Why does "grass planting platform" change into "leek land" good thing sharing change its taste


If you also love "planting grass", high energy warning ahead! The network platform that makes you forget to "Browse" may have become a "leek land" for a long time. Recently, according to a report in banyuetan, some brands provide "plain bloggers" with pseudo "plain notes" implanted with "soft Canton", which is making the "grass planting platform" a "leek platform". Let's start with some concepts of popular science. The so-called plain blogger refers to ordinary users with few fans and few comments. Compared with stars and big V, they seem to have limited influence and can't stir up much noise. However, because some users prefer to believe in plain people's recommendation, and "plain people's notes" can create a false atmosphere of "a large number of ordinary people are using", plain people has become a new favorite of the brand. The "plain notes", which should record the real feelings of consumption, have become a new weapon to mislead consumers. Previously, the Beijing News exposed the writing and distribution of "grass planting posts" of medical beauty. In the advertisement put by a medical beauty organization, the plain blogger first confided his heart in the first person and resonated with words such as "one place destroys all", "painful inferiority complex" and "envy beautiful sisters". Then there are beautiful pictures and beautiful photos, focusing on the curative effect of "people become refined" after cosmetic surgery. As the key information, the name of cosmetic surgery organization was quietly ambushed in the copywriting, trying to weaken the color of advertising. The problem is that the real situation is not only that "tie beauty is not beautiful", but also a lot of lies. In the eyes of many plain bloggers, there is only "promotion fee", busy with "just rotten rice", regardless of product quality. According to people familiar with the matter, some plain bloggers lack the professional ability to distinguish the efficacy of products when receiving advertisements. Due to the long cycle of observing the use effect of products, many people have no time to "use for themselves first and then promote" in order to receive more advertisements. A few years ago, star endorsements repeatedly "overturned". A very important reason is that many stars are "symbolic use". They blow the products up with a sip of health care products and a taste of weight loss water. If stars endorse things that they never use, why should consumers trust them? In contrast, the popularity of "plain notes" is based on the public's trust in "past people's experience". There is no problem with "planting grass" to stimulate consumption. There is no threshold for network communication. All people are brothers all over the world. It should be a wonderful thing for people to enjoy the same beautiful scenery and taste the same food in "misplaced time and space". In recent years, searching for consumption guidelines on the Internet has become a compulsory course in modern life. From travel, shopping and dining to tourism, decoration and medical beauty, with the help of other people's experience, "lightning protection" and "hiding pit" are the first choice. Taking me as an example, whenever I encounter "plain people's notes" such as "these office snacks I've eaten don't get fat", "small but easy to use popular household goods", I will collect a wave first, as if I can gain the experience value of predecessors with one click. In the eyes of Professor Huang Chuxin of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the accurate "grass planting notes" are bombed with its ultra-high reputation and ultra-high traffic content, which is very easy to stimulate users' desire to buy and guide users to buy. In itself, it is to use consumers' convergence psychology to realize the personal experience of some users. But a gentleman loves money and takes it in a right way. There should also be rules for the realization of "grass planting", and the "grass planting platform" should not be allowed to change into "leek land". If the "cutting and cutting" situation does not change, consumers will become frightened birds that no one can believe. In this way, it will hurt not only the credibility of the platform, but also the economic vitality of mass consumption. "Grass planting platform" is not an illegal place. The "evaluation + sales" promotion Posts put by the brand to plain bloggers should also be subject to a series of laws and regulations such as advertising law and anti unfair competition law. If consumers' rights and interests are damaged due to false "grass planting posts", they can naturally take up legal weapons to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. As a senior "grass pulling expert", I hope you can reduce the calculation of "cutting leeks" and share more sincerity, so as to return to the truth of "planting grass" and the original intention of ordinary people to help ordinary people. (outlook new era)

Edit:Yuanqi Tang    Responsible editor:Xiao Yu


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