"National tide fever" highlights the charm of made in China


According to a recent article on the website of the financial times, a Chinese jewelry retailer recently said that the younger generation is more willing to buy domestic goods and has strong demand for "Guochao" jewelry with traditional Chinese cultural symbols such as dragon and Phoenix, which has largely promoted the sales growth during the epidemic. According to the data provided by the company, from April to September 2021, "post-95" and millennial consumers contributed more than 56% of the sales of the company's "Heritage Series" products. The website of France's "new factory" weekly recently pointed out that Chinese consumers are turning to local brands, which is proved by the evolution of the cosmetics market. Industry insiders said that in the past three years, the sales of Chinese local brands have increased explosively. China's local brands are good at using digital tiktok, and WeChat and jitter are increasingly playing a more important role in marketing social media. In recent years, "made in China" and "created in China" have been highly praised, and the word "Guochao" came into being. Chinese domestic brands show some important characteristics: on the one hand, domestic brands integrate the design concept of localization and niche into their products. Get inspiration from China's long-standing history and culture, innovate in combination with people's aesthetics, and meet consumers' implicit, confident, calm and other personalized needs through products with oriental charm. On the other hand, domestic brands pay attention to the design ideas of globalization, digitization and greening. Examine the market demand from an international perspective, and use international cutting-edge digital technology and environmental protection materials to create unique, intelligent and ecological trend commodities. Novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, international trade is impacted, and the supply of imported goods is relatively insufficient, which increases the probability of Chinese consumers to buy China products, and makes a number of high-quality domestic brands more recognized and recognized by more consumers. From a longer time line, domestic brands have been favored by more consumers in recent years, mainly for the following reasons: with the in-depth development of economic globalization, China continues to expand the breadth and depth of reform and opening up, the product process, design and quality of domestic brands have been greatly improved, and the ability of brand customization and after-sales service guarantee has been continuously improved, At the same time, it has a certain price advantage, so as to attract more consumers to buy. The rise of "national tide and national style" not only shows the improvement of China's comprehensive national strength and manufacturing level, but also reflects the increasing confidence of Chinese people in national culture. Chinese consumers have increasingly recognized the color preference, living habits, cultural cultivation and decoration collocation contained in domestic brands. At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial reform are coming. International competition is becoming increasingly fierce. The pattern of international industrial division of labor is being reshaped. New ideas, new technologies and new ways create more market space. In particular, digital information technology promotes the accelerated development of new manufacturing industry. The new track provides a new starting line and provides a new opportunity for China's manufacturing industry to show its skills and achieve catch-up and development. At the same time, it must be noted that China's manufacturing industry still faces many challenges: first, there is still a large gap with the high-end manufacturing industry in developed countries; Second, other developing countries can undertake the transfer of labor-intensive industries at a lower labor cost and seize the middle and low-end manufacturing industry; Third, the internal difficulties of China's manufacturing industry need to be further solved, such as the ability of independent innovation, the development level of industrial clusters, the utilization rate of resources and the ability of brand building, and the unreasonable industrial structure. Brand is a kind of productivity and an important embodiment of human civilization. In recent years, domestic brands have become more and more popular with consumers, indicating that the vitality of "made in China" is becoming more and more vigorous. In the future, the development potential of domestic brands is huge. We should continue to adhere to the road of independent innovation and move towards a broader international market. First, we should properly handle the relationship between diversity and consistency, the relationship between tradition and modernity, the relationship between domestic market and international market, bring brand manufacturing into the overall layout of national industrial structure adjustment, place it on the chain of world industrial structure adjustment, and find the balance point of structural optimization and resource integration in growth. Second, we should adhere to the combination of inheritance and innovation, give full play to the enthusiasm of state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, vigorously cultivate core brands, accelerate the development of national brand industry and people's livelihood brand project, and expand competitive advantage. Third, we should change from factor driven to innovation driven, from low-cost competitive advantage to quality and benefit competitive advantage, from extensive manufacturing with large resource consumption and large pollutant emissions to green manufacturing, and from production-oriented manufacturing to service-oriented manufacturing. Fourth, we should take accelerating the integration of the new generation of information technology and manufacturing industry as the main line, focus on improving quality and efficiency, aim at meeting the needs of economic and social development, and take openness and cooperation as the means to strengthen the basic industrial capacity, improve the level of comprehensive integration, improve the multi-level talent system, promote the transformation and upgrading of brand industries, and cultivate brand culture with Chinese characteristics, Achieve a new leap forward for domestic brands. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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