When it comes to brain computer interfaces, people easily associate them with magical scenes from science fiction movies. In recent years, the latest research achievements such as "monkeys using brainwaves to control tablets" have gradually brought this technology into reality. In the treatment of brain diseases, there is a lot of room for brain computer interfaces During this year's two sessions of the National People's Congress, Yao Dezhong, a deputy to the National People's Congress, a professor at the University of Electronic Science and Technology, and director of the China Cuba Neurotechnology and Brain Interaction "the Belt and Road" Joint Laboratory, said in an interview in Beijing that in the short term, brain computer interface technology is expected to be used for sleep regulation and the regulation of Alzheimer's disease. As a neuroscientist, Yao Dezhong has been particularly concerned about the medical applications of brain computer interfaces in recent years. According to him, there is no specific drug to reverse Alzheimer's disease, and the main intervention treatment is to reduce the impact of related risk factors. In addition to medication control, moderate physical exercise, cognitive training, and social activities are considered effective means of delaying cognitive decline. Under the framework of 'brain machine interaction' proposed by us, these activities can be effectively integrated and coordinated with the activity state of the brain, which is expected to approach the optimal intervention effect Yao Dezhong said that the initial version of the system developed by the team based on this has shown good results in experiments with elderly people in health care institutions. Brain computer interface technology can be traced back to the 1970s. In the interview, Yao Dezhong briefly explained the principle of brain computer interface: in the human brain, about 86 billion neurons form a huge neural network. When the neural network is active, some of the electrical signals generated by the brain will leak to the scalp; By collecting and analyzing signals through devices, one can infer the thoughts of the brain at this moment, thereby achieving "intention" control over external devices. Yao Dezhong described brain computer interface as a communication "channel" built between the brain and external devices using modern information technology. By utilizing the signals output from the 'channel', it is possible to analyze whether there are defects in the brain, such as observing children's attention levels; Or send instructions to external devices such as robots and wheelchairs to provide services for humans. With this' channel ', we can also input signals to the brain Yaodezhong believes that traditional drug treatment or psychobehavioral treatment is not always effective for brain diseases or disorders such as Alzheimer's disease, depression, schizophrenia and even attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The joint laboratory has two special national platforms. On the basis of brain computer interface technology, Yao Dezhong proposed the concept of "brain machine interaction": compared with brain computer interface that only focuses on the interaction between the brain and external instruments, "brain machine interaction" constructs a unified framework that integrates the brain, body organs, and external environmental instruments, and emphasizes the harmonious unity of the brain, body, and external environment. He believes that Chinese scientists should actively explore a new track. (New Society)
Edit:Ou Xiaoling Responsible editor:Shu Hua
Source:China News Network
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