Many real estate relief policies were accelerated during the May Day holiday


In May, local real estate rescue policies were accelerated. According to the statistics of the reporter of the securities times, during the May Day holiday, Meizhou, Lianyungang, Wuxi, Yueyang, Xuzhou and Ganzhou issued or implemented the new policy of stabilizing real estate, including reducing the down payment ratio of house purchase, changing the exemption period of value-added tax of second-hand houses from "5 to 2", reducing the mortgage interest rate, relaxing the restrictions on sales, preferential deed tax, house purchase subsidies, increasing the maximum amount of provident fund loans, reducing the land auction deposit, land transfer fee installment and many other measures. Industry insiders expect that with the latest setting of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, all localities will more actively follow up substantive relaxation to stimulate residents' house purchase consumption, and local governments will also actively follow up and support enterprises' reasonable financing needs and optimize the supervision of pre-sale funds. Recently, Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of housing and urban rural development, Xuzhou Municipal Bureau of assets and planning, Xuzhou central sub branch of the people's Bank of China and other relevant departments held a working meeting on the resumption of work and production and relief of the real estate industry, and put forward specific measures from the aspects of scientific implementation of land supply, increasing credit financing support, optimizing the market business environment, supporting reasonable housing demand, adjusting the use policy of provident fund, etc. Among them, the measures to support house purchase include: reducing the housing loan interest rate; Encourage financial institutions to reduce the down payment ratio for the first house purchase without housing and loan and the second house with housing and no loan; The transfer of newly purchased commercial houses with an area of more than 144 square meters is not restricted; The subsidy policy for talent purchase continues the provisions of the implementation plan of Xuzhou "555" talent introduction project. The measures to bail out real estate enterprises include: increasing support for project loans and M & A loans, actively extending and renewing loans to troubled enterprises, so as to effectively alleviate the financial pressure of development enterprises; The bidding deposit for the land sold by listing shall be adjusted from 100% to 50% according to the starting price of land listing; Optimize the withdrawal node of commercial housing pre-sale supervision funds, and adjust the original withdrawal of key supervision funds by pre-sale batch to withdrawal of key supervision funds by building; Pilot commercial housing pre-sale supervision funds using bank guarantee, etc. In addition, Meizhou, Lianyungang and Yueyang have also introduced a number of measures to stabilize real estate. Among them, Meizhou made it clear to reduce the down payment proportion of the second set of housing provident fund to 20%. Lianyungang has made it clear that the down payment ratio of the first suite is 20%. Yueyang proposed that if the buyer signs the online contract in the urban area and pays the deed tax within one month, the buyer will be subsidized according to 50% of the paid deed tax; If you buy the first house in the urban area, sign the online contract and complete the deed tax payment, you will be given a house purchase subsidy of 10000 yuan per set. In addition, Wuxi also changed the exemption period of second-hand housing value-added tax from 5 years to 2 years. Ganzhou raised the maximum amount of provident fund loans to 600000. If the provident fund is withdrawn from the first provident fund loan or house purchase, the proportion of down payment will be reduced to 20%; Ganzhou branch of China Construction Bank proposed that the interest rate of the first house loan be reduced to 5.2% and that of the second house to 5.35%; The age of home buyers is relaxed to 70; The proportion of down payment shall be adjusted to the minimum proportion specified in national policies. On April 29, the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee held a meeting to release a more positive signal of stabilizing real estate. The meeting stressed the need to adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living rather than speculation, support all localities to improve real estate policies based on local conditions, support rigid and improved housing demand, and optimize the supervision of commercial housing pre-sale funds. Yihan think tank believes that the role of the Politburo meeting is to set the tone for the easing of real estate policy. In the past week, the real estate policy has shown a blowout trend, and the strength and scope have reached the first peak. The policy is mainly relaxed on the demand side, while there is also positive progress on the supply side. It is expected that next, all localities will follow up the substantive relaxation more actively, especially in terms of loan restrictions, so as to effectively improve the payment ability of home buyers, especially the group of home buyers; Local governments will also actively follow up policies to support enterprises' reasonable financing needs and optimize the supervision of pre-sale funds. Ding Zuyu, executive director of Shanghai E-House Real Estate Research Institute, predicts that with the latest setting of the meeting of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, all localities will be supported to improve real estate policies based on local conditions. Under the framework of one city and one policy, the control policies of core first and second tier cities may be moderately unbound, but the purchase restriction policy is difficult to withdraw completely; Weak second tier and third and fourth tier cities will accelerate the follow-up and relax regulation, and launch a combination of market rescue policies to stimulate residents' house purchase consumption, including the complete cancellation of purchase restrictions and the relaxation of loan restrictions. In particular, the down payment ratio of second homes should be reduced in order to effectively activate relatively abundant and improved house purchase consumption. At the level of rescuing real estate enterprises, Ding Zuyu suggested to resolve the debt risk of enterprises and restore the "hematopoietic" function of enterprise operation, so as to stabilize market confidence. For example, lower the pre-sale threshold, speed up the approval of pre-sale certificates, reasonably extend the project delivery period, and ensure the early recovery of enterprise operation; Lower the threshold of land auction, reduce the proportion of land bidding deposit, pay the land transfer fee by stages, especially reduce the land price and improve the profit expectation of enterprise development. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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