Ministry of Foreign Affairs: if the United States insists on pushing forward the bill related to Xinjiang, China will resolutely respond


In response to the Xinjiang related bill passed by the US Congress a few days ago, foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said on the 15th that China firmly opposes the US Congress interfering in China's internal affairs through Xinjiang related issues. If the United States insists on pushing forward the relevant bills, China will certainly make a firm response. At the regular press conference on the same day, a reporter asked: it is reported that on the 14th, the US House of Representatives passed the "Uygur forced labor prevention bill" agreed by the Senate and the house of Representatives, which is to be submitted to the president for signature after deliberation by the Senate. What is China's response to this? Zhao Lijian said that China firmly opposes the U.S. Congress interfering in China's internal affairs through Xinjiang related issues. Some politicians in the United States have repeatedly made trouble by spreading rumors about Xinjiang related issues, engaging in political manipulation and economic bullying under the banner of "human rights", in an attempt to "control China with Xinjiang" and curb China's development. Their sinister scheme will never succeed, and will only further collapse the credibility and image of the US government and Congress in China. Zhao Lijian said that the hat of forced labor belongs to the United States. So far, there are about 500000 child workers engaged in agricultural work in the United States, and 240000 to 325000 women and children have been sexually enslaved. In the past five years, as many as 100000 people have been trafficked to the United States for forced labor every year. The United States should face up to and solve its own serious problem of forced labor. He said that the U.S. government's treatment of Indian talents is a real genocide. The American Indian population decreased from 5 million at the end of the 15th century to about 250000 at the beginning of the 20th century, only one twentieth of the original. Today, Indians are marginalized in the fields of American politics, economy, culture and social life, and suffer from long-term, extensive and systematic discrimination. The area of Indian reserves accounts for only 2.3% of the territory of the United States, and some reserves are even used by the U.S. government as "garbage cans" for dumping toxic or nuclear waste. Just take the Navajo tribe on the border between Arizona and New Mexico as an example. About a quarter of its women and infants contain high levels of radioactive substances. Zhao Lijian said that there is a Chinese saying that clay figurines can't stand the rain, and lies can't stand the investigation. The existence of the so-called "genocide" and "forced labor" in Xinjiang is a century lie, but it is becoming "politically correct" in the United States. China deeply regrets this. "China's determination to safeguard national security and development interests is unswerving. If the United States insists on pushing forward the relevant bills, China will make a firm response." (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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