Pay close attention to the training of recruits and buckle the "first button" of the military


Paving roads and bridges to help grow and lift young eagles to fly —— A group of reports from the recruits of grass-roots units after coming down to the company *** At present, the work of the new recruits is coming to an end. After new training, the recruits have embarked on a new journey of building a strong army with their hopes and dreams. Since the recruits came down to the company, all levels have focused on the construction of combat effectiveness and the growth and progress of recruits. They have taken the initiative to pay close attention to the training of recruits, educate and guide recruits to respect honor, be strong and capable, and build meritorious barracks, help them buckle the "first button" of the military and brigade, and add new vitality and inject new kinetic energy into the comprehensive construction of the army. Please look at a group of reports from the recruits of grass-roots units after coming down to the company. On February 7, a border defense company of the army gave guns to the recruits (right) in front of the boundary pillar. Wang Junqiang A brigade of the 71st group army Lead by example and inspire the passion of Jingwu Liberation Army Daily News Xu Zhewen and song Fangwu reported: the engine roared and smoke filled the air. Recently, a special gun awarding ceremony of a brigade of the 71st group army was held in the hinterland of Northern Anhui. Many types of engineering equipment that have participated in major tasks "wear" on the safflower array training ground. More than 10 meritorious officers and soldiers wear ribbons to award guns and honor certificates to outstanding recruits. This is a vivid scene in which the brigade takes the typical and elite model soldiers around the officers and soldiers as an example to encourage the recruits to take the first step of the military brigade. After the recruits left the company, the brigade widely organized the activity of "learning from examples and setting up models", and vigorously publicized advanced and typical deeds by using barracks radio, barracks light boxes and so on; Organize the interaction and exchange between Jingwu pacesetters and recruits, and guide recruits to follow their example and be determined to be proficient and capable; Pay attention to tapping the bright spots of recruits and encourage recruits to absorb the power of growth and progress from the people and things around them. At the scene of the gun awarding ceremony, Tong Bo, a second-class hero who had achieved excellent results in the international arena, drove the chariot to a high standard and completed many difficult movements such as in-situ drift, turning, wading and charging; Tong Yingjie, the fourth grade sergeant of the second battalion of mobile support, who also won the second-class merit, manipulated engineering equipment to cross gullies and build bridges... The excellent skills of the veterans made the recruits on the scene call "fun", and cheers and cheers came and went one after another. The power of example is inspiring, and the advanced deeds are inspiring. "I must train hard, improve my ability to win, strive to be a model and build a meritorious military camp!" Taking the steel gun from the squad leader, Qi penghe, a recruit, was full of pride. An air force brigade of the central Theater Ability list defines the direction of struggle Zhu Jianghai and Liu Yang of the people's Liberation Army News reported: "unknown smoke is found in the front, so we should protect it quickly!" With the order, the recruits quickly put on gas masks... A few days ago, an air force brigade in the central theater organized a practical drill. In the face of sudden special circumstances, the recruits in the next few days responded calmly and successfully completed the task. "The rapid growth of recruits benefits from the formulation and implementation of personal ability lists." According to the leaders of the brigade, in order to integrate the recruits into the army as soon as possible and improve their ability and quality, combined with various data collected during the new training, they systematically analyzed the basic data such as the educational level, ability foundation and development potential of the recruits, and compared the ability needs of the posts with the requirements of war preparation and combat, focusing on the ideological basis, theoretical level, training results, physical quality and other aspects, Pull list to establish a list of personal abilities to help recruits grow into qualified soldiers and realize the transformation to combatants as soon as possible. In the group training, the brigade pays attention to individual training and precise training, arranges experienced military leaders to form a pair with recruits, adopts the way of teaching with expertise according to the list of personal abilities, hands-on preaching and giving treasure, and answering questions face-to-face. In order to improve the ability of theoretical understanding, break down the knowledge points and speak them thoroughly; In order to improve psychological adaptability, we should carry out psychological and behavioral training to enhance the courage and confidence to overcome setbacks The author has learned that since the new year, a large number of recruits of the brigade have grown rapidly and stepped into combat Posts one after another. In the next step, they will arrange for recruits to add steel and quench in the performance of major tasks to temper their combat skills. Rocket army unit Pair up to make up for weaknesses PLA Daily News: Ren Zengrong and special reporter Yue Xiaolin reported: "run for 5 kilometers, and pay attention to breathing at a constant speed when breathing..." just after the Spring Festival holiday, as soon as the phased assessment organized by a rocket army unit was over, monitor Yue shuaitao took the initiative to share training methods with recruits Zhou Bin and cheer him up. "As the fresh blood of the army's combat effectiveness construction, recruits must strive to enhance their skills and meet the requirements of their posts." According to the leaders of the Department, in view of the fact that some recruits are weak in physical quality and adaptability, they selected a group of old squad leaders with strong comprehensive quality to help and lead them one-on-one, so as to shorten the growth cycle of recruits. According to the current situation of each recruit's ability and quality, the department establishes personal training files and tracks the training situation in the whole process; Carry out mass martial arts competitions on a regular basis, commend and reward recruits with outstanding training achievements, and create a strong atmosphere of catching up with each other; Taking advantage of opportunities such as participating in real troop exercises, let recruits integrate into the battle position, carry out confrontation training, and improve their ability and quality in wrestling and grinding. Recruit Wang Cong is weak in physical fitness and is prone to tension and fear of difficulties when participating in tactical exercises. Zhao Kuo, the monitor in charge of pairing, understood the situation and formulated a personalized training plan for him. After a