Half a month before the exam, how to review and live?


The college entrance examination is a contest of self breakthrough. A good attitude is essential. In the whole exam process, we need to properly handle the following key links with an ordinary mind. Self protection: one move Compared with previous high school students, the 2022 high school students were frequently disturbed by the epidemic. We have accumulated some experience in self-protection, but we still can't be careless. We should strive to do a good job in "one quiet move". "Quiet" means to be at a standstill from now until the end of the college entrance examination. In principle, it is not allowed to move across regions. Try to avoid going to places where people gather and contact with foreign personnel. To ensure "two points and one line", qualified medical masks must be worn when leaving school and home. "Move" means to do a good job in health monitoring from now on to the end of the college entrance examination. Including measuring your temperature twice a day to see if you have a fever and so on. Regularly participate in the nucleic acid test organized by the school. In addition, pay attention to whether there are symptoms of diarrhea, fatigue, sore throat, dry cough, taste and smell. Once these abnormal changes occur, you must go to a regular hospital quickly. Knowledge introduction: the sea tactics are no longer effective In the last half month's review, we strengthened the "five re" work in the knowledge strategy: revisiting the basic knowledge, reviewing the textbook knowledge, reviewing the key methods, reviewing the typical examples, and retraining the special questions. In the specific implementation, strive to: Basic. In the later review, we should focus on the curriculum standards, basic concepts, basic principles and basic ideas of the discipline. Around these elements, take the method of thinking while writing to refine the examination points. You can also review the knowledge clues with the help of the textbook catalogue, read the unclear parts carefully, and comb them again after reading a section, a chapter and a book. Reflective. In the late stage of review, the sea of questions tactics are no longer effective, but some students are still blindly doing questions. As a result, although they do many questions, they always lose points in the same knowledge point or the same type of questions. The reason is that they do not pay attention to the summary of typical examples, do not sort out the wrong questions, and do not reflect on their own wrong questions. As everyone knows, losing points is actually increasing points. In the later review, we should pay attention to the use of pens with different colors to circle and annotate the homework, strengthen the reflection after problem solving, and archive the typical exercises. Strategic. Specifically, we should improve examination skills and strengthen the awareness of total score. In the examination, the questions that can be done should be seen completely, clearly and carefully, and try to get high scores; We should learn to find key information and key words for the topics of the non plenary session, find the reasons for the results, and strive to score step by step; Understand the scoring standard, the basic rules of marking and the detailed rules of scoring and deduction. Living arrangements: keep six things in mind In the last ten days of college entrance examination review, many students are in a state of high tension, and the candidates' living arrangements are becoming more and more important. There are six things to remember: First, actively adjust the biological clock to make your "excitement point" perfectly match the time of all subjects in the college entrance examination. Second, combine work and rest. It is best to take a lunch break, which should not exceed half an hour. Third, refuse electronic products before going to bed and drink a small cup of hot milk to help sleep. Fourth, a reasonable diet, balanced nutrition, light cooking, fat should not be too high, do not eat drugs and caffeinated food or drinks to "refresh your mind". Fifth, appropriate outdoor sports, such as doing exercises, walking, etc. Sixth, at present, the weather changes greatly. Candidates should pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothes with the change of temperature. Psychological adjustment: reduce psychological expectation The closer it is to the college entrance examination, the greater the psychological pressure of candidates will be. Timely adjustment of mentality is the magic weapon to successfully meet and win the college entrance examination. First, strengthen self-confidence. Confidence is a kind of faith and a kind of will. If we are full of confidence in one thing, we can't feel fear. In fact, sometimes it is not that candidates are not good enough, but lack confidence in themselves. They often pay attention to their shortcomings and deficiencies. Once the shortcomings are amplified, over time, people will naturally lose self-confidence and generate self doubt, which is very unfavorable to the performance of the exam. Second, self decompression. Before the exam, some people are worried about their poor performance in the college entrance examination, their failure in the ideal university, and their failure in the college entrance examination. Sorry for the hard cultivation of their parents and teachers, the more they think, the greater the pressure they will have on themselves. The correct way to reduce pressure is to reduce your psychological expectations and treat the exam with an ordinary mind. The college entrance examination is very important, but not all. It is enough to give full play to your due level without regret. Third, positive suggestion. Never underestimate the impact of psychological cues on a person. Positive psychological cues can enhance a person's self-confidence and be more conducive to the development of competitive level; The test will only increase the negative thoughts and disturb the psychology. If you encounter a problem that you can't solve when doing the problem, you can tell yourself: this problem is so difficult that not many people can solve it. Therefore, I don't have to waste my time on such a difficult problem. I should practice other problems more to improve my answer speed and accuracy. Fourth, master the adjustment method. Before entering the exam, if you are still nervous, hum a few pop songs, take a few deep breaths, think about something that has nothing to do with the exam but makes you happy, actively participate in the conversation and laughter among students, divert attention and dilute the tension. After entering the examination room, you don't have to pay attention to other people's expressions and reactions, sit well in your seat, focus on a point in front of the classroom, stare for about 1 minute, and don't think about anything to stabilize your mood. If you feel nervous in the process of answering questions, first stop writing, sit upright naturally, gently close your eyes, put your hands flat on the table, take a deep breath, tighten your fists and muscles of your whole body, then exhale slowly, relax your muscles, and continue to answer questions after your mood is stable. In short, what I want to tell you is that the college entrance examination is an unforgettable experience and a valuable asset of a lifetime. Please remember: full of confidence before the exam, write like God; Rest and meditate more, and keep your energy and spirit well; Thinking must be careful, both physically and mentally absorbed; Answer questions carefully, gather essence and be divine. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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