On the 9th, the Speaker of the Iranian Islamic Parliament, Calibaf, responded to the US negotiation proposal by stating that "Iran will not wait for any letter from the US" and emphasized that the current sanctions dilemma should be resolved through strengthening national strength and other means. According to a report by the Islamic Republic of Iran News Agency on the 9th, Calibaf stated at a public meeting of the Islamic Parliament that the recent negotiation signals released by the United States fully demonstrate that negotiations are just a disguise for its "disarmament of Iran" strategy. "Negotiations conducted under the framework of military threats and humiliation will neither lift sanctions nor produce any constructive results. Kalibov said that Iran is now more aware than ever that activating domestic potential and developing multilateral diplomacy are necessary to force the enemy to return to the negotiating table and lift sanctions within the framework of continuing negotiations with the remaining parties of the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (i.e. the Iran nuclear agreement). In a segment of an interview program aired on the 7th, US President Trump said that he had written a letter to Iran's Supreme Leader Khamenei, urging Iran to negotiate with the United States on abandoning its nuclear weapons program. The Iranian delegation to the United Nations stated on the same day that they have not yet received such a letter. On the 8th, Khamenei stated that some countries insist that the purpose of negotiations is not to solve problems, but to impose their will through negotiations, and Iran will never accept it. In July 2015, Iran reached a comprehensive agreement on the Iranian nuclear issue with the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia, China, and Germany. Iran promised to limit its nuclear program in exchange for the international community lifting sanctions. In May 2018, the US government unilaterally withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement and restarted and added a series of sanctions against Iran. Since May 2019, Iran has gradually suspended the implementation of some provisions of the Iran nuclear agreement, but has promised that the measures taken are "reversible". (New Society)
Edit:Ou Xiaoling Responsible editor:Shu Hua
Source:Xinhua Net
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