period of hard work, Wang Cong gradually made up for his weaknesses and achieved excellent results in the recent assessment. Help and promote growth, and have strong skills in actual combat. Recently, the Department organized the basic tactical assessment of recruits, and the excellence rate was significantly higher than that in previous years. Handan detachment of Armed Police Psychological services help healthy growth "I will live up to the expectations of the organization and tell a good red story for my comrades in arms..." recently, Huang Hetang, a soldier of the Handan detachment of the armed police in the next few days, became the "red culture commentator" of the detachment. After receiving the certificate, Huang Hetang said with emotion that he was able to stand on the podium and tell the story of Party and military history for his comrades in arms, thanks to the care and help of the detachment psychological service team, so that he could get out of the trough smoothly. According to the leader of the detachment, in view of the fact that individual recruits are prone to depression, anxiety and other bad emotions after leaving the company, they select the backbone to establish a psychological service team to continuously pay attention to the mental health status of recruits and provide psychological services in time: establish mental health files for recruits, organize mental health screening and accurately "portrait" for recruits; Establish special psychological service stations, set up functional places such as psychological counseling room and psychological sand table room to provide psychological counseling services; Set up a psychological counseling hotline to respond to the needs of recruits in time and ensure that recruits are in good condition for military training and preparation. "Xiao Zhang, a new recruit, joined the army for the second time, with excellent military quality, but there are shortcomings in professional skills and negative emotions", "Xiao Zheng, a new recruit, the recent assessment results are not ideal and anxious"... The psychological service team of the detachment timely followed up and provided psychological services according to the actual situation of some new recruits, which was highly praised by the officers and soldiers. "Timely and effective psychological services help recruits concentrate on training and preparing for war." Li Yi, director of the Political Work Office of the detachment, said that in the next step, they will continue to improve the quality and efficiency of psychological services for recruits and ensure that recruits can successfully pass the "second adaptation period". A naval aviation station Pre job training to cultivate excellent skills PLA Daily News Guo Yunbo and Zhao Xiaozhen reported: just after the Spring Festival, on the training ground of a naval aviation station, college student soldier Liao Fan was calm in the examination of automatic rifle disassembly and combination, and quickly completed the whole set of actions from disassembly to assembly. After the training in the new year, combined with the mission and task, the station carried out in-depth pre job training such as guard duty, weapon use and special situation disposal of recruits, so as to help recruits get familiar with their posts and integrate into the shift arrangement as soon as possible. "In order to help recruits improve their post holding ability, the station has been exploring the methods and ways of training recruits." Hong Cheng, the backbone of teaching and the instructor of the station security company, told the author that there is still a gap between the skill quality and post requirements of recruits without strict pre job training. After in-depth investigation, the Party committee of the station decided to explore and establish a pre job training mechanism to help recruits lay a solid foundation for post ability in accordance with the principle of "zero basic teaching, immersive training and standardized assessment". They have targeted training objectives for each recruit, covering more than 10 specific indicators in five categories: basic physical fitness, team tactics, theoretical learning, style development and psychological quality; According to the steps of "theory first, practice later", strictly organize and train; According to the detailed rules of quantitative scoring, the whole process is evaluated and scored, and the grade is evaluated. At the same time, they carried out education in a down-to-earth manner in combination with training, guided recruits to strengthen their ideals and beliefs and committed themselves to building meritorious barracks. Li Yanwan, who joined the army for the second time, once served as the trumpeter of missile operation and had the foundation of military skills, but "lost the wheat city" in the pull drill not long ago. After pre job training, he quickly adapted to the training requirements and rhythm of the new post. An engineering brigade Sharpen ambition, educate people and inherit red blood According to Wang Bin and Xue naihao of the people's Liberation Army News: "in those years, the predecessors of the company went to the northwest and successfully completed various tasks entrusted by their superiors under the condition of poor natural environment and difficult living conditions..." just after the Spring Festival, a recruits education activity of an engineering brigade was carried out in the honor room of a certain team. With an engineer spade in his hand, instructor Chen Junlong affectionately told the touching story of the predecessors of the engineering soldiers who made contributions to the desert Gobi, which deeply touched the recruits. The predecessor unit of a certain unit of the brigade was awarded the honorary title of "good ten companies of engineering troops on the snowy plateau" by the Central Military Commission, and a number of heroic models emerged. As the troops are stationed in deep mountains and dense forests all year round, the environment is closed and the climate is humid, some recruits are "acclimatized" after they leave the company. To this end, they give full play to the ambition and education function of red resources, collect and sort out the advanced deeds of heroes and models of the brigade, visit the honor room of the company, organize theme story meetings and other ways, use the history of the party and the army to build the ideological foundation of the meritorious military barracks of recruits, help recruits speed up the transformation of roles and actively adapt to the new environment and new posts. "The will of the senior engineer is harder than the rock. I am encouraged by the spirit of facing difficulties." After listening to Chen Junlong's story, recruit Li Rong firmly said that as the successor of Engineering soldiers in the new era, we must inherit the glorious traditions of our ancestors, take root in the military camp and make contributions. "Stories, photos and red cultural relics enable recruits to feel the strong will of their predecessors to overcome difficulties in a visible and tangible way, and stimulate their enthusiasm for building a strong army." The leader of the brigade told the author. (outlook new era)

Edit:Luo yu    Responsible editor:Wang er dong

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