Clean up the unreasonable entrance threshold: reiterate "education without discrimination"


It is reported that recently, the Ministry of education has made arrangements for the enrollment of primary and secondary schools. All localities are required to further standardize the collection of registration information in accordance with the principles of unnecessary provision of materials and unnecessary collection of information. We will comprehensively clean up and abolish unnecessary proof materials such as pre-school education experience, family planning certificate and certificate of exceeding normal school age. It is strictly prohibited to collect the position and income information of students' parents, and it is not allowed to use various apps and applets to collect students' relevant information at will and repeatedly. In order to effectively protect the equal right to education of every school-age child, we must "teach without discrimination" and cancel the unreasonable entrance threshold, so as not to create artificial obstacles for school-age children to enter school. Moreover, the fairness of the starting point of education should be emphasized, and the fairness of the educational process should also be paid attention to. Every school should treat every enrolled student equally, and can not treat them differently according to the economic status of students' families and the position of their parents. The law of the people's Republic of China on compulsory education clearly stipulates that all school-age children and adolescents with the nationality of the people's Republic of China, regardless of gender, nationality, race, family property status, religious belief, etc., shall enjoy the equal right to receive compulsory education and fulfill the obligation to receive compulsory education according to law. However, from a realistic perspective, there are different levels of setting up the entrance threshold in various locality, and the "five certificates" and "six certificates" requirements are put forward, such as the absence of guardianship conditions in the place where the registered residence is registered, the valid residence (temporary) residence permit of the parents or guardians of the school age, the illegal birth certificate that is registered at the domicile of the registered residence, etc. Handling and collecting these certificates not only adds a lot of burden to the families of educated students, but also objectively results in blocking some school-age children out of school. No matter from which perspective, it is very necessary to clean up unreasonable and unnecessary supporting materials. However, there is only one regulation, or it is difficult to achieve the full elimination of unnecessary proof requirements. Some places set the entrance threshold, especially for the accompanying children of migrant workers in cities, and there are also some "practical considerations". That is, the guarantee of compulsory education resources is mainly provided by the local government. The result of reducing the entry threshold is naturally that more migrant children enter school, which will increase local financial expenditure. However, this contradicts the spirit of the national public education policy. This year's report on the allocation of permanent resident population and education resources puts forward a clear basis. This is an important measure to ensure the equal right to education of migrant children in cities, and the implementation of this measure is subject to the current compulsory education fund guarantee mechanism. At present, the salary of teachers in China's compulsory education funds is still mainly guaranteed by the county and city finance, and the public funds per student are shared by the provincial finance and the central finance. The appropriate way to ensure the equal right to education of migrant children without increasing the financial expenditure pressure of the inflow local government is "funds go with students (student status)". According to the current funding guarantee mechanism for compulsory education, there is no problem in the flow of public funds per student within the province, but there are some obstacles in the flow across the province. The part borne by the provincial finance is difficult to flow out, and the part borne by the central finance can be directly allocated; As a major part of education expenditure, teachers' salary should be borne by the local government. To solve this problem, we need to strengthen the overall planning of compulsory education resources by provincial finance and strengthen the transfer payment of central finance. Prohibiting the collection of information about students' family economy and parents' positions involves how to promote the fairness of the educational process. At present, as the enrollment of schools in the stage of compulsory education requires the synchronization of public and private schools, computer lottery will be implemented when the number of applicants exceeds the enrollment plan. Therefore, in the enrollment stage, it is impossible for both public schools and private schools to "select students" according to the family economy and parents' positions. The purpose of collecting this information was to enable education departments and schools to carry out targeted education and assistance to students. However, the reality has evolved into that some school teachers "look at people's dishes" and "dislike the poor and love the rich" after mastering the basic information of students, which has aroused parents' doubts about this kind of information collection behavior. If schools and teachers do not understand the basic information of these families, it may lead to negligence in education and student management, such as failing to provide timely assistance to children from poor families. Therefore, the core of the problem is not whether to collect and master students' family information, but how to use this information, the purpose of the service and whether parents can implement effective supervision. In this regard, achieving "education without discrimination" and giving children a fair starting point for education and an equal experience in the educational process are inseparable from the guarantee of the system and the return of educators' school running philosophy. We will promote the reform of the resource guarantee mechanism for compulsory education, establish a modern school system, and create an environment for educators to run schools, so that every child can go to school, be more eager to study, and have the opportunity to shine in life. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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