Building a new pattern of international trade in Dawan District


On the occasion of the opening of the 130th Canton Fair, the Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Great Bay area international trade cooperation forum was held in Guangzhou. Many guests from political and business circles and authoritative experts in the field of international trade gathered together to carry out high-end dialogue around the theme of "jointly building Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Great Bay area and promoting high-quality trade development", collide ideological sparks, gather open consensus, and contribute wisdom to the construction of a new pattern of international trade in the Great Bay area. The total international trade volume of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Greater Bay area exceeds 14 trillion yuan, ranking first in all Bay areas in the world. At the forum, Zhang Xin, vice governor of Guangdong Province, and Chen maobo, financial secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, demonstrated the strong strength and huge business opportunities of international trade in Dawan district. "Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao give full play to their respective comparative advantages, build a large platform for opening up, expand a large economic and trade network and cultivate a large market in the bay area. Driven by the construction of the bay area, Guangdong's international trade import and export has reached 7.08 trillion yuan in 2020, exceeding 7 trillion yuan for three consecutive years, accounting for one fifth of the country. Since 1986, it has ranked first in the country for 35 consecutive years," Zhang Xin said. "Hong Kong is an international trade and shipping center. Last year, the total volume of cargo trade ranked sixth in the world. In terms of cargo transportation, Hong Kong International Airport has been the busiest airport in the world for 10 consecutive years." Chen maobo said that the national economic take-off over the past few decades has contributed to the repeated transformation of Hong Kong's economy and created today's Hong Kong. In the new stage of development, Hong Kong will more actively integrate into the overall situation of national development and work with the sister cities of Dawan district to promote trade development to a higher level. In Dawan district with unlimited prospects, how to promote the construction of a new development pattern with high-quality trade development in the new stage? Huang Qifan, executive deputy director of the academic committee of the national innovation and Development Strategy Research Association, put forward four suggestions: there should be new measures to make up for China's short board of opening to the outside world, new breakthroughs in the integration of domestic and foreign trade, new achievements in cultivating new business forms and new models, and new steps in promoting the cross-border flow of innovation factors. Huang Qifan pointed out that in the past 40 years, there are still four important weaknesses in China's opening to the outside world, namely, finance, service trade, public services and digital economy. In addition to the two free ports of Hong Kong and Macao, Dawan district also has pilot free trade zones such as Qianhai, Nansha and Hengqin. We should give full play to the role of these high-level opening platforms and make new breakthroughs in making up for these four short boards of opening to the outside world. In terms of promoting the integration of domestic and foreign trade, Dawan district should speed up the transformation from "two ends outside" to "one end inside and one end outside". This not only needs to promote the connection of domestic and foreign trade supervision system and other systems to realize the same line, the same standard and the same quality, but also to guide processing trade enterprises to R & D and design, production, maintenance and remanufacturing of key parts Sales settlement and other high-end extension of the industrial chain. How to make good use of the free trade zone platform to promote the high-quality development of trade in Dawan district? "The new trade formats in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Dawan district are in full bloom and maintain rapid growth. Cross border e-commerce imports and exports account for more than 40% of the country. The pilot free trade zone has made great contributions to such achievements," said Li Shanmin, vice president of Sun Yat sen University. However, he also pointed out that at present, the institutional innovation of the free trade zone is still concentrated in relatively easy areas, such as trade facilitation and reducing cumbersome customs clearance procedures; There are still deficiencies in the opening and innovation of institutional rules. Next, Dawan district should combine the two advantages of Qianhai Shenzhen Hong Kong modern service industry cooperation zone and Hengqin Guangdong Macao deep cooperation zone, make good use of policy advantages, and make various institutional innovations in combination with the high standard free trade rule system. Where is the high-quality development road of trade in Dawan district? Many experts and scholars unanimously put forward that service trade is an important promotion direction. "Although China is already the largest country in goods trade and the second largest country in service trade, there are serious shortcomings in the structure of service trade, such as large deficit, low added value and high labor-intensive." Huang Qifan believes that Dawan district has an export-oriented economy and should actively promote the transformation from traditional processing trade to service trade and technology trade, and vigorously develop bonded logistics, bonded R & D Bonded maintenance, bonded exhibition and other "bonded +" new business formats. "The three traditional service industries of transportation, construction and finance are the pillars of service trade in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao. Tourism and commercial services have also developed well in recent years. Among the high-end service industries, the trade surplus of computer information services is expanding, which also shows the high-end trend of service trade in Dawan district." Li Shanmin believes that the trade quality of Dawan district should be improved, It is to develop in the direction of service trade. Dawan District, as a manufacturing agglomeration, has great room for the improvement of producer services; Hong Kong's service trade has great advantages. In the next step, we can find room for improvement in the fields of high-end services, production services and digital trade. "The Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has demonstrated its strong vitality, which has injected new impetus into promoting the smooth flow of Global trade and promoting international investment cooperation." Ren Hongbin, Vice Minister of Commerce, said that the Ministry of Commerce will continue to implement various policies and measures in the business field to support the Great Bay area of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, build a global trade digital pilot area, and further expand international trade and investment cooperation under the guidance of innovation, Inject new momentum into economic recovery. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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