A comprehensive understanding of the great significance of the common values of all mankind


General secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: "we should be responsible for the future and destiny of mankind, and be the guide of the common values of all mankind. We should understand the value of different civilizations in a broad mind and respect people's exploration of the path of value realization in different countries, and give full play to the common values of all mankind in the practice of realizing the interests of their own people." At the 100th anniversary conference of the Communist Party of China, Xi Jinping, general secretary, solemnly declared to the world that the Communist Party of China will continue to work with all peace loving countries and peoples to promote the common values of peace, development, justice, democracy and freedom, and push the wheels of history towards a bright goal. This is a significant historical moment in the centenary of the Chinese Communist Party. General Secretary Xi Jinping, based on the great rejuvenation strategy of China and the great changes in the world, has issued the times to answer questions of the times and lead the way of the times. China has guided the development of the world with the light of wisdom, guiding the advance of mankind with the light of truth, and fully demonstrates the fact that the Chinese Communist Party is responsible for the world. The world's feelings for mankind make the world truly feel the strong ideological shock, theoretical persuasion and practical attraction. The common values of all mankind have condensed the value consensus of different civilizations, reflecting the greatest common divisor of values universally recognized by people all over the world. They transcend the differences in ideology, social system and development level, conform to the historical trend and meet the needs of the times. It is another important theoretical achievement of Xi Jinping's socialist thought with China's characteristics in the new era.    The common values of all mankind stand at the strategic height of the process of human history and provide a strong ideological guidance for the cause of human progress. The common values of all mankind reflect the historical thickness of the excellent Chinese traditional culture and inject new strength into the development of world civilization. The common values of all mankind highlight the breadth of inclusiveness and inclusiveness, which provides a strong spiritual driving force for the great unity of the people of the world. The common value of all mankind shows the ideological depth of the concept of a community of human destiny and defines the value core contained in this important concept. The common value of all mankind shows the theoretical characteristics of dialectical unity and universal connection. It has a practical and simple and vivid theoretical character. It is a great ideological creation of the Chinese Communists to observe, grasp and lead the times with Marxism.   Peace and development are the themes of today's era. They are also related to people's right to survival and development. Fairness and justice are important norms in international relations and also related to human dignity. Democracy and freedom are important elements of modern political civilization and are also related to personal well-being. In the new era and new journey, we should be based on development, face the people, China, the world, history and the future, stand on the right side of history and human progress, and unswervingly be a builder of world peace, a contributor to global development and a defender of the international order. We should join hands with other countries, uphold the concept of "one family under the world", jointly resist conceptual mistakes that hinder human spiritual interaction, jointly break the spiritual barriers that hinder human exchanges, adhere to the common values of all mankind, and jointly promote the construction of a world of lasting peace, universal security, common prosperity, openness, inclusiveness, cleanness and beauty. (outlook new era)

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