Vocational colleges should cultivate five key abilities


The establishment of vocational education as a "type education" has opened a channel for the development of vocational undergraduate education, marking the opening of the "high-speed railway" of vocational undergraduate education at the national level. How to drive this "high-speed railway" well, vocational undergraduate schools should cultivate five key abilities. Grasp the guidance and improve the decision-making power of "accurate positioning" Vocational undergraduate education is based on the needs of industrial development. It is the product that ordinary undergraduate education can not meet the "professional" needs of the industry and higher vocational college education can not meet the "high-level" requirements of high technology and high skills. Vocational undergraduate schools must firmly grasp this premise, clarify the professional goal orientation and talent training goal orientation, stand firmly in the "category" of vocational education and set the "high" of undergraduate education. The professional goal orientation is high-end technology and high-end skills, and the talent training goal orientation is high-level technical and skilled talents, which is the "two-dimensional code" that vocational undergraduate education is different from ordinary undergraduate education and current higher vocational college education. The administrative measures for the establishment of undergraduate vocational education majors (Trial Implementation) clearly requires that the establishment of majors must "adhere to the demand orientation", "serve the upgrading of industrial foundation and the modernization of industrial chain". Vocational undergraduate schools should grasp the two "needs", position themselves with high standards and actively promote the pilot work. First, meet the needs of industrial development, aim at the middle and high-end posts in the region's advanced manufacturing industry and strategic emerging industries, and establish their own school running direction and specialty with the goal of serving the high-quality development of the economy; Second, the needs of human development, adhere to the people-centered, meet the students' desire to pursue a better life and obtain more advanced and advanced technical skills, identify industries and majors, help vocational undergraduate education students plan their life and take the first step of vocational undergraduate education. Create a new image and create the hard power of "social identity" For a long time, the low entry threshold of higher vocational education and the low treatment of technical and skilled talents have affected the society's prejudice against vocational education. Establishing the "type" orientation of Vocational Education in policy does not mean that society will change prejudice; The "high level" of vocational undergraduate education in the vocational education system does not represent the "high level" of social identity evaluation. Whether it is high-level or not, all vocational undergraduate schools should prove it with their own school running results. Vocational undergraduate education is "high or not". The final evaluation right lies in the society, and the final evaluation right lies in each vocational undergraduate school itself. The recognition of society, candidates and employers is "high". The identification of students is not only the "testing agent" of a school's social recognition, but also a living sign. The identity of candidates is the entrance, the trust of candidates in the school, the choice based on the identity (export) of employers, the affirmation of the comprehensive strength of the school and the sustenance of their future. Vocational undergraduate education has brought new opportunities to break the prejudice against vocational education. All vocational undergraduate schools should seize the opportunities and respond to social concerns with high quality by virtue of the high technology, high skills and high social treatment of vocational undergraduate education graduates. They should not only serve traditional industries with high quality, but also adapt to industrial upgrading and skill upgrading with high quality. Learn to adjust and cultivate the adaptability of "skill upgrading" Vocational undergraduate education is an exploratory project. First, learn to adjust. Schools that transfer from ordinary undergraduate independent colleges to vocational undergraduate education should strengthen the adjustment to the direction of professionalism, practicality and application; The schools that upgraded the original higher vocational colleges or pilot undergraduate classes should improve their theoretical literacy, applied technology research and development and other capabilities. High-end skills need "advanced knowledge" as the basis of practical cognition. What enterprises need is not only practical ability, but also systematic theoretical knowledge. In essence, it is both the migration ability of traditional "undergraduate" education and the practical ability required by current "Vocational" education. This is the new requirement and trend of modern industrial development. This demand forces the adjustment of the training objectives and training system of vocational undergraduate education. Secondly, we should enhance adaptability. Industrial upgrading promotes skill upgrading. New technologies involve the integration of multiple majors and even disciplines. The current vocational college graduates are difficult to adapt to these complex new technologies, which is not only the objective practical basis of holding vocational undergraduate education, but also the problem that vocational undergraduate education must solve. According to the talent training objectives and professional standards of vocational undergraduate education, conduct comprehensive and systematic research and design on the curriculum, optimize the basic curriculum of the professional group based on the professional group, create a simplified, efficient, universal curriculum module that reflects the basic laws of the professional group, and enhance the migration ability of the professional group and the adaptability and complexity of the major; According to the characteristics of vocational education and undergraduate requirements, comprehensively integrate and compile teaching materials, design teaching contents suitable for vocational undergraduate education, strengthen the cultivation of comprehensive quality, improve humanistic quality and cultivate craftsman spirit, so as to provide a strong guarantee for high-quality development. Create a new model and enhance the integration of "production, teaching and research" Vocational undergraduate education is not simply adding one year on the basis of higher vocational colleges, nor adding some practical links or contents on the basis of ordinary undergraduate education. Vocational undergraduate education has its internal education and teaching law since its birth. Maintaining the true colors of vocational education and following the laws of vocational education are the basic requirements of the characteristics of "type". This new model is gradually formed in the process of adapting to the needs of modern industrial development, and is suitable for the ways and methods of cultivating high-level applied talents. The integration of production, teaching and research is a new feature of vocational undergraduate education. Turn professional teaching into a productive link of the industrial chain and realize the forward extension of the industrial chain; Explore and form a new form of classroom teaching of vocational undergraduate education, establish a "production and service" classroom, and make the traditional knowledge imparting class teaching system evolve into a "teaching and doing integration" teaching factory, which has become the basic teaching organization and basic teaching form of vocational undergraduate education. Innovating the industrial attribute of the Institute of industry, including the innovation of property right attribute, and deepening the reform of mixed ownership; Innovate the management and operation mode, change the teaching organization structure dominated by the school and participated by enterprises into the joint leadership of enterprises and schools, solve industrial problems according to the needs of enterprises, and design teaching contents according to the new requirements and new technologies of products and services; Innovate the way of educating people, transform teachers' teaching and students' learning into enterprise technicians, teachers and students' joint innovation of products and service contents in the process of production and service, jointly improve and create learning contents, jointly complete the teaching objectives, realize the "growth of teaching, learning, research and production", break the classroom boundary, and innovate the generation, presentation and teaching methods of teaching contents Learning style, focus on the changes of job tasks, and update the teaching content in time. Cultivate new skills and improve the transformation of "teachers' scientific research" Scientific research is a "high-level" obstacle. Teachers of vocational undergraduate education should not only have high skills, but also have the ability of "undergraduate" - Mastering the laws of technology and being able to carry out applied scientific research. There is no equal difference in work, but there are high and low requirements for technology. It is an objective requirement of modern technology for vocational education to divide levels in the vocational education system, from secondary vocational education, higher vocational education to vocational undergraduate education. The orientation of vocational undergraduate education puts forward corresponding high requirements for teachers. Teachers should have three abilities in technology: technology R & D ability, technology transformation ability and skilled application technology ability, especially the ability of technology transformation. First, learn to transform applied technology into products and serve the production needs of enterprises in the industry. With this "transformation service", establish an "integrated" community organization between schools and enterprises, scientific research and products, production and teaching, teachers and enterprise technicians and students. Second, learn to transform applied technology into teaching content, form "teaching productivity" and strengthen this transformation research. The third is to learn the ability of teaching and research, and finally transform technical skills into students' ability to solve technical problems and skillfully use technology, which is the ultimate purpose of education. Take technology R & D and transformation as the axis, take the training of "double qualified" teachers as the purpose, and take real-time cutting-edge technology as the content, develop courses and teaching materials, so that teachers can grow in practice, update courses in practice and innovate technology in production, and finally transform them into students' skills and apply them to the needs of enterprise production in time. Through this transformation, a new pattern is formed in which "production" requires technology from "teaching" and "teaching" promotes the development of "production". (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Huang huiqun    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue


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