye" landed in Chongqing, and asteroids within 150million kilometers can be observed


Recently, the people's Government of Yunyang County, Chongqing and the Chongqing innovation center of Beijing University of technology signed a comprehensive strategic cooperation agreement to jointly build an ultra large distributed aperture radar high-resolution deep space active observation facility project, realize the observation of asteroids and earth like planets hundreds of millions of kilometers away, and expand the boundary of human deep space observation. Beijing University of technology will take the lead in developing the deep space exploration radar "China compound eye" in Chongqing, which can observe asteroids within 150million kilometers, and will observe near earth / main belt asteroids, the moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, etc. with high resolution. Why should we keep a close eye on these "asteroids"? Long Teng, academician of the Chinese Academy of engineering and President of Beijing University of technology, explained that asteroid impact has always threatened the safety of the earth and human beings, and has been highly concerned by all countries. "China compound eye" can meet the major national needs of near Earth Asteroid defense, space situational awareness and so on. Longteng revealed that the national defense science, technology and industry administration has set up a project to launch an aircraft to hit an asteroid in 2025, so that it can change its course. In addition, the Earth Moon space is the Xinjiang region that mankind will explore in the future. In order to see the situation between the Earth Moon space, we also need to develop large-scale radars. It is understood that the project is divided into three phases. The first phase is the "distributed radar astroimager verification test site", and four 16 meter radars are built to verify the technical feasibility and have the ability to observe the moon. At present, the infrastructure construction has been completed in Liangjiang New Area of Chongqing, and the installation and commissioning are under way. The second phase of the "ultra large distributed aperture radar high-resolution deep airspace active observation facility" project signed this time is located in Yunyang, and 25 radars with a diameter of 20 meters will be built, which can realize asteroid detection and imaging thousands of kilometers away. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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