
Accurately identifying officials, selecting suitable candidates, and selecting strong cadres


Not long ago, a newly established information support unit systematically formulated measures to strengthen human resource management around officer assessment, promotion and appointment, and focused on enhancing the construction of the cadre team. At the Political Work Conference of the Central Military Commission, President Xi Jinping systematically deployed the key tasks to be done well in promoting political military building on the new journey, one of which is to strengthen the construction of the cadre team. This has forged a high-quality cadre team that is loyal, clean, and responsible, gathered strong military talents, and further pointed out the direction and provided guidance The leaders of the department introduced that after carefully studying the spirit of the Central Military Commission's political work conference, the first group of party committee members unanimously agreed that building a strong cadre team is the key to the development of military construction, and it is necessary to select and allocate strong cadres. Strengthening the construction of the cadre team and promoting the scientific allocation and positioning of personnel are not only related to the development of the army, but also to the vital interests of officers and soldiers. In response, the party committee of the department has explicitly stated that it is necessary to quickly determine the personnel base and strengthen and improve the assessment of cadres. Knowing people is the prerequisite for selecting and employing them, and passing the exam is the key The leader of the Political Work Department of the department told reporters that in order to meet the requirement of the internship chairman to "improve the accuracy of the governor's ability to understand people", it is necessary to consider "researchers" and "research affairs" together, coordinate the construction of the unit and the growth of cadres, equip each position with suitable cadres, and ensure that people are suitable for their positions. Not long ago, the department recommended a candidate for the promotion and appointment of senior colonel officers. A senior engineer with outstanding work performance was recommended to serve in the leadership position of command and management colonel. Only by knowing people can one make good use of them, and only by passing exams can one make good use of them. During the interview, the reporter learned that from the beginning of the establishment of the unit, they conducted a comprehensive understanding and detailed analysis of the cadre team, covering job experience, work time in professional fields, participation in major tasks, etc. Accurately evaluating and identifying cadres has laid the foundation for carrying out scientific staffing and job determination work. They also improved the cadre assessment work based on the actual situation of the unit, established a system of daily assessment, classified assessment and other personnel