
Shandong Armed Police Force organizes equipment patrol and repair special activities


Newly appointed military personnel need to organize professional training in a timely manner. Some repair workers have insufficient self-learning ability. Recently, the Security Department of the Shandong Armed Police Force organized an equipment support service team to carry out special activities of "inspection, repair, and education" in their respective units. In order to further enhance the military's ability to manage and use equipment, the brigade has organized discussions and extensive questionnaire surveys in the frontline according to the concept of "problem oriented, demand driven, and on-site service". After conducting preliminary research, they sorted and summarized 27 key issues and 21 targeted suggestions. In response to the problems identified during the research, the headquarters coordinated with equipment manufacturers' technical personnel, school experts, and selected maintenance backbone personnel to form an equipment support service team. Through a combination of remote teaching, on-site teaching, and technical guidance, the team aimed to improve the equipment maintenance and troubleshooting capabilities of grassroots officers and soldiers by providing guidance and assistance. Go out and learn from experience, bring it back to promote security. In order to further enhance the ability of grassroots self maintenance and improve the quality and efficiency of skill based talent training, the team continuously expands talent training channels, selects maintenance backbone personnel in batches to go to corresponding manufacturers for learning instead of training, and follows them in the factory. Not long ago, the headquarters organized equipment support professional talent training in two batches, focusing on five categories of personnel including automotive, military, and pre assigned equipment custodians. They set up skill improvement classes and pre assigned basic classes, and adopted methods such as "guided teaching, analytical refinement, and practical assessment" to effectively hone the equipment backbone business capabilities. "Affected by the rainstorm, the troop carrier broke down on the way, so it should be handled quickly." Upon receiving instructions, the equipment support service team dispatched personnel to work with the maintenance team of a certain detachment of the headquarters to quickly identify the cause, promptly troubleshoot, and successfully complete the emergency repair task. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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