The South Korean military said North Korea fired three ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula


South Korea's joint staff headquarters said on the 25th that North Korea launched three ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean peninsula that day. The South Korean Joint Staff Headquarters sent a message to the media on the same day that the three missiles were launched from the Shunan area of Pyongyang, North Korea, at 6:00 local time (5:00 Beijing time), 6:37 and 6:42. The text message did not mention more specific information. According to Yonhap, the South Korean military is analyzing the range and altitude of the three missiles. According to the South Korean presidential palace, South Korean President Yin Xiyue presided over a national security meeting at 7:30 on the same day to discuss North Korea's missile launch. Since this month, the South Korean military has said on the 4th, 7th and 12th that North Korea has launched a ballistic missile, a short-range ballistic missile suspected to be a submarine launched ballistic missile and three short-range ballistic missiles into the eastern waters of the Korean Peninsula. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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