How to deeply integrate education with the meta universe


Recently, a policy report entitled a whole new world: education meets the metaverse was released by the Brookings Institution. The report points out that the digital concept of the meta universe is getting closer and closer, and it will soon be everywhere. Education is an important application field of the meta universe, and the educational meta universe will also enter people's life in the next 5 to 10 years. At this critical point in time, education practitioners need to learn from web2 We should draw lessons from the research and development of educational application software in the era of 0, seize the opportunity and layout in advance, actively guide the development of digital technology, and effectively avoid the passive situation of lagging behind technology. The report also highlights that learning science can provide guidance and guidance for the product research and development of educational meta universe, endow educational meta universe with real educational significance, and promote the deep integration of education and meta universe. 1. Draw lessons from the research and development of educational application software In 1997, Nokia 6110 took the lead in launching the first mobile application software called "snake" game. Since then, with the advent of the iPhone smartphone in 2007, the mobile application software market began to flourish, especially after the iPad went on sale in 2010. The report's education research team pointed out that when they first tried to write a set of guidelines for educational application software development in 2015, the application software market was already full of more than 80000 so-called "educational" applications. However, most of them are developed for mobile phones or tablet devices used by adults, rather than aiming to provide opportunities for educational activities for students. Even now, application software developers have casually dubbed their products "education", even though these application software products are only weakly related to student education in the eyes of many education researchers. Moreover, behind their research and development, there is no research support on how students learn. Previously, the education research team of the report had tried to summarize a set of guidelines for the development of high-quality education application software from the research on how students learn. In 2021, the team began to review educational applications with high downloads on platforms such as Google play and Apple App Store Based on this criterion to examine the compliance of those educational applications for students with the criterion. Sadly, those educational applications didn't fit the team's expectations. Among the paid education applications for students with a high number of downloads, only 7 received high quality ratings, and 50% were low quality ratings. The quality rating of free education applications is even worse. The team believes that the important reason for this situation is that there is no communication and cooperation between the R & D personnel of "education" application software and the educational researchers who study how students learn. When a large number of educational applications are developed and begin to become a major learning carrier for students, researchers in the field of education begin to participate, which has a certain lag. To this end, the team called on relevant groups to seriously reflect and summarize the experience and lessons of educational application software research and development, avoid repeating the mistakes, and lay out high-quality educational meta universe products in advance for joint cooperation, given that the meta universe infrastructure is still under construction. 2. Define the education meta universe The report points out that at present, the "meta universe" is still a concept of continuous development and evolution, and there are many definitions of "meta universe" in the technical community, which are constantly improving and enriching. But generally speaking, the essence of meta universe is the "third space-time" of the integration of virtual and reality. This digital technology is Web3 The core product of the 0 era. Its technology base mainly includes artificial intelligence, digital twins, blockchain, cloud computing, extended reality (including virtual reality, augmented reality and hybrid reality), robot, brain computer interface, 5g network, etc. At present, metauniverse has been applied in many fields, and derived industrial ecology such as government metauniverse, tourism metauniverse, sports metauniverse, cinema metauniverse, exhibition metauniverse and game metauniverse. There is no doubt that education is also in the territory of meta cosmic industrial ecology. According to the report, as the integration form of meta universe technology and student education, edu metauniverse refers to students' educational activities, especially playful learning, in the scene of virtual reality integration created by using meta universe technology. To this end, the report also suggests that educational researchers who study how students learn urgently need to think seriously at this moment, and maintain a specific path of communication and cooperation with the R & D personnel of educational meta universe products, so as to ensure that the upcoming educational meta universe products are of high quality and can gain education. 