Have a good Spring Festival and eat spring vegetables healthily


Spring returns to the earth, and all things grow. How should we eat in spring? From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, spring wet liver is in season, and health preservation should nourish the liver; At the same time, the climate changes greatly in spring, and the ability to resist wet and cold decreases. We should also pay attention to strengthening the spleen. Spring diet "three more and three less" [drink plenty of water] health preservation in spring focuses on nourishing the liver. Drinking plenty of water at ordinary times can increase the circulating blood volume, be conducive to nourishing the liver and excreting metabolic waste, and reduce the damage of poisons to the liver. In addition, water replenishment is also conducive to gland secretion, especially the secretion of digestive fluids such as bile. Drinking tea in moderation can also refresh and relieve difficulties, such as jasmine tea. [eat more sweet food] the spleen and stomach is the foundation of the day after tomorrow and the source of Qi and blood in the human body. The Qi of the spleen and stomach is vigorous and healthy, and people can prolong their life. And sweet food into the spleen, can tonify the temper, you can eat more, such as jujube, yam and so on. [eat more vegetables] after winter, most people will have insufficient intake of vitamins, inorganic salts and trace elements. For example, people often have stomatitis, angular stomatitis, glossitis and some skin diseases in spring. Therefore, we should eat more fresh vegetables, such as spring bamboo shoots, Toona sinensis leaves, pea seedlings, spinach and cauliflower, so as to achieve balanced nutrition and good health. The temperature changes greatly in spring, and the vitality of bacteria and viruses is enhanced, which is easy to invade the human body. Therefore, in addition to increasing or decreasing clothes at any time, we should also eat more foods rich in vitamins (vitamins A, C, e, etc.) to enhance the body's resistance. Vitamin C has antiviral effect, which can help clear free radicals in the body and enhance human immune function. Vitamin C is abundant in fresh vegetables and fruits, such as Kiwi fruit, fresh jujube, orange, grapefruit, as well as bean sprouts, green pepper, tomato, cauliflower, cabbage and so on. Vitamin A has the function of preventing and adjuvant treatment of some respiratory diseases (such as recurrent respiratory tract infection in children). The most abundant foods containing vitamin A are animal liver and milk, and egg yolk also contains some vitamin A. A variety of fresh fruits and colored vegetables, such as loquat, cherry, spinach, green and red pepper, are rich in carotene. These carotenes can be transformed into vitamin A after entering the human body through the action of enzymes in the liver. Vitamin E can help the human body improve immune function. Proper intake can enhance the body's disease resistance. [eat less sour food] according to the five elements theory of traditional Chinese medicine, the liver belongs to wood, the spleen belongs to soil, and wood and soil are mutually restrained, that is, the liver can hurt the spleen and affect the digestion and absorption function of the spleen. Traditional Chinese medicine also believes that five flavors enter the five zang organs, such as sour taste into the liver, sweet taste into the spleen, salty taste into the kidney, etc. Therefore, if you eat more sour foods (such as hawthorn and lemon), it will make the originally hyperactive liver Qi more prosperous, which can hurt the Qi of the spleen and stomach. It's better to eat more greasy food in winter and less fat food in spring. [eat less cold food] cold food should not be eaten in spring, especially raw and cold things such as ice cream and cold drinks. Otherwise, the cold will gather in the body, resulting in spleen deficiency in summer and a series of discomfort. In addition, according to the theory of traditional Chinese medicine, spring and April is the time when Yang Qi rises. Some chronic diseases are very easy to relapse during this period, such as asthma, hypertension, arthritis, etc. Therefore, friends with chronic diseases should avoid eating hair products in their diet, such as mutton, sea fish, sea shrimp, sea crab, cock meat, etc. Spring dishes are "new" and have a good taste Recently, some media reported that Toona sinensis has risen to 100 yuan per kilogram. In fact, there are many spring dishes. Here are one or two. [pea seedlings] seasonal vegetables, containing calcium, B vitamins, vitamin C and carotene, have the functions of antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and enhancing metabolism. [spring bamboo shoots] known as "the first vegetarian food", it is also said that "there is no way to taste fresh bamboo shoots". Spring bamboo shoots are plump, delicious and nutritious. In addition to protein, they are also rich in minerals, such as calcium, phosphorus, iron and a variety of vitamins. Fresh food is especially good. Fried, stewed, boiled and simmered all become delicacies. [spinach] spinach is a vegetable found all year round, but spring is better. Spring spinach has red roots and green leaves, which are fresh and tender. It is the most delicious. Spinach listed in spring is good for detoxification and spring dryness prevention. Because spinach contains more oxalic acid, which hinders the absorption of calcium and iron, it is advisable to blanch spinach with boiling water before frying it. [bean sprouts] sweet in taste, rich in vitamin C and dietary fiber, which can prevent scurvy and colorectal cancer; At the same time, the content of carotene is rich, twice that of soybean. [leek] pungent in taste and warm in nature. It contains a variety of vitamins and dietary fiber. It can promote intestinal peristalsis and prevent colorectal cancer. However, the fiber of leek is mostly coarse fiber, which can not be absorbed by the human body, so you can't eat more. [cherry] known as "the first branch of spring fruit", it is now cultivated all over China. Cherry fruit has thick flesh, delicious and juicy, bright color, rich nutrition, especially prominent iron content, more than 20 times higher than citrus, pear and apple, ranking first among fruits. It has the effects of Tonifying Qi, regulating beauty, strengthening spleen and appetizing. However, cherry belongs to fire, so you can't eat more, especially those with Yin deficiency and strong fire should avoid eating or eat less. Beware of food poisoning on the road of outing As the temperature rises, some foods that are originally non-toxic or low toxic may become more toxic or toxic. Be alert to poisoning caused by this kind of food in spring. One is sprouting potatoes. Potatoes will produce a large amount of solanine after germination, which is easy to cause food poisoning after eating. Second, frozen seafood. Spring is the off-season for the output of seafood. If frozen seafood is stored for a long time or improperly, it is easy to rot and deteriorate, the protein contained will decompose, and toxic substances such as amines, soluble toxic proteins, indole, malodor and so on will be produced. Third, poisonous wild vegetables. With the advent of spring, many citizens go out for an outing and look at the lush wild vegetables. They can't help digging some back to try fresh. However, not all wild vegetables can be eaten, and not everyone is suitable for eating. If they are careless, they may ingest improperly processed or toxic wild vegetables, causing food poisoning. In addition, people with allergic constitution are not recommended to eat ferns. Eating too much is easy to cause allergy. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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