The construction of Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zones started steadily, and the pilot of comprehensive reform in Shenzhen achieved remarkable results


On the last day of 2021, Li Junhao, chairman of Hong Kong Dongtai group, attended the Hong Kong New Year Concert held in central and wrote in the circle of friends: "in the new year, Hong Kong can start again! 2022 will be better than 2021!" Long Zilan, a little singer in Macao who sang the song of seven sons at the party marking the 20th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland, is also very busy on New Year's day. She once again boarded the China Central Radio and Television Corporation and appeared in the New Year Concert of "sailing to Dawan district". She sang "the sea, hometown" with Li Keqin and other Dawan District singers to play the feelings of home and country. The school is thriving and everything is getting better and better. It is time to leave the old and welcome the new. The story of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Bay area is more and more wonderful. *** Give Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan District new major opportunities and major missions. Be grateful and forge ahead. Over the past year, Guangdong has taken the strength of the whole province to solidly promote the construction of Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Dawan district and Shenzhen first demonstration zone, fully promote the steady start of the construction of Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zones, and promote reform and opening up at a higher starting point with greater courage. In the new year, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao will join hands to promote Dawan district to accelerate the formation of a good situation of regional reform convergence, opening-up coordination and development linkage, and move towards a world-class Bay district and a world-class urban agglomeration. Hengqin "upgraded" Qianhai "expanded" There is a new platform for cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Aohui (Guangdong Hengqin) International Convention and Exhibition Service Co., Ltd., which has been established for only three and a half months, is an enterprise that can "celebrate its birthday" on the same day with the management organization of Hengqin cooperation zone. Lu Dezhong, the founder, is very lucky. On September 17 last year, the management organization of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone was unveiled. Lu Dezhong obtained the business license with only "one meal", becoming the first "born" enterprise after the unveiling of the cooperation zone. Before New Year's day, the company successfully completed its first order business, and many projects are to be started in a few years. Lu Dezhong is full of confidence in the development prospect of Hengqin. The "Hengqin plan" proposes to vigorously develop new industries that promote the moderate diversification of Macao's economy, and makes it clear that the culture, tourism, exhibition and trade industry is one of the four characteristic industries focused on the development of the cooperation zone, which coincides with Lu Dezhong's field. More importantly, the policy dividend brought by the establishment of Hengqin cooperation zone is accelerating. In the past, when holding exhibitions in Macao, exhibitors needed to visa each time when they went to Hengqin, which was cumbersome and time-consuming; After the establishment of the cooperation zone, exhibition related personnel can travel to qinao for many times with vouchers, and personnel access is highly facilitated. Hengqin and Macao, Qianhai and Hong Kong are separated by a strip of water. With the release of "Hengqin plan" and "Qianhai plan", Hengqin cooperation zone has established a cooperation zone management committee, an executive committee and agencies dispatched by the provincial Party committee and the provincial government, held two management committee meetings, and accelerated the implementation of the construction blueprint; The area of Qianhai cooperation zone has increased from 14.92 square kilometers to 120.56 square kilometers, which is not only the expansion of physical space, but also the expansion of institutional innovation. As the forefront of China's reform and opening up and the window in the window, Hengqin and Qianhai will shoulder new missions and usher in new opportunities. For more than three months, Hengqin and Qianhai cooperation zones have focused on institutional innovation, actively explored the connection of rules and mechanisms among the three places, and promoted the convenient and efficient flow of people, logistics, capital and information. From the first business license and the first construction permit to the "second line" customs supervised workplace in Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone; From the centralized signing of 12 key projects, the unveiling and opening of 4 people's livelihood institutions, to the unveiling and settlement of Guangdong Macao integrated circuit design Industrial Park - focusing on the Bank of Haojiang River, Hengqin construction shows great vitality. "Since the establishment of Hengqin cooperation zone, Guangdong and Macao have established a multi-level, efficient and smooth docking and liaison mechanism, and all work has operated in an orderly manner." Nie Xinping, director of Hengqin Office of Guangdong provincial government and deputy director of the Executive Committee of Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone, said. Luo Yuanli, a Hong Kong Youth employed in Qianhai, also felt the new dividends brought by the cooperation zone. "There is a larger market and more opportunities here. I want to introduce more Hong Kong friends to Qianhai for employment and entrepreneurship." On November 19, 2021, Qianhai investment promotion conference was held simultaneously in Qianhai and Hong Kong. 40 heavy projects were launched, with a total investment of more than 86.6 billion yuan. Three days later, Qianhai Cooperation Zone issued three support policies for finance, industry and talents, covering the expansion of Bao'an and Nanshan, continuously releasing policy dividends and stimulating development momentum. The pace of integrated development of Dawan district is accelerating. Hengqin and Qianhai shoulder important tasks and will make new and greater contributions to enriching the practice of "one country, two systems" in the new era and supporting the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the overall situation of national development. Explore the way for deepening reform throughout the country Advance the construction of demonstration area and run out of "Shenzhen acceleration" After new year's day, the new year begins. For Hu Yong (a pseudonym) from Shenzhen, this is her first new year to return to normal life order. Two months ago, she became the country's first "bankrupt" in the legal sense. Previously, due to the failure of entrepreneurship, Hu Yong had a debt of more than 4.8 million yuan. After selling his only house to repay the debt, he still had a debt of more than 1 million yuan and had no fixed job. Upon application, on November 8, 2021, Shenzhen intermediate people's court ruled that huyong debtor was bankrupt and would enter a three-year exemption investigation period. According to the regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on personal bankruptcy, after passing the exemption investigation period, Hu Yong can exempt the remaining debts. Hu Yong's story has attracted much attention. On the one hand, it is the "pioneering" value of Shenzhen's reform in personal bankruptcy; On the other hand, what is more important is the practical significance behind this reform. Known as the "city of science and innovation" and "creative city", Shenzhen is the city with the highest entrepreneurial density in China. On average, one in 10 people is an entrepreneur or is preparing to start a business. Hu Yong's embarrassing experience may happen to every entrepreneur. Through institutional innovation, Shenzhen relieves an "honest and unfortunate" bankrupt in the form of legislation, which is not only conducive to stimulating the vitality of innovation and entrepreneurship, but also conducive to the construction of social integrity system. The "ice breaking" of the personal bankruptcy system is only an epitome of Shenzhen's continuous and comprehensive deepening reform. In October 2020, the general office of the CPC Central Committee and the general office of the State Council issued the implementation plan for comprehensive reform pilot of building a leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics in Shenzhen (2020-2025), which gave Shenzhen a new mission and task for comprehensive reform pilot. Over the past year, a number of institutional innovations, including the implementation of the country's first personal bankruptcy law, have been emerging. Among the 40 items in the first list of Shenzhen comprehensive reform pilot, 22 items were officially implemented and substantive progress was made. Guangdong Province has mobilized, participated in all areas and handled special affairs in a special way to support the implementation of comprehensive reform pilot in Shenzhen and explore experience for deepening reform in the whole country. As the main body of reform, Shenzhen takes the implementation of comprehensive reform pilot as an opportunity to promote the construction of the leading demonstration area of socialism with Chinese characteristics out of the "Shenzhen acceleration" and stimulate new momentum of high-quality development. Half a month ago, the 2021 Shenzhen global investment promotion conference was held. More than 260 projects were negotiated and signed, involving a total investment of more than 820 billion yuan. The signed projects and the estimated total investment reached a new high, attracting global attention. Shenzhen, born and prospered by reform and opening up, is trying to shoulder a higher national mission and accelerate towards the urban model of a powerful socialist modern country. Interconnection acceleration The superposition of three advantages stimulates the "multiplier effect" According to the latest data from Guangzhou Branch of the people's Bank of China, as of December 31, 2021, there were 5855 transactions of "cross border financial link" in Dawan District, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, with a total amount of 486 million yuan. More than two months ago, Macao resident Liu Zhilong became the first customer of ICBC Hengqin branch to handle the "northbound" business. On October 19, 2021, the first financial interconnection mechanism specially established for individual investors in China - the first batch of products of "cross border financial link" in Dawan District of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao were sold. Hundreds of residents in Dawan District drank "first soup" with Liu Zhilong. Moreover, in the past year, Guangdong has carried out the pilot of domestic and foreign currency integrated capital pool of multinational corporations, effectively expanded the scope of mutual recognition of transaction objects and funds of "Shenzhen Hong Kong stock connect", and expanded the pilot of cross-border investment (qdlp) by qualified domestic investors... The "financial channel" linking the financial markets of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao is gradually opening up, and the channel for rapid cross-border capital flow is becoming more and more unblocked. Living in the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, there are still many things in 2021, quietly changing the bay area life of "Liu Zhilong". Need to travel frequently to Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao? Qingmao port, the Guangdong Macao New Zealand channel opened on September 8, 2021, innovatively adopts the customs clearance mode of "cooperative inspection and one-time release", and passengers can complete customs clearance within 20 seconds at the fastest. Want to work in the mainland city of Dawan district? With the promotion of the implementation of professional title evaluation and professional qualification recognition policies in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the three places have promoted the "one trial and multiple certificates" of professional skill appraisal in eight professional fields such as architects, doctors and teachers. First choice Dawan district innovation and entrepreneurship? Guangdong has accelerated the construction of the carrier layout of the "1 + 12 + n" incubation platform, introduced Hong Kong and Macao professional incubators and social groups to provide characteristic services, and has built an innovation and entrepreneurship paradise for nearly 600 Hong Kong and Macao Youth Entrepreneurship teams and more than 4000 people. The wind rises at the end of the green duckweed, and the waves become between the small waves. In this Dawan District, which includes 11 cities in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, lives with a population of 80 million and creates an economic aggregate of 11 trillion yuan, changes are taking place every year, every month and even every day. The general trend is to constantly break the barriers hindering the flow of resource elements, continue to build high-standard rule connection and mechanism docking, accelerate the coordinated development of Dawan district at a deeper level, and constantly stimulate the "multiplier effect" of the superposition of the advantages of the three places. Looking back on 2021, hard and soft Unicom accelerated to bring people closer to Dawan district; In 2022, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao look forward to drawing bigger concentric circles. Public opinion Ye Zhaojia, chairman of the Macau Association of banks: The pilot measures for foreign invested equity investment enterprises in Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone (Provisional) and the special support measures for supporting enterprises in Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone to issue corporate bonds in Macao (Provisional) were recently issued. This is an important measure to innovate cross-border finance and is conducive to making use of the two markets The two resources will enhance the coordination and linkage of financial development in Macao and the cooperation zone, and gradually form a financial ecology of complementary advantages and win-win development between the two places, which is expected to accumulate new momentum for the development of regional modern financial industry. Lu chongmao, President of Shenzhen Hospital of the University of Hong Kong: Last August, together with 36 other Hong Kong Doctors in the hospital, I obtained the positive and senior professional title certificate issued by Shenzhen human resources and Social Security Bureau. Hong Kong is adjacent to Shenzhen. The two places have different evaluation systems in the field of medical and health professionals. Shenzhen further relaxed the restrictions on foreign doctors practicing in the mainland, provided convenience for Hong Kong doctors to obtain surgical qualification, scientific research and teaching project qualification in mainland cities in the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, and broke the practice barriers between the two places. Zeng wanwen, founder of Chaohong (International) group: As a native of Macao, I started my business in Hengqin, mainly involving cold chain goods

Edit:He Chuanning    Responsible editor:Su Suiyue

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