3. Review Learning Science Although learning research has always been the core task of pedagogy and psychology, the term "learning science" began to be officially used with the establishment of the Journal of learning science in 1991. In 1999, the Research Report "how people learn" released by the National Research Council formally established its interdisciplinary status of pedagogy and psychology. Since then, learning science began to mature and perfect. Based on many empirical research findings, on the issue of "what to learn", learning science gradually defines the 6C skill combination that students need to learn to succeed in the 21st century. First, learning collaboration. Cooperation and cooperation, in essence, is to promote the common growth of interpersonal communication, it is the core of students' learning. Second, learn communication. Communication based on cooperation and interpersonal communication, including listening, speaking, reading and writing, is very important in students' daily study and life. Cooperation and communication are also the basis of all subsequent skills. Third, learn the substantive content. It not only refers to the knowledge content of reading, mathematics, science, society and other disciplines, but also includes the executive function of "learning how to learn" which can support students' knowledge learning. Obviously, only when students establish the skills of cooperation and communication can they be ready to master the substance and study at a higher level. Fourth, learn critical thinking. It is usually developed after cooperation, communication and substance, because only after mastering the substance can students begin to think critically about what they have learned. Fifth, learn creative innovation. As the fusion product of substantive content and critical thinking, creative innovation can enable students to use the known to create new things and formulate innovative problem solutions. Sixth, learn self-knowledge and confidence. It is closely related to "Hony". It is defined as "perseverance and enthusiasm for long-term goals" and "growth thinking" who believes that their ability can be continuously improved. Students who are full of self-knowledge and confidence in their abilities will show perseverance and flexibility, even in the event of failure. As the last skill in the 6C skill portfolio, self-knowledge and self-confidence can also help students integrate and use their cooperation, communication, substance, critical thinking and creative innovation skills to break through the boundaries of their learning. On the issue of "how to learn", learning science also summarizes six learning principles. First, learn actively. Learning should be active, not passive; Students can learn better in the state of "hands and brains". Second, focus on learning. In the process of learning, it is very important to restrain distraction, concentrate and focus on learning tasks. Third, meaning driven geoscience. On the one hand, learning is not completely from scratch. It should be effectively connected with the knowledge content that students have known in the past. On the other hand, learning also needs to transfer and apply knowledge, make rational use of known knowledge, solve new problems and complete new tasks. Fourth, social interaction geoscience. People can learn better from others. Students should be encouraged to learn in social interaction rather than learning alone. Fifth, iterative renewal geoscience. Learning is not immutable. Students should be encouraged to achieve learning goals through a variety of different paths or try different learning experiences in similar learning activities. Sixth, learn happily and interestingly. The learning experience should be happy and interesting rather than boring. Students will learn better when they feel the internal motivation of joy. In addition, learning science also points out that game learning with clear learning objectives is a better learning form to learn 6C skill combination and effectively practice the above six learning principles. The report believes that the principle of how students learn is relatively stable, whether in the classroom, in the community, or in the educational meta universe scene. Therefore, learning science can provide a guiding list for the product research and development of educational metauniverse. 4. When education meets learning science The report further points out that under the guidance of learning science, the core goal of educational meta universe product research and development should be determined as designing a game based learning scene with clear learning objectives, promoting students' learning cooperation and cooperation, communication, substantive content, critical thinking, creative innovation and self-confidence, and carrying out proactive, focused, meaning driven, social interaction, iterative update and happy and interesting learning. Obviously, the teaching in fun scene created by the educational meta universe is not difficult to enable students to actively, iteratively and interestingly learn through "hands and brains" exploration and experience in a new environment they have never visited. In addition, the existing empirical research on learning science shows that the educational meta universe will have rare advantages, especially in the following two aspects. First, in the study of essence and meaning driven learning. A 2012 study found that compared with traditional classroom teaching, 6-8-year-old students learn better about physical subjects such as force and sports in augmented reality game scenes. A 2016 research review also concluded that students can transfer the knowledge they learned from the virtual world to the real world. Second, in learning critical thinking and creative innovation. An analysis of game based learning in 2016 found that most studies on game based learning mainly focused on its impact on critical thinking, and these research results pointed out that game based learning can significantly improve students' critical thinking. A study in 2021 showed that games can indirectly cultivate students' creativity and problem-solving ability by encouraging students' curiosity and exploration behavior. At the same time, the relevant empirical research of learning science also shows that the educational metauniverse will face challenges in cooperation and social interaction. Many studies have shown that the interaction between infants and adults and synchronous brain activity can have an important impact on infants' brain development and early learning. A paper published in 2021 pointed out that the synchronous activity of the brain in interpersonal interaction is also important for older children. In the science class of primary school, when the brain of teachers and students

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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