Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer? It's time to eat ginger now


As the saying goes, "eat radish in winter and ginger in summer, don't ask a doctor for a prescription". Ginger plays an important role in Chinese food culture and knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine. It is suitable to eat ginger in summer, but it is also suitable to eat ginger in winter. Ginger, dried ginger, shelled ginger Different skills Our commonly used ginger is ginger, dried ginger and shelled ginger. Ginger is pungent and warm, which belongs to lung, spleen and stomach meridian. In fact, ginger, dried ginger and gun ginger are one thing, which can warm and disperse cold, which is suitable for spleen and stomach cold syndrome. However, due to different processing methods, its performance is also different. Ginger is good at dispersing cold and is also "the holy medicine of vomiting family"; Dry ginger is hot, good at keeping the middle, and partial to dispelling the cold in the middle; Gun ginger is good at walking blood points and is good at warming meridians to stop bleeding. The ancients simply summarized these ginger as "ginger can go but not keep, dried ginger can go and keep, and gun ginger can keep but not go". But in our daily regimen, we use ginger most. Eating ginger has many advantages. People with cold constitution are usually afraid of cold and cold hands and feet. They are prone to diarrhea after eating cold food. Eating ginger can warm and expel the cold, prevent cold evil from hurting the spleen and stomach, and avoid indigestion. Ginger can stop vomiting. For people suffering from carsickness and seasickness, include a few pieces of ginger on the way, or drink some ginger water to improve their symptoms. When eating is not delicious or the amount of food is reduced, eating ginger can improve appetite and increase the amount of food. If you have a cold, drink a bowl of hot ginger soup, porridge, etc., your symptoms will improve. Ginger can be used to detoxify fish, shrimp and poultry poisoning, or accidental eating of cassava, wild mushrooms, raw Pinellia ternata, raw Nanxing and other drugs. There are many ways to use ginger in winter Please keep the health list In winter, ginger can be used to formulate health regimen according to the needs of different people. Ginger black tea and tea can not be taken together. Ginger black tea can regulate the intestines and stomach. Ginger black tea: Take 1 to 3 grams of black tea and 3 pieces of fresh ginger, put them in a tea cup, brew with boiling water, cover and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes, and drink them 1 to 2 times a day; Fresh ginger can also be used for 15 grams, and then juice is transferred to black tea. Ginger jujube tea ginger has the function of dispersing cold in the middle of temperature, sweating and relieving the surface. Soaking ginger jujube in water has the function of dispersing cold in the middle of temperature and harmonizing camp and health. It has a very significant effect on the initial feeling of external wind cold in winter. Ginger milk for people with gastric ulcer, ginger milk can protect the stomach. Pour two or three tablespoons of ginger juice into half a kilo of boiled milk, warm it and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning. Milk and ginger juice can form a protective film on the ulcer surface of gastric mucosa to prevent the erosion of gastric acid. Ginger porridge for people with spleen deficiency and loose stools, ginger porridge is also recommended. Practice: take 50g of rice, wash it, add water to cook porridge, add 10g of ginger slices when it is fast cooked, cook until the rice is cooked, and take it while it is hot. Vinegar soaked ginger has a unique spicy taste, which can stimulate taste buds, strengthen the spleen and appetizer, while vinegar has the effect of appetizing and promoting blood circulation. Vinegar soaked ginger can regulate the spleen and stomach and promote digestion. Ginger dominates divergence and vinegar converges. After vinegar is added to ginger, the effects of the two enhance each other, both raising Yang Qi and dispersing liver qi. Vinegar soaked ginger has the effect of soothing the liver and nourishing the stomach. It is suitable for people with deficiency of cold in the spleen and stomach and indigestion. Method: first, cut fresh ginger into thin slices; The second step is to put the cut ginger slices into a clean empty bottle, pour rice vinegar (rice vinegar must not exceed ginger slices), add a small amount of sugar and salt, tighten the bottle cap and store it in the refrigerator. It can be eaten after 3 days. Take out 2 to 4 pieces of ginger every morning, which can be used with millet porridge. Ginger soaked feet can warm yang and dredge collaterals. People with insufficient Yang generally have cold hands and feet, are easy to be afraid of cold, often have diarrhea, indigestion and low spirits. At this time, ginger slices can be used. After boiling over the high fire, soak your feet with water. Note that the temperature must be appropriate. The water temperature should be 40 ℃ to 45 ℃, and the soaking time should not exceed half an hour. Eat some ginger Otherwise, it will affect sleep and hurt the intestine Although ginger is good, there are many precautions when using it. Ginger has a wide range of health preservation applications, but it is not suitable for people with different physique in every region. We need to polish our eyes and distinguish the specific situation. Rotten ginger will produce a highly toxic substance safrole, which can denature and necrosis hepatocytes, and even induce liver cancer, esophageal cancer and so on. Ginger must be carefully observed before eating. Eating ginger is not more good. Rhinorrhea caused by taking too much ginger often occurs. From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine, due to the large dose of ginger taken by the party in a short time, the body suddenly suffers from dryness evil, accumulates heat and turns fire, consumes body fluid, disturbs blood, forces blood to act recklessly, circulates and clears the orifices, resulting in epistaxis. Modern research suggests that it is not appropriate to eat too much ginger at a time, so as not to absorb a large amount of gingerol, which will stimulate the kidney in the process of excretion through the kidney, and produce "fire" symptoms such as dry mouth, sore throat and constipation. In addition, ginger is suitable for people with cold stomach, that is, patients with frequent diarrhea, tepid limbs, fear of cold and warm. For those with Yin deficiency and fire flourishing constitution, people who often have dry mouth, dry eyes, dry nose, dry skin, irritability and poor sleep should not eat more ginger. Or those with severe internal heat, suffering from stomach heat, vomiting, hemorrhoids bleeding, carbuncle, sore and furuncle, etc., should not eat ginger. It depends on the time to eat ginger. In the morning, the Qi in people's stomach needs to be raised. Eating some ginger can strengthen the spleen and warm the stomach. In the evening, the human body should have Yang Qi convergence and Yin Qi exuberance, so we should eat more food to clear away heat and lower Qi. Modern research also shows that gingerol stimulates gastrointestinal peristalsis, which can enhance the effect of spleen and stomach during the day, and affect sleep and hurt the intestine at night. Ginger red jujube water is only suitable for patients with wind cold or stomach cold, and ginger is not suitable for wind heat cold. When chills and fever occur after wind, cold or rain and snow, eating ginger helps to spread and leak the cold and warm the stomach. Wind heat and cold are not caused by cold evil, so ginger should not be used alone. In addition, taking fresh ginger juice can deal with cold induced vomiting, while other types of vomiting should not be used. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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