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Truly 'doing' science popularization


Science popularization is an important foundational work for achieving innovative development. To build the "wings" of science popularization for innovative development in the new era, it is necessary to establish the concept that grasping science popularization is grasping innovation, and grasping innovation must grasp science popularization. If technological innovation is the peak, then the popularization of science should be the plateau. Only by cultivating fertile soil on the plateau can the peak become even more magnificent. The theme of this year's National Science Popularization Day is "Enhancing the Scientific Literacy of the Whole People and Collaborating to Build a Technological Strong Country". Through key activities and a series of joint actions such as "Exploring the Future with Thousands of Exhibitions," "Frontiers of Ten Thousand Reports," and "Creating Science Popularization with Ten Million IPs," various regions across the country have promoted the spirit of science and scientists, stimulated innovation confidence, cultivated innovative culture, built a solid mass foundation for scientific and technological innovation, and made contributions to building a strong country in science and technology. In recent years, the series of activities for National Science Popularization Day have been presented in a format that is well received by the public. Through exciting science popularization exhibitions and reports, and a mechanism of online and offline linkage, scientific content has been brought to the public, allowing them to experience the power of science up close. The current popular science is shifting from knowledge supplementation to value guidance. It is not only necessary to make the public aware of the important role of science in modern life, but also to make people understand the ways and means in which science plays a role, as well as the important role played by researchers in promoting technological innovation and science popularization. Through the holding of key activities and a series of joint actions on National Science Popularization Day, it not only helps the public understand the corresponding scientific and technological knowledge, feel the scientific power that shapes life, touch the scientific charm in cutting-edge technology, accumulate scientific momentum for innovative development, but also helps to enhance people's sense of identity with science, achieve the awareness of "recognition", the energy and "feeling" of "unity", and practice scientific work methods with high consciousness and a sense of ownership. Lifestyle and way of thinking. The rich and colorful science popularization activities are also practical actions to "activate" the spirit of science and the spirit of scientists, allowing the public to directly interact and deeply communicate with scientists, experience the profound connotations of the spirit of science and the spirit of scientists, transform abstract generalizations into concrete representations, familiarize and understand the presentation of the spirit of science and the spirit of scientists, and internalize them into personal cognition, and view the spirit of science and the spirit of scientists more rationally. Holding National Science Popularization Day activities is a concrete manifestation of the exemplary and leading role of major scientific and technological activities, and a concrete manifestation of promoting high-quality development of science popularization through practical actions. These series of activities not only showcase the achievements of national scientific and technological innovation, focusing on the "four orientations" and high-level technological self-reliance, but also through various popular science activities, can make the public feel that science has been integrated into various fields of life, encourage people to actively participate in popular science activities, cultivate the habit of actively learning, mastering, and applying scientific knowledge, and consciously resist adverse phenomena such as pseudoscience and anti science. Utilizing the National Science Popularization Day as a 'field' can help cultivate scientific thinking and rationality among the public, as well as guide them to rationally view the supporting role of technological innovation in promoting high-quality economic and social development and meeting the needs of the people for a better life. Science popularization is a verb, action is the best instruction manual for science popularization, and it is also the "true" science popularization. Science popularization should also be a vector, which has both magnitude and direction. Whether the effect of science popularization is good or not, and whether science popularization is moving towards high-quality development, the key still depends on whether practical actions have been taken. 'It's better to sit and talk than to act', only 'doing' is the correct answer. Science popularization requires the use of emotional narratives to express rational understanding of the objective world, and this expression is an action that can take various forms, with diverse scenarios and channels that can be integrated online and offline. In any case, only by truly "doing" science popularization, promoting the high-quality development of science popularization through practical actions, and expanding and strengthening the "wings" of science popularization, can we help improve the scientific literacy of citizens and enable more innovative peaks to stand on the plateau of science. (New Press) (Author: Wang Dapeng, Associate Researcher at the China Science Popularization Research Institute and Director of the China Science Popularization Writers Association)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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