"Chengdu practice" of fully promoting the Sinicization of religion


Chengdu, Sichuan Province, is one of the key cities of religious work in China. It has complete five religions: Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity. It is an important birthplace of Taoism, the founder of the Shu sect of Buddhist Zen, and the location of the first self elected bishop of Catholicism in New China. The key to religious work lies in "guidance". In recent years, Chengdu has always adhered to the direction of Chinese religion as the main line, highlighted the "five guides", firmly grasped the initiative of religious work, and built 51 demonstration religious activity sites in batches. Highlight the guidance of "political identity" Strengthen learning and education and strengthen political consciousness. *** Take the socialist core values as the guide, and constantly enhance the "five identities". Grasp important nodes and cultivate self-consciousness of action. We will continue to hold flag raising ceremonies during important festivals, major activities and important meetings, and constantly strengthen the national and civic awareness of religious people and believers. Around the important nodes of celebrating the 70th anniversary of the founding of the people's Republic of China and the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, a series of themed activities such as literary and artistic performances, calligraphy and painting exhibitions, discussion and exchange were carried out to form a sense of action to listen to the party, feel the party's kindness and follow the party. Review the Red Classics and form a development consensus. Guide the city's religious organizations to carry out the study, publicity and education of the history of the party, the history of new China, the history of reform and opening up and the history of socialist development. Organize religious figures to go to Yan'an revolutionary memorial hall, Deng Xiaoping's former residence, Chen Yi's hometown and other places to carry out patriotic education. Highlight the guidance of "legal construction" Increase the publicity of the rule of law and improve the level of ability. In combination with the "Seventh Five Year Plan" law popularization and other activities, experts and scholars are invited to interpret the newly revised regulations on religious affairs and the civil code of the people's Republic of China, guide the religious community to consciously accept the management of relevant government departments according to law, and always standardize their words and deeds within the scope permitted by laws and regulations. The city's religious venues generally set up billboards on laws and regulations, and carried out more than 120 special trainings on policies and regulations. Improve rules and regulations and standardize internal management. Formulate the measures for reporting major events of municipal religious groups and temples and churches directly under the municipal government, and pilot promote the supervisory responsibility system under the collective leadership of the Democratic Management Committee and the supervision of the abbot. We will do a good job in the identification and filing of religious staff according to law, and complete the pilot work of legal person registration of places of religious activities in the Christian Shangxiang church. We will consolidate the results of the fiscal and taxation pilot projects and effectively promote the standardized management of religious groups and places of religious activities. We will resolutely govern according to law and consolidate the results of rectification. We will continue to strengthen religious governance at the grass-roots level in urban and rural areas and deepen the commercialization of Buddhism and Taoism. Crack down on illegal religious activities according to law, and resolutely prevent and resist the infiltration of foreign forces using religion. Improve the construction of law enforcement team, and 137 staff members of religious departments in cities and counties have obtained administrative law enforcement qualifications. Highlight the guidance of "cultural infiltration" Pay close attention to the main line of work and tell good religious stories. Deeply explore the contents of the five religions that are conducive to social harmony and the progress of the times, carry out the activity of "telling the story of patriotism and love of education in Chengdu", and collect 42 excellent papers on patriotism and love of education in religious circles, such as epidemic prevention and control, cultural relics protection, public welfare and charity. The city's religious circles held a themed calligraphy and painting exhibition to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, which achieved good social repercussions. Build a display platform around the focus of work. A number of religious and cultural galleries with distinctive Chinese characteristics and Chengdu characteristics will be built to display the achievements in promoting the localization of religions in China. We will help build a park city demonstration area that implements the new development concept, implement the construction of ecological and cultural scenes, create 20 key projects of ecological and cultural temples and churches, and strive to build religious venues into a window to display the achievements of ecological civilization and inherit the excellent traditional Chinese culture. Take advantage of non-governmental diplomacy to promote cultural exchanges. The Taoist circles in Chengdu have strengthened exchanges and cooperation with friendly groups of Taoist circles at home and abroad. Many key religious activity sites in the city have received foreign dignitaries and ambassadors to China. One belt, one road volunteer project was launched by the Chengdu YMCA and the young women's Youth Association. "Chengdu Taoist music" and "chanting of Buddhist Chants in Sichuan cavity of Manjusri academy" were selected into the national and municipal intangible cultural heritage lists. Highlight the guidance of "talent training" Strengthen group construction and work guidance. Properly solve the difficulties faced by religious groups, formulate and issue measures for the management of subsidies for religious groups in the city, and strengthen the management of special funds. Organize religious groups to study and implement the measures for the administration of religious groups and other laws and regulations, and improve the "three determinations" plan of religious groups. Strengthen the construction of leading groups of religious organizations and do a good job in the election of religious organizations. Strengthen education and training and stick to the employment standards. Further broaden the vision of religious personnel selection and employment, and strengthen the training of young and middle-aged teaching staff in accordance with the standards of being politically reliable, religious attainments, being able to convince the public in morality and playing a role in key times. Nearly 40 special training sessions were organized for representatives of religious circles, and more than 50 study and research trips were conducted. Strengthen service guarantee and optimize talent team. Revise and improve the methods of friendship and visiting with religious people, and innovate and carry out birthday condolences activities for religious people. Support various groups to actively introduce excellent religious teaching staff, constantly optimize the structure of high-quality talents, effectively solve the problem of lack of religious talents, and provide talent guarantee for promoting the construction of China's localization of religions. Highlight the guidance of "serving the society" Give play to the fine tradition and devote themselves to public welfare and charity. Under the guidance of the people's religious departments at all levels, the religious circles and religious believers in the city held high the banner of patriotism and love for religion, adhered to the road suited to the socialist society, and actively carried forward the spirit of compassion for the world. In recent years, the city's places of religious activities (religious organizations) have carried out nearly 1000 public welfare and charity activities, with more than 20000 human trips and more than 20 million yuan of funds. Actively respond to the call and help fight poverty. Chengdu Christian three self Patriotic Association installed 110 solar street lamps for Yunlin village, Jianyang City, which was once a poverty-stricken village in the province, and donated more than 600000 yuan to Liangshan Yi Autonomous Prefecture. Chengdu Buddhist Association donated more than 300000 yuan to Yunlin village, Jianyang City to build Honey Peach Industrial Road and enhance the hematopoietic function of poor villages. Adhere to the awareness of the overall situation and support epidemic prevention and control. During the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in 2020, Chengdu's religious organizations removed more than 100 yuan of rent from enterprises and individual businesses, and launched over 100 charitable activities, with a total investment of 6 million yuan. We organized and carried out mutual assistance within the church, helped more than 100 places and more than 1000 people in difficult religious activities, and supported more than 2.12 million yuan. Actively implement the prevention and control requirements of "two pauses and one delay" to highlight the good image of the religious community. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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