What exactly is Gen Z after when it pursues the explanation of more ancient poems on the Internet?


Starting from the quiet picture of "where there is no moonlight in the Spring River" in "the night of flowers and moons in the Spring River", we talked about life philosophy such as "everyone's life is a short process, and people are related to the world" - setting up a course of ancient poetry on the Internet platform, allowing Luo Yuming, a professor of Chinese Department of Fudan University, to successfully "break the circle", Netizens even lamented: "I have misunderstood Chinese for many years, and Chinese is such a charming existence." For a period of time, many scholars have talked about ancient poetry on the Internet, circling a large number of generations Z. Professor Luo Yuming has received 500000 hits since he launched the video of poetry class at station B in January this year. There are more than 5000 bullet screen comments on the video series of "the beauty of Chinese poetry" by Professor Ye Jiaying of Nankai University; Opening the jitter, Professor Dai Jianye of Huazhong Normal University also told Li Bai's video that more than 1 million 830 thousand tiktok was awarded. Under the lecture video of Beijing Normal University professor Kang Zhen, there were only more than 3500 messages. Insiders believe that famous teachers choose to teach ancient poetry on the network platform, in part because the style of the network platform is quite consistent with the temperament of generation Z. the original difficult and even slightly distant poetry artistic conception can be transmitted to the audience through dynamic pictures; On the other hand, teachers find a voice channel to break the traditional relationship between teachers and students outside the three foot podium of the school, and combine their life wisdom with their understanding of poetry. But at the same time, "Z generation relies too much on the Internet to learn classical literature and traditional culture", "whether they can extract the essence from the vast fragmented information ocean" and "how to better spread traditional culture through short videos" is a topic of deep thought. When generation Z listens to the explanation of ancient poetry on the Internet platform, what are they listening to? In addition to poetry, feelings and philosophy of life can arouse the resonance of netizens What's the difference between listening to ancient poetry on the Internet and in class? Poetic and picturesque. With the melodious "fishing boat singing in the evening", the images in classical poetry appear with the spread of landscape paintings. This is the opening picture of Ye Jiaying's poetry lecture. The natural advantages of video make the charm of classical literature more intuitive. As for the content itself, generation Z learns ancient poetry courses through online videos. What they want to listen to is not only the famous scholars' interpretation of ancient poetry, but also the in-depth analysis of feelings and life philosophy, which can catch the audience at the first time. For example, "the tide of the spring river is even with the sea, and the bright moon on the sea is born with the tide" comes from the "night of flowers and moons on the Spring River" written by the Poet Zhang Ruoxu of the Tang Dynasty. In many people's cognition, it outlines the poet's sigh and sadness towards the moon in the sky; However, in Luo Yuming's online course, it rises to the feeling and philosophy of life that "people have endless feelings in front of the great universe". It is found that compared with the simple popularization of classical literature knowledge, the teachers' perception based on decades of time can arouse the resonance of the majority of netizens. For another example, "every Li Gui year in Jiangnan" is the work of Du Fu, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty. After the an Shi rebellion, Du Fu drifted to Hunan and reunited with the exiled court singer Li guinian. Recalling the frequent meeting and listening to songs in the houses of king Qi and Cui Jiu, he couldn't help writing this poem with emotion. People often use it to describe the chaos of the world, the rise and fall of years and the gathering and dispersion of human feelings, but Gao Shengyuan, a "literary talent", gives a more unique understanding - Du Fu saw Li guinian and himself in his youth. This "Reunion" is not only the reunion between Du Fu and Li guinian, the reunion between Du Fu and the prosperous Tang Dynasty, but also the reunion between Du Fu and himself. "The peach blossom still smiles at the spring breeze when people don't know where to go" in the title of Nanzhuang, the capital of the Tang Dynasty by Cui Hu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, is mostly used to describe the disappointment of losing good things, but Goldman Sachs yuan sees "the contingency of life". After listening to his explanation, netizens shouted: "poetry gives us an ability to express sadness, love and beauty." Some people wander in the new world of knowledge, while others are lost in the illusion of learning With the popularity of the Internet, online learning has become a trend. Take station B as an example. In the past year, the number of creators in the knowledge area has increased by 92%, and more than 183 million users have studied here; In station B pugv (video created by professional users), the pan knowledge content has reached 49%. Netizens affectionately call it "a university without walls". The report of the platform released by the end of last year showed that the tiktok volume accounted for 20% of the total volume of the platform, covering six major categories: life skills, science popularization, humanities and arts, education, sports and workplace. In the second half of last year, Kwai Kwai also launched a knowledge-based live show, new knowledge and sensible meeting, quick hand new knowledge broadcast, etc., which has more than 1000 knowledge anchors, and has broadcast tens of thousands of live broadcasts in 3 months. Famous experts explain ancient poetry on the video website, which has aroused a large number of people, especially generation Z's interest in classical literature. This is a good thing, but the worry also follows: how to go deep and practical online learning. Taking the video website's interpretation of "Chunjiang flower moon night" as an example, this excellent work once called "poetry in poetry, the peak in the peak" by Wen Yiduo. With the interpretation of famous experts, netizens seem to see the beautiful picture of Chunjiang moon night and feel the parting feeling of wandering children and women. However, more than ten minutes of explanation can not include the structure of poetry and classic sentences often used by later generations; On the tiktok, the graceful but not showy video of Li Bai's Yellow Crane Tower sent to Meng Haoran Guangling is only a few minutes, and only stays in the farewell picture of the two romantic poets depicted in the poems, but does not involve a deeper level -- the relationship between Li Bai and Meng Haoran's departure and a prosperous era, prosperous season and prosperous areas. Li Bai's ambition and yearning, etc. - if you don't read it repeatedly and study it deeply and systematically, the interpretation of poetry is only superficial. With the help of the Internet, some people wander in the new world of knowledge, while others are lost in the illusion of learning. Experts warn that if the Z generation relies heavily on the Internet to absorb classical literature and traditional culture, it will easily be blinded by fragmented information and ignore the absorption of the essence. The master leads the way in and practices in the individual - the teaching scene continues to iterate, but the essence of teaching and learning has not changed. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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