The space breeding experiment of six Inner Mongolia grass seeds launched after the seeds of shen13 spacecraft were released from the cabin


The reporter learned from the Biotechnology Research Institute of Inner Mongolia Academy of science and technology on the 22nd that 12000 crop seeds carried by Shenzhou 13 have successfully left the cabin, and the scientific research institutions participating in the germplasm resources carried by Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft have successively started experimental experiments. It is reported that in the key technology verification stage of China's space station, all previous missions have arranged space breeding experimental projects, and brought back thousands of crop seeds, microbial strains and other space breeding materials from 88 units through the return capsule of Shenzhou 12 and Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft. Last year, the germplasm resources of Grassland Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Inner Mongolia University, Inner Mongolia Academy of agricultural and animal husbandry Sciences, Mongolian grass ecological research team and other units were approved to carry Shenzhou 13 manned spacecraft. Recently, the space breeding experiment of six grass species in Mongolian grass ecology has been officially launched. Through the aerospace breeding industry innovation alliance, Mongolian grass ecology selected six grass species (50.5g in total) of wild barley and purple fescue according to the production demand. This is the second space breeding experiment of Mongolian grass ecology after six grass species returned with the space mutation of "Chang'e 5" in 2020. According to reports, mengcao scientific research team will determine the viability of the returned seeds in the next step. One third of the seeds will be stored in the long-term bank of local plant germplasm resources, and the rest will carry out breeding research. Select mutants with specific characters, create new germplasm with excellent characters such as stress resistance, wide adaptability and high yield, and cultivate new varieties. At present, the "chang'e-5" space breeding experiment carried out by mengcao ecology has completed phased work, including six grass varieties such as Daqingshan leek and Daqingshan fine leaf lily. The tissue culture, seedling raising and other propagation techniques have been studied, the callus and regenerated plants have been obtained, and the mutant plants have been screened through phenotypic traits, growth cycle and other indicators. The mutant plants of Daqingshan fine leaf lily with late flowering stage have been screened. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Huang Tianxin


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