Artificial intelligence and reading for the good


We should strengthen the guidance of socialist core values, strengthen education in patriotism, collectivism and socialism, develop public cultural undertakings, improve the public cultural service system, and constantly meet the diversified, multi-level and multifaceted spiritual and cultural needs of the people. This means that to promote common prosperity, we should promote the common prosperity of people's material life and spiritual life. The two are balanced, coordinated and unified. Reading has both material and spiritual value. On the one hand, from the perspective of material value, reading is an important way to obtain knowledge and information, and reading is very important to the formation of human capital. Reading is an indispensable link for many famous scholars and sages to talk about their growth experience. Reading has a strong individual experience, which can bring physical and mental pleasure to individuals, with significant consumption attributes. At the same time, it will also improve one's ability and labor market performance, and bring long-term economic returns. This is the truth of the old saying "there is a golden house in the book". Therefore, reading is also an important economic behavior and has its economic value. On the other hand, from the perspective of spiritual value, reading is the yardstick of the progress and openness of human society. In his book the history of reading, Steven Roger Fisher, an expert in the history of reading, pointed out that "all languages and cultures known in history can be continued only through reading". In order to promote and promote reading, the United Nations Educational, scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) issued a call to the world to "move towards a reading society" in 1972. All countries attach great importance to reading, regard reading as the basis for forming future international competitiveness, and have issued corresponding laws and regulations, such as the excellent reading act of the United States, the reading, books and libraries act of Spain, the reading culture Revitalization Act of South Korea, etc. As a country with a long reading tradition and profound reading heritage, China pays more attention to reading. Especially from 2014 to 2022, advocating "universal reading" has been written into the government work report for nine consecutive years. In 2017, the State Council also deliberated and adopted the regulations on promoting universal reading (Draft). The top-level design provides institutional guarantee for promoting national reading, and has produced certain results. According to the national reading survey, although the national reading level has maintained a good growth momentum in recent years, the data released by China digital reading report 2020 shows that the per capita e-book reading volume is 9.1 and the per capita paper book reading volume is 6.2, which is far lower than that of Israel, Germany, Japan and other countries. This is a question worth pondering. In fact, both knowledge dissemination networks and social networks are undergoing earth shaking changes. Under this background, the demand for reading in different types of societies is also changing, and this change involves the relationship between knowledge and people. With the advent of the era of artificial intelligence, many new reading modes emerge one after another. Cloud reading and "meta universe" reading based on virtual shared space scenes are new reading modes. It is a long way to go to achieve good reading and common prosperity by relying on new technology. In the process of transition to a modern intelligent society, several changes deserve attention. First, the change of communication mode makes in-depth reading more convenient. Different from traditional society, intelligent society can quickly realize the flexible switching between many to many communication and one-to-one communication. Compared with many to many exchanges, the content of one-to-one exchanges is more in-depth. Once the exchange parties find the knowledge intersection, they will "dig deep" on this point. The change of communication mode makes it easier for some hobby groups that may be relatively small to find like-minded partners, because it is more convenient to build a platform for in-depth reading and make participants have a sense of substitution. Second, the diversity of group attributes extends the reading breadth. The single connection based on community is gradually transformed into multiple connections based on diversified groups. Diversified group characteristics and multiple connections require communicators to identify with race, gender, religion and other levels and be interested in other groups, which can be realized before the communication behavior through the medium of book. Therefore, reading is the premise of diversified group communication. Third, managers' demand for reading will expand explosively. Weak social control and changeable and uncertain characteristics have brought new challenges to enterprise management and social governance, which means that managers can better carry out social management and knowledge management will be gradually strengthened only if they understand more communication modes and contents, understand the new attributes of various communication platforms, and understand the legal and moral norms behind the governance boundary. Fourth, internationalization and openness reduce the cost of readers and the communication threshold of readers. Networked organizations have intensified global integration and reduced the cost of external contacts. International exchanges can no longer require high transportation costs. A zoom conference can realize the interaction between well-known economists and thousands of ordinary students around the world; A Tencent video can realize the direct dialogue between the author and the reader. Technical tools make the original seemingly "unattainable" knowledge exchange more smooth. At the stage of more developed intelligence level, readers can realize the leap of "communication barrier" with the help of advanced modern means. Obviously, reading in advance is the most important way to achieve efficient interaction. In modern society, e-books are increasing and public libraries are increasing. The material cost of reading is almost negligible. Only a hundred years ago, "children from rich families can read" was still a common phenomenon, which is the "economic barrier" of reading. With the accumulation of human wealth and getting rid of poverty, the end of "economic fence" is just around the corner. The stratum problem will also be weakened with the full application of intelligent technology and the trend of internationalization and openness. Based on the above four points, the change of reading demand is also the concrete embodiment of the new change of social form driven by technology. Reducing reading costs, realizing reading sharing and realizing the leap of reading mode with high technology have become important ways to improve knowledge and skills, obtain wealth fairly, improve moral cultivation and enjoy spiritual senses. In such a situation, "science and technology for the good" and "reading for the good" are inseparable. In the process of artificial intelligence developing towards higher-end and deeper fields, "reading for the good" should become the original intention, principle and boundary of "science and technology for the good", and make greater contributions to the common prosperity at the material and spiritual levels. Specifically, we can realize the "reading for the good" based on "science and technology for the good" from the following four aspects. First, give better play to the role of the government in reading promotion. The absolute equalization of matter is unrealistic and unscientific. When the basic material needs are fully met, people's feelings of common prosperity should be more reflected in the sense of gain, sharing and happiness, so as to better realize common prosperity in the sense of equality, fairness and harmony. In the process of promoting the integrated construction of urban and rural public cultural service system and innovatively implementing the cultural benefit project, we should use high-tech means to emphasize the value of reading and create a reading atmosphere. Take advantage of financial and tax policies to reduce reading costs, improve the accessibility of reading objects, create a good reading environment and give correct value guidance, so as to make reading good books a fashion. We will introduce more policies to support people's reading and truly transform the task of advocating people's reading from the words in the government work report into people's spontaneous behavior. Second, carry out various forms of new reading with the help of intelligent tools. Improve the specialization, pertinence and inclusiveness of reading promotion, build an electronic library with the help of "Ai +" technology, improve the digital level of existing libraries, create "meta universe" reading scenes in each block, improve reading convenience and realize multi sensory experience. At the same time, we should accelerate the dissemination of high-quality books with the help of new technologies, realize the rapid switching between shallow reading and deep reading with the help of new communication platforms, and truly eliminate the "stratum barrier" of reading on the basis of protecting the author's intellectual property rights. Third, take advantage of artificial intelligence system to scientifically build personal reading list. Combined with modern psychological evaluation system and human resources evaluation system, develop a good reading list suitable for different needs, correct values and appropriate difficulty. Make full use of big data systems including libraries and video and audio platforms to push web book lists and mobile book lists, so as to improve reading efficiency and quality. In addition, you can also intelligently develop medium and long-term reading plans that can meet personal needs according to the life cycle, academic or career advancement process. Fourth, explore the "reading point bank" in combination with the lifelong education learning achievement transformation and certification system. Promote the integration of "good reading" with high-level human capital investment and high-quality development, and establish a unified and perfect lifelong learning platform. Standardize reading content, actively develop online book contribution activities, and improve the interactive and immersive reading experience of online, offline and virtual book club scenes. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang Huiqun    Responsible editor:Luo Meihua

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