Geng Shuang expounded China's views on five major issues in the Fourth Committee of the 76th UN General Assembly


On November 3, Geng Shuang, Deputy Permanent Representative of China to the United Nations, delivered a speech at the general debate of the Fourth Committee responsible for special political and decolonization affairs of the 76th UN General Assembly on November 3, expounding China's views on five major topics. First, on decolonization. Geng Shuang pointed out that colonialism has brought great disasters to the world and left a dark page in human history. In those years, a few Western countries practiced slavery in the colonies, carried out ethnic cleansing, plundered resources and wealth, created appalling human tragedies and committed countless serious crimes. Today, the colonial era is over, but the legacy of colonialism is still poisoning the vast number of former colonial countries, hindering and restricting their development, the tide of colonial thought has not yet ebbed, and it is still popular in the form of power politics and bullying. Geng Shuang called on the international community to take the Fourth International Decade for the elimination of colonialism (2021-2030) as an opportunity to jointly liquidate the harm of colonialism, eliminate the legacy of colonialism, maintain international fairness and justice, and promote the establishment of a more just and reasonable international political and economic order. Geng Shuang expressed China's support for continuing to promote the decolonization process of the 17 UN non self governing territories and the efforts of the peoples of the non self governing territories to strive for the right to self-determination. He called on the administering Power government to take effective measures to promote development, protect human rights and protect the environment on the ground. Geng Shuang urged those countries that have pursued or benefited from the colonial system to show political will, bear historical responsibility, compensate for the consequences of colonialism, and stop pursuing colonial thinking in international relations to harm the interests of other countries. Geng Shuang said that China supports Argentina's legitimate demand for sovereignty over the Malvinas Islands and has always advocated the settlement of territorial disputes between countries through peaceful negotiations in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. We hope that Britain will respond positively to Argentina's request, start dialogue and negotiations as soon as possible and find a peaceful, just and lasting solution in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions. Second, the Palestinian issue in the Middle East. Geng Shuang pointed out that the Palestinian issue is the core of the Middle East issue. In the final analysis, we should seek a long-term solution on the basis of the "two state solution". At present, the humanitarian and security situation in the occupied Palestinian territory remains grim. Israel should further open Gaza crossings to remove obstacles to the entry of humanitarian and reconstruction goods. The expansion of settlements and the demolition of Palestinian houses should be stopped, the safety of the people in the occupied territories should be guaranteed, and the historical status quo of the religious holy sites in Jerusalem should be maintained. Geng Shuang stressed that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East is crucial to ensuring basic services such as education and medical care for more than 5 million Palestine refugees, and the international community should increase its political and financial support for the agency. Geng Shuang said that as a sincere friend of the Palestinian people, China supports the just cause of Palestinian struggle for national rights and the establishment of a fully sovereign and independent Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as its capital. We will continue to work with all parties in the international community to promote the early realization of a comprehensive, reasonable and just settlement of the Palestinian issue and the early realization of lasting peace between Palestine and Israel and the region. The third is about peacekeeping operations. Geng Shuang said that UN peacekeeping operations are an important means of maintaining international peace and security. China firmly supports United Nations peacekeeping operations, advocates taking the political settlement of hot issues as the core goal of peacekeeping, and formulates a clear, feasible and focused mandate accordingly. We should adhere to the basic principles of peacekeeping, fully respect the sovereignty of the countries concerned, and expand consultation and coordination with troop contributing countries. It is necessary to strengthen peacekeeping capacity-building, carry out targeted skills training and improve the ability of missions to deal with complex situations. We should ensure the safety of peacekeepers, strengthen risk assessment in combination with the actual situation of each mission, incorporate the safety factors of peacekeepers into all links of decision-making, and take practical measures. Geng Shuang said that as a major troop contributing country and the second largest contributor, China has successively participated in 26 United Nations peacekeeping operations, sending more than 45000 peacekeepers. This year, it also donated 300000 doses of new crown vaccine to peacekeepers to maintain peace and protect blue helmets with practical actions. As chairman of the group of friends on the security of United Nations peacekeepers, China will work with 53 other members to promote substantive progress in the security agenda of peacekeepers. China will convene a group of friends this month to discuss the security of peacekeeping camps. Fourth, the influence of atomic radiation. Geng Shuang said that atomic radiation has a broad and far-reaching impact on the earth's environment, human health and biodiversity. China supports the work of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation and the committee's efforts to promote the effective implementation of all countries' obligations on non-proliferation, nuclear security and nuclear safety. Geng Shuang stressed that the Fukushima nuclear accident is one of the most serious nuclear accidents in the world so far. The disposal of Fukushima nuclear contaminated water is related to public health, marine environment and sustainable development. In April this year, the Japanese government unilaterally decided to discharge Fukushima nuclear contaminated water into the sea without exhausting safe disposal means, fully disclosing relevant information and fully consulting with stakeholders such as neighboring countries, which aroused widespread doubts and opposition from countries around the Pacific and the Japanese people. The international community has raised many concerns about the rationality and scientificity of Japan's decision-making on sea discharge, the credibility of decision-making data and the reliability of nuclear polluted water purification equipment. It is generally worried that the discharge of nuclear polluted water will cause incalculable damage to human health, fisheries, the earth's environment and biodiversity. China hopes that the Scientific Committee on the effects of atomic radiation will conduct a comprehensive assessment and put forward sound suggestions on the disposal of nuclear contaminated water in Fukushima with an objective, fair, scientific and responsible attitude. The International Atomic Energy Agency is expected to step up consultations with all parties to supervise and review the whole process of disposal to ensure absolute safety. The fifth is about multilingualism. Geng Shuang said that multilingualism is one of the core values of the United Nations and an important driving force for promoting mutual understanding, solidarity and mutual assistance. China hopes that the United Nations will uphold and implement multilingualism and effectively eliminate the unequal and unbalanced use of English and other official languages. Chinese is the mother tongue with the largest number of users in the world. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of Chinese civilization and the common wealth of all mankind. We hope that the United Nations will strengthen the resources and manpower allocation of the Chinese communication platform, enrich Chinese information products, and make the voice of the United Nations heard and seen by more Chinese users. Geng Shuang said that this year marks the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the legitimate seat of the people's Republic of China in the United Nations. Over the past 50 years, China has put into practice the purposes and principles of the UN Charter with practical actions, and has become a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. No matter how the international situation changes, China's support for the United Nations can always be expected, sustainable and reliable. We will continue to contribute to the just cause of the United Nations and the development and progress of mankind. (outlook new era)

Edit:Ming Wu    Responsible editor:Haoxuan Qi

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