To prevent and control childhood obesity, we must update the concept and habits of parenting


Childhood obesity has become an important public health problem threatening the physical and mental health of Chinese children. Recently, a study entitled "the effect of comprehensive intervention measures to prevent obesity in Chinese primary school students: a randomized clinical trial" suggests that through health education and ensuring that children carry out 1 hour of physical exercise every day during school, they carry out BMI (body mass index) detection every month, record and feedback through mobile phone applications, through a set of school Comprehensive measures involving families can effectively intervene children's obesity. With the reduction of absolute poverty and the solution of the problem of food and clothing, obesity has increasingly become a universal problem. The report on nutrition and chronic diseases of Chinese residents (2020) released by the Information Office of the State Council in December 2020 shows that the obesity rate of adult residents in China is more than 50%, children and adolescents aged 6 to 17 are close to 20%, and children under 6 are up to 10%. The report on childhood obesity in China shows that the risk of hypertension in overweight and obese children is 3.9 times higher than that in normal weight children. The risk of developing diabetes in obese children is 2.7 times that of normal weight children. The risk of metabolic syndrome in people with persistent obesity from childhood to adulthood is 9.5 times higher than that in people with persistent normal weight. In modern society, personal health has increasingly become a public affair. Because of personal health problems, it will occupy the corresponding public financial expenditure. Even if they bear the cost of restoring health, the process will still occupy a lot of public health resources. This is the reason why obesity has increasingly become the focus of social attention all over the world. The occurrence of obesity, to a large extent, has cognitive and self-discipline factors. There is no common sense and understanding of the needs of the body, and there is no self-control over the temptation of food, which is not only the personality factor of obesity, but also the reason why the concept of health includes a sound personality. Therefore, obesity is not only a physical problem, but also a psychological problem. The social cognition of obesity will form a wordless pressure, which will cause obese people to "feel ashamed" psychological identity, so as to make them have social difficulties, aggravate obese people's adolescent rebellion and personality defects, and serious people will have mate selection obstacles after puberty, which is incompatible with the society and cause social problems. To solve the problem of childhood obesity, we need to work together. From a social perspective, the food environment is an important part of obesity. Previous studies have shown that the Asia Pacific region is the region with the fastest growth of childhood obesity in the world. This is because children are increasingly exposed to cheap and convenient processed foods with higher calories. These foods are often high in salt, sugar, fat and monotonous nutrition. In response to this phenomenon, some countries have formulated relevant regulations to prohibit the advertising of unhealthy children's food, and prohibit vending machines from selling puffed food and sugary drinks in some schools. China CDC has also prepared the consumption guide for children's snacks, which divides children's snacks into three levels of "regular consumption", "appropriate consumption" and "limited consumption", to guide parents to buy snacks for their children more scientifically. From the perspective of family and school, it is more practical to update parenting concepts and habits, but it also requires more hard work. For example, some parents believe that children's overweight is a sign of health. In order to express their love for their children, they feed their children more food than they normally need; Some parents believe that 100% fresh juice without addition is a healthy food rich in vitamins, but in fact, its sugar content is even higher than that of coke; Some parents reduce their children's sports activities in order to avoid their children's injury, and deliberately avoid more confrontational sports, such as mountaineering, football, basketball, etc. These misplaced ideas need to be reversed in time. It has to be said that it seems to be a happy scene for chubby children to eat with a smile with potato chips or candy. However, for the long-term physical and mental health of children, it is better to have fewer such scenes. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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