Donkey hide gelatin is not a tonic


With the popularity of the concept of health preservation, more and more people like to buy donkey hide gelatin for gifts. Especially in the Chinese traditional festival such as the Spring Festival, donkey hide gelatin has become an ideal choice for people to nourish their body, honor their parents and visit relatives and friends. But how can we take it reasonably in order to give full play to its health care role? It is as famous as ginseng and pilose antler Donkey hide gelatin has nine effects Donkey hide gelatin has been listed as the top grade in the ancient Shennong materia medica classic. With the evolution of history, donkey hide gelatin has been recorded in the materia medica of successive dynasties, and it has also been included in the Pharmacopoeia of the people's Republic of China. Donkey hide gelatin is a blood tonic. It is called "three treasures for tonifying the body" together with ginseng and pilose antler. This product is a solid glue made from the dried or fresh skin of equine donkey by decocting and concentrating. Donkey hide gelatin is rectangular, square or D-shaped. Dark brown, shiny. It is hard and brittle, with bright section, and the fragments are brown and translucent to the light. Slight Qi, sweet and flat in nature and taste. Return to lung, liver and kidney channels. It has the effects of tonifying blood, hemostasis, nourishing yin and moistening dryness. It is used for yellowing of blood deficiency, dizziness and palpitation. It is the main medicine for treating blood deficiency. It can be taken for patients with hematemesis, bloody stool, metrorrhagia, yin deficiency cough, insomnia, yin deficiency fever and so on. Modern pharmacological studies have found that donkey hide gelatin has 9 effects: Correct hemorrhagic anemia. Reduce the side effects of leukopenia and low immunity caused by chemotherapy in tumor patients. Improve cellular and humoral immune functions, showing a positive regulatory effect. Anti shock, dilate blood vessels, shorten the time of activating partial prothrombin, increase the number of platelets and reduce the permeability of diseased blood vessels. Increase the content of serum calcium and phosphorus. The symptoms of dystrophic muscular soft claudication paralysis were gradually alleviated. Improve fatigue resistance, cold resistance and hypoxia resistance. It has a protective effect on the damage of ultrastructure and function of hippocampal CA3 neurons caused by lead. It can promote the growth of normal flora and maintain the micro ecological balance of the body. Eating donkey hide gelatin is taboo These types of people need to be cautious Although donkey hide gelatin can nourish the body, it is often added to food. However, there are still many ways to take donkey hide gelatin. Eating wrong will hurt the body. Donkey hide gelatin has been produced in donga, Shandong since ancient times. Please choose authentic medicinal materials with good effect; It should not be taken during a cold; The dosage is three to nine grams. It is suggested that the initial dosage should start from the minimum amount, and should be taken before meals and bedtime; Those with weak spleen and stomach, vomiting and diarrhea, abdominal distension, loose stools, cough and phlegm should be used with caution; If you have a full stomach and don't want to eat after taking it, you should stop taking it; During menstruation, you should take it according to your constitution; When taking donkey hide gelatin, don't drink tea and eat radish; Pregnant women, children, high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and diabetes should be taken under the guidance of doctors. If you take more varieties of Western medicine or are taking traditional Chinese medicine for defecation, you should not take it; The new product is dry. It is recommended to take it after being properly placed for one year and check that the properties have not changed. It is not easy to get angry. Do it yourself Eat a new pattern of donkey hide gelatin In addition to the common donkey hide gelatin paste and donkey hide gelatin oral liquid on the market, there are many ways to take donkey hide gelatin. You might as well try it yourself. Donkey hide gelatin 250g, smashed. Put it into a covered soup basin or porcelain bowl, add 250g yellow rice wine, soak it for 1-2 days until it is soft, add 250g rock sugar, add 100ml water, cover it, steam it in a water bath until it is completely dissolved, take it out and cool it and store it in the refrigerator. Take one spoonful each morning and evening and rinse with warm boiled water. In addition, when the water bath is completely steamed, add fried and broken black sesame and walnut kernel and continue to steam for 10 minutes. Donkey hide gelatin porridge: 100g rice or millet, 15g donkey hide gelatin (crushed), 50g rock sugar. Make porridge and take it. Mash 400g donkey hide gelatin wine, add 1500ml yellow rice wine and boil slowly on the fire. When donkey hide gelatin is completely melted, turn off the fire and bottle it. Milk infusion: crush donkey hide gelatin into fine powder. Take a spoonful of donkey hide gelatin powder (about 3 to 4G) each time and put it into a cup. According to your personal taste, add hot milk and soybean milk (above 80 ℃) while stirring, so that donkey hide gelatin powder can be fully dissolved before taking. Stew with chicken, fish, red ginseng and jujube. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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