Jiangmen: innovative service for retired servicemen, and many jobs have become the first in China and the province


A few days ago, the "go grassroots, go barracks, go red footprints" organized by the Department of retired military affairs of Guangdong Province - the second stop of the central, provincial and municipal media popularity walk into Jiangmen. In recent years, Jiangmen City has actively innovated the service for retired soldiers in combination with the actual situation, and a number of work has become the first in the country and the province. The province's first service station for retired servicemen and the Ministry of armed forces Walking into the retired servicemen Service Station in Baisha street, Pengjiang district, Jiangmen City, the reporter saw a spacious and bright office hall, a calligraphy and painting room full of retired servicemen's calligraphy works, and the establishment of different functional sites to create a "warm home" for retired servicemen. In the military civilian cooperation functional area, the reporter found that the service station provides "full life and full link" one-stop services for ex servicemen from "enlistment, service, retirement, employment, preferential care, preferential treatment and after death". "Before the organization was integrated, the service chain was not coherent. Now, after our integration, our department will carry out docking from enlistment to behind, and the internal work will be more smooth." Chenzhenxian, Vice Minister of the Armed Forces Department of Baisha street, Pengjiang district, Jiangmen City, and head of the Veterans Service Station, said. It is understood that since last year, Jiangmen has adhered to the joint efforts of the military and the local government. The province's first town (street) veterans' service station has co operated with the grass-roots Armed Forces Department, and has taken the lead in establishing 100% of the town (street) Party (industry) committee's leading group for veterans' affairs. The service station integrates the Ministry of armed forces and the service station for retired soldiers into a service organization, which realizes the whole chain tracking service for retired soldiers and greatly improves the service efficiency. In addition, the Baisha Street veterans' service station is equipped with 4 full-time staff. Taking the service station as the point, it drives 42 communities under its jurisdiction to implement the work of policy publicity, visiting and consolation, information collection, letters and visits, employment and entrepreneurship guidance for veterans within its jurisdiction. It is reported that since 2020, more than 480000 yuan has been provided for 256 retired servicemen to solve three difficulties and major medical assistance; Among the veterans with difficulties, one or n veterans' Party members paired up to help one or n veterans with difficulties, formulated and implemented support policies, and implemented "one-to-one" whole process tracking services. The first city in China with full coverage of insurance services for veterans over the age of 80 "There are many anti Japanese War veterans living in rural areas in Jiangmen. Some of them are lonely old people who have no relatives to take care of. Their living conditions are relatively difficult." Talking about the reasons for setting up special insurance for retired soldiers over 80 years old (living alone) in Jiangmen, luojunjie, the ideological and political work and rights protection section of Jiangmen retired military affairs bureau, told reporters. According to statistics, there are more than 7000 retired soldiers over the age of 80 in Jiangmen. In order to care for the elderly veterans, starting from 2020, Jiangmen has allocated a special fund of 400000 yuan each year to set up an exclusive insurance project for the city's veterans over the age of 80, creating the first city in China with full coverage of insurance services for veterans over the age of 80. Luojunjie introduced that the exclusive insurance for veterans over the age of 80 is an exclusive insurance designed by the government to enable elderly veterans to have a comfortable old age. This insurance covers the exclusive insurance for a variety of items such as inpatient medical treatment, inpatient fixed payment allowance, disability protection and accidental death. There is no need for veterans to pay and activate. As long as they reach the age of 80, it will be automatically included in the insurance coverage. In addition, the exclusive insurance also sets up an exclusive diversified care and protection value-added service, and special social work institutions provide the insured with in-hospital care, death burial, door-to-door care, holiday care and other projects. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Li Jialang    Responsible editor:Mu Mu


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