Eat radish in winter? In fact, the real reason is this


Since ancient times, there has been a saying in China that "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer without a doctor's prescription". For dinner these days, the family stewed radish and ribs soup. After work, they shivered home from the cold wind and drank a bowl of it. No, why is there always the saying of eating radishes in winter? What's special about radishes? Does eating radish really have special benefits in winter? Let's talk about eating radishes in winter. Carrots and carrots are not a family Speaking of carrots, I have to mention carrots. The difference between the two is one word. Everyone will regard them as a family. But you know what? Carrots and radishes are not of the same family. Carrots can not be regarded as "radishes". Radish cultivation has a very long history, which was recorded in Egypt 4000 years ago and China 2000 years ago. There are about 2000 varieties of radish planted in China. The common ones are Cherry Radish, carrot, green radish, white radish, XinLiMei radish and so on. They are all members of the radish family. If you look closely, you will find that they are cruciferous vegetables. However, carrots are members of the genus carrot in the umbrella family. The two families are far apart in botanical classification. So carrots are not carrots. Radish has high water content, high dietary fiber and low calories But there is nothing special compared with other vegetables There are many ways to eat turnips, such as raw, cold salad, boiling soup, making pickles, etc. each method is very delicious, and a group of food goods love it. Many people say that radish is good and has high nutritional value. Is that true? According to the food nutrition database of the U.S. Department of agriculture, the data of three nutrients in every 100g white radish are: sugar content is 1.86g, protein content is 0.68g and fat content is 0.1g; The content of dietary fiber is 1.6 g and vitamin c14.5 G 8 mg. From the analysis of nutritional data, as an edible vegetable, radish has the following nutritional characteristics: 1. High water content and low heat content: the water content of radish is more than 90%, and the content per 100g is about 20 kcal. The weather is dry in winter. Eating more foods with high moisture content is good for replenishing the water needed by the body. 2. High dietary fiber content: radish contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which can increase the sense of satiety. In addition, radish contains mustard oil, which can promote intestinal peristalsis and facilitate defecation. 3. The vitamin content is fairly rich, and it also contains a variety of trace elements: for example, the vitamin C content of radish belongs to the medium level. Eating more radish is also good for obtaining vitamin C. However, from the analysis of nutritional components, these nutrients of radish are not prominent in vegetables. For example, the vitamin C content in every 100 grams of green pepper is more than 60 mg, and the dietary fiber in every 100 grams of peas is also much richer than radish. Generally speaking, radish can be used as a vegetable to provide human beings with a variety of nutritional sources, but it is not particularly outstanding. Eat radish better than ginseng in winter? In fact, it was because there were few vegetables in winter There are many folk health legends about radishes. For example, some people say that radishes are "little ginseng", "eat radishes in winter and ginger in summer, don't bother doctors to prescribe Prescriptions", "radishes are on the market, doctors are all right" and so on. Does radish really have such a magical effect? It's good to eat radish in winter. I think an important reason why these statements are popular is that there were few vegetables in winter. Radish, as a very cold resistant vegetable, is also one of the few vegetables that people can eat in winter. In ancient times, eating fresh radish in the long winter was very helpful for people to supplement nutrition, especially vitamin C. Therefore, at that time, people would think it good to eat radishes in winter. However, in modern times, with the development of food science and technology, especially the progress of cold chain, fruit and vegetable storage and fruit and vegetable planting technology, we can eat all kinds of vegetables and fruits all year round, and the function of radish is not so magical. In fact, although radish has its own nutritional advantages, it has no special ingredients. The nutrients contained in radish are common in many fruits and vegetables, and can be obtained by eating other fruits and vegetables. Moreover, if you really get sick, you can't achieve the therapeutic effect by simply eating several nutrients provided by radish. The real treatment of diseases still needs diagnosis and effective treatment of symptoms and causes, so as not to delay the disease and ensure the health of the body. Are there anticancer factors in radish? It has not been fully confirmed in humans Scientists have also found some possible health ingredients in radishes. For example, in recent years, many media reports have mentioned an anti-cancer factor - sulforaphane, mustard glucoside, etc. Some studies have found that these substances have "antioxidant" and "anticancer" effects, but most of them are found in cell and animal experiments, but there is no sufficient evidence in human body. It is too early to think that they are effective and anticancer to human body. Generally speaking, according to the current research evidence, although radish is delicious, it really has no special health care effect. We should not be too superstitious. We should see a doctor in time when we are sick. Of course, if you like eating carrots, I still support it. After all, the basic concept of nutritional health lies in dietary diversity and balanced nutrition. As a vegetable, radish can also enrich our diet, which is good for increasing food diversity and balanced diet. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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