Worried about preparing for the test at home? One of the following psychological adjustment methods is always suitable for you


This year, affected by the COVID-19, some candidates in Beijing, Shanghai and other places had to stay at home to prepare for the college entrance examination, which posed a great challenge to the psychological state of students and parents. Cuiyonghua, director of the psychiatry department of Beijing Children's Hospital, said in an interview with the reporter of China Youth Daily · China youth.com that during the period of preparing for the exam at home, changes in learning and lifestyle will have a certain psychological impact on students and increase their anxiety. In addition, during the stay at home period, parents' emotions may also become worse, and they may complain about their children's poor attention and poor learning. These negative emotions of parents will also affect their children. Wangjisheng, a researcher at the Institute of psychology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, found that among the 20 factors that affect the success of the exam, the first one is the examinee's psychological state during the exam, the second is the examinee's psychological state before the exam, the third is the learning method, and the fourth is the learning foundation. Cuiyonghua told Zhongqing daily · zhongqing.com that experimental studies have shown that the average IQ of a group of children is 105 when they are in good mood, but it will drop to 91 when they are nervous. Facing the college entrance examination and high school entrance examination, most candidates and their parents will be anxious. Cuiyonghua pointed out that anxiety is actually a normal emotion. Students keep their anxiety to a moderate level, and their learning efficiency is the highest, because moderate anxiety will fully mobilize their learning enthusiasm and potential. Only when anxiety becomes serious will learning be hindered. Children with severe anxiety will show muscle tension, shaking hands, rapid heartbeat, even panic, sweating, cold hands and feet, and inability to concentrate. Attention is the most important cognitive function in learning. If attention is not focused, it will seriously affect learning. These methods can increase the confidence of examinees in a short time What should I do if I have serious anxiety and can't concentrate during the test preparation at home? Cuiyonghua said that first of all, we should help children build confidence. "It is difficult to win a battle without confidence." In psychology, confidence is the continuous accumulation of a sense of achievement. Cuiyonghua said, "it's not that you can make your child confident. Parents often complain that your child is not confident and tell your child to be confident. In fact, it's not that he doesn't want to be confident. No one doesn't want to be confident. It's that he can't do it." Cuiyonghua stressed: "at ordinary times, children should feel that they are becoming more and more competent and better. If they accumulate more of this feeling, they will be confident." How to quickly improve children's confidence? Cuiyonghua provided some methods: draw a hand with five fingers stretched out on a piece of white paper, and write down a learning advantage on each finger, such as solid foundation, quick response, good memory, etc. The letter V formed by two adjacent fingers is the abbreviation of "victory", and the finger joints also have the intention of growing higher and higher. These potential psychological hints are helpful to increase confidence. Cuiyonghua also listed some sentences that students should complete: what is the most effective way to decompress? Which exam did I most admire? What is the most sure subject of the college entrance examination (high school entrance examination)? What is the most well prepared subject for the college entrance examination? What is the subject that has made the most progress? What is the most confident point? Cuiyonghua suggests that you recite the answers to these questions more than three times a day. In the process of review, learn to do "addition". Students can often ask themselves, what new content have they mastered every day? What's the new inspiration? Before going to bed, I summarized the gains of the day. When I woke up in the morning, I told myself that a new day would begin again. After taking a rest, I was full of energy and confidence. I believe I will gain more today and cheer myself on. When reviewing, you can also do "subtraction" appropriately. Every day, each subject timely summarizes "I have eliminated another weak link" and "I have eliminated another hidden danger", which can continuously increase confidence. The process of strengthening self-confidence is also conducive to maintaining positive emotions. The key to relieving anxiety is to do well what can be controlled For those anxiety emotions that cannot be eliminated, cuiyonghua said that the reason why anxiety exists is because he feels uncertain factors, does not know what will happen next, and has no sense of security. How to increase the sense of security? Cuiyonghua said that it is the most important step to do well what can be controlled and let go of what cannot be controlled. The things that can be controlled include: regular daily work and rest, and living a full life every day. "When you really live a regular and fulfilling life, you will find that your anxiety is much lighter." In the process of psychological crisis intervention, this method is called "stabilization technology". When life enters a stable state, psychology can gradually become stable. Cuiyonghua stressed that there must be an hour of relaxation every day, as long as it is a method that does not affect others. Listening to music, keeping a diary, exercising, and talking to friends are all easy at home. Among them, cuiyonghua focuses on two methods. First, write down bad emotions every day. When you need to talk about your bad mood, you can choose to write it down, and you can also record your good mood. The process of recording is a process of reflection, which can also exercise writing ability and thinking ability. Cuiyonghua said that this method can be completed at home. There are only advantages but no disadvantages. If you persist in it for a week, you can see the effect. Second, eat some food that is helpful for psychological decompression and emotional regulation. The first is fish, because omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil have similar effects with commonly used antidepressants such as lithium carbonate. The alkaloids in bananas can boost spirits and confidence. Grapefruit contains a high amount of vitamin C, which is the raw material for making dopamine, which is called "happiness hormone". In addition, whole wheat bread, spinach, cherry and pumpkin are also recommended foods. Self relaxation training can make people fall asleep quickly Candidates often have trouble sleeping during the test preparation period. Some candidates even have insomnia the day before the test, which aggravates their anxiety. Therefore, cuiyonghua introduced a relaxation method commonly used in psychotherapy. This method can make people relax in a short time and help them fall asleep. First of all, you should find the most comfortable position. You can sit down, lie down and lie prone. Second, let the mind follow the current. A normal breath is when gas enters the respiratory tract from the nose to the lungs, where it is exchanged, and then comes out in the opposite direction. Thinking follows the airflow refers to the process that the brain follows the breath and thinks about the gas entering the body and coming out. Cuiyonghua said that, in fact, it was originally intended to make the relaxed mind think nothing, but this is difficult to achieve. The more you say not to think, the more you think. You must give your mind a task. Finally, use your nose to feel the temperature difference between the incoming and outgoing gases. Generally, indoor, the temperature of the air sucked in by the nose is below 30 ℃, which is lower than the body temperature. After the exhaled gas is heated by the body, it approaches the body temperature. The nasal wing is very sensitive. When the nasal wing can feel the temperature difference, people will enter a relaxed state. Cuiyonghua introduced that some studies have shown that doing the above-mentioned relaxation training for 15 minutes is equivalent to sleeping for two hours. When the examinee is nervous, for example, his brain is blank after entering the examination room, he can also use this method to relax quickly. Parents' emotional stability is the most important social support Cuiyonghua stressed that the most important social support for children is to keep their parents' emotions stable, ensure family harmony, and create a warm and quiet family atmosphere during their children's test preparation, especially at home. In addition, parents should set an example. When children study hard, parents had better not brush their mobile phones, play games, chat with friends, etc. No matter where they are, whether they are with their children or not, parents should work hard to do things. They can read books, work and do housework. Cuiyonghua said: "this method conveys a spirit of life, letting children know that they need to work hard at any time, and this state of effort will give children motivation, and he will feel that the whole family is working hard." Parents also need to learn to accept their children's emotions. When parents see that their children don't want to study and don't pay attention, they need to realize that it may be the child's inability to do it, rather than his unwillingness to do it. Maybe his mood needs to be adjusted during this period of time. Cuiyonghua stressed: "at this time, parents must think that every child wants to be excellent. Maslow's psychological needs theory tells us that no one doesn't want to be excellent. If a child doesn't do what we expect, most of them are because he is unable to do it, rather than unwilling to do it." "So parents must keep in mind that every child wants to be better and better. When we use this concept to examine children's behavior, we will reduce a lot of negative emotions." Cuiyonghua said. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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