
Jin Guanping: Enhancing Global Competitiveness in Service Trade


The State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Promoting the High quality Development of Service Trade through High level Opening up", focusing on accelerating the digitalization, intelligence, and greening process of service trade, and proposing multiple key tasks. This is of great significance for promoting the growth of China's service trade scale, structural optimization, efficiency improvement, and strength enhancement, and enhancing the global competitiveness of service trade. In recent years, the deep division of labor and accelerated integration of global industries, especially the rapid development of information technology such as big data, Internet of Things, cloud computing and mobile Internet, have made services increasingly prominent in the global value chain, and service trade has become the focus of global free trade. As the world's second-largest economy, China's potential for the development of service trade has gradually been released in recent years, becoming a prominent highlight of foreign trade. In the first half of this year, China's service trade reached a historic high, with a total import and export volume of 3.6 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14%. Both service exports and imports achieved double-digit growth. In addition, in the first half of the year, there was a significant increase in intellectual property usage fees, personal cultural and entertainment services, and other commercial service exports, reflecting the increasing international competitiveness of China's related services. Currently, China has many favorable conditions for developing service trade. The systematic opening up of trade in services is being promoted in an orderly manner, and the supporting role of the service industry in the development of trade in services is becoming more stable. The digitalization, intelligence, and greening process of trade in services is constantly accelerating. In this context, promoting high-quality development of service trade through high-level openness is conducive to continuously updating enterprises in technology, management, marketing, and other aspects, accelerating the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, forging and enhancing enterprise innovation and creativity in the fierce market competition environment, promoting technological innovation and talent flow, expanding domestic market demand, and promoting the optimization and configuration of the industrial chain value chain on a global scale. It should also be noted that there are still some problems in promoting high-quality development of service trade, such as insufficient breadth and depth of service industry opening up to the outside world, institutional barriers such as cumbersome administrative approvals and market access restrictions in the field of service trade, and relatively insufficient reserve of required professional talents. We need to further rely on expanding openness and innovation to stimulate new driving forces for the development of service trade. To promote high-level opening up of the service industry to the outside world. Further expand the opening up of the service industry, simplify administrative approval procedures, lower market access barriers, and enhance the facilitation of service trade. Strengthen institutional construction and rule integration. By establishing and improving the negative list management system for cross-border service trade, strengthening the integration and coordination with international high standard economic and trade rules, and promoting institutional openness in the field of service trade. Continuously cultivate and introduce professional talents. Intensify the training and introduction of professional talents in the field of service trade, and improve the quality and ability level of practitioners. Continuously promote cross-border secure and convenient flow of data. On the premise of ensuring data security and privacy, establish an efficient and convenient cross-border data flow mechanism to support the expansion and opening up of service trade, especially digitally deliverable service trade. Deepen international cooperation in service trade, expand international market layout, actively participate in global economic governance and rule making, and enhance China's voice and influence in global service trade. (New Press) (Author: Jin Guanping)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:YingLing

Source:Economic Daily

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