Attention should be paid to the problem of "sub-health" of college teachers


"The overall physical health status of college teachers is not optimistic, and shows an increasing trend year by year; multiple occupational loads also have a significant impact on the detection rate of their physiological diseases in varying degrees." Recently, at the 2021 annual meeting of Higher Education Professional Committee of China Association for educational development strategy and the Symposium on building a powerful country in Higher Education during the 14th Five Year Plan period, the person in charge of a research topic on Teachers' academic professional load and health shared their findings. In people's traditional impression, college teachers seem to be an ideal job with stable work, free time and high social recognition. But if you have relatives and friends who are college teachers, this perception is likely to be subverted. All college teachers with a sense of responsibility and self-improvement are bound to face heavy pressure on scientific research and teaching. Especially for young teachers, their teaching tasks for undergraduates and postgraduates often only mean completing the basic workload. In addition, they have to do experiments, send articles, apply for topics and publish monographs, which have almost become the "standard" for the evaluation of college teachers. In those colleges and universities that implement various "non promotion and go" systems, if their work performance does not meet the standards during the employment period, let alone "promotion" is hopeless, and it is a fluke not to "go". Under all kinds of tangible and intangible pressure, many college teachers can only compress their personal free time according to the assessment baton. From teaching on weekdays, to weekends, to winter and summer vacation, they are the "time sponge" for college teachers to pressurize themselves. A survey on the health status of College Teachers in a southern province shows that only about 10% of College Teachers in this province are in basic health status, about 20% are in various disease status, and about one-third to one-half of the remaining 70% are in sub-health status, that is, they are in the marginal state of disease. Different from some pure manual workers, college teachers consume both brain and physical strength, which brings many health risks. A survey shows that many teachers suffer from different degrees of occupational diseases due to long-term standing teaching and staying up late for scientific research. Among them, chronic pharyngitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, cervical spondylosis and respiratory diseases have become the main occupational diseases perplexing teachers. In addition to the common occupational diseases of these teachers, the mental health status of college teachers is not optimistic. On the one hand, for many college teachers, especially young teachers, the employment period assessment, which is widely implemented in domestic colleges and universities, has become one of the root causes of anxiety; On the other hand, in recent years, college students have a high incidence of psychological problems such as depression. The performance and influence of those students with psychological diseases are also easy to increase the psychological distress of college teachers. Especially under the background of the continuous expansion of graduate training scale and the great difference of graduate quality, college teachers also bear the guidance pressure and joint and several liability for graduate thesis, which also aggravates the anxiety, sensitivity and depression of these college teachers. For many college teachers, it is difficult to jump out of this life mode. They can only hope that with the accumulation of years, scientific research, teaching, awards and other factors can help them promote their professional titles and obtain a relatively loose working environment. For more ordinary teachers, only when there are signs of disease in the body, will they deeply reflect on the pace and way of work. Man is the purpose of development, and health is the premise of everything. It is true that the systemic pressure faced by college teachers is due to the academic ecological environment of the whole college. Generally speaking, it is also a need for social progress and vitality, but this pressure should be maintained within a reasonable limit, which is an inevitable requirement for the unity of purpose and means, principles and methods, process and results of development, It is also an important link that needs careful consideration in the top-level design of higher education and the arrangement of university evaluation system. (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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