Belarusian and German leaders spoke on the phone again on the issue of border refugees


On the 17th, President Lukashenko of Belarus again talked on the phone with Chancellor Angela Merkel of the German caretaker government to discuss the problem of border refugees between Belarus and EU countries. According to the news released on the website of the president of Belarus, the leaders of the two countries discussed in detail the current border refugee problem and reached some understandings on how to promote the settlement of relevant problems. The leaders of the two countries said that the refugee issue would be submitted to the Belarus EU level, and Belarus and the EU would immediately negotiate to solve the existing problems after identifying relevant officials. The issue of refugees' willingness to travel to Germany will also be resolved. Merkel conveyed to Lukashenko the request of European Commission President von delaine to involve international organizations in solving the refugee problem. The two sides agreed to continue contact to resolve relevant issues. On the 15th of this month, Lukashenko and Merkel had a telephone conversation on the issue of border refugees. Recently, thousands of refugees tried to enter EU countries such as Poland and Lithuania from Belarus and finally went to Western Europe, most of them from the Middle East. Poland and other countries strengthened border control and strictly prevented illegal entry, resulting in a large number of immigrants staying at the border. Poland and other countries accused Belarus of planning the crisis in retaliation for the EU's previous sanctions against Belarus. Belarus said that the sanctions made Belarus unable to control the inflow of immigrants. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi


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