Think Tank

Chinese traditional culture provides inspiration for enhancing cooperation (International Forum)


I have been interested in China since I was young, and during my studies at the University of Bologna in Italy, I gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. After graduating with a master's degree, I went to study at Shandong University (Weihai) and spent a wonderful time there. I made many sincere Chinese friends and gained a deep understanding of the local society and culture. I have traveled to many parts of China and learned about Chinese art and classical architecture, which has strengthened my dream of becoming a sinologist. I conduct in-depth research on Chinese culture and literature. A few years ago, I was invited to translate the Analects into Maltese. This is the work I have always wanted to complete, because 'The Analects' is one of the most valuable literary and philosophical works in the world, and also one of my favorite Chinese classics. I translated the Analects directly from the original Chinese text in two years. The Analects of Confucius is rich in vocabulary and meanings, making it quite challenging to understand. I have added comments and explanations in the translation, striving to make it easier for Maltese readers to understand ancient Eastern wisdom. In 2022, the Maltese version of The Analects will be featured at the Malta Book Festival. At the press conference held at the Malta Chinese Cultural Center, Maltese cultural experts gave high praise to this translated work, stating that "it is a major event in the translation industry, filling a gap in Maltese literary research and providing assistance for Maltese scholars to study Confucian classics and understand Chinese culture". These evaluations have greatly inspired me. By translating the Analects, I have gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture. Confucius put forward many values and ethical principles that have had a profound impact on Chinese society. To this day, the Confucian concept of benevolent governance still provides inspiration for countries around the world to enhance cooperation and work together to strengthen global governance. The international public goods provided by China clearly express the vision of promoting the establishment of a more just and reasonable global governance system. Many Maltese people have a certain understanding of Chinese culture, as Malta not only has Confucius Institutes, but also one of the earliest Chinese cultural centers established in Europe - the Malta Chinese Cultural Center. Traditional Chinese medicine diagnosis, treatment, and teaching have been promoted in Malta since the 1980s. Nowadays, more and more Maltese teenagers are interested in learning Chinese, and Malta has included Chinese education as an elective course in public secondary schools. I have participated in the development of the teaching syllabus. Malta has established diplomatic relations with China for over 50 years. Although the two countries are far apart, they have become a model of friendly coexistence between countries with different social systems and historical cultures. In the future, I hope to translate more Chinese classics and literary works, making more contributions to the further dissemination of Chinese culture in Malta and promoting people to people exchanges between the two countries. (New Press) (Author: Salvatore Giuffre, a Maltese sinologist and visiting researcher at the University of Malta)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Jia jia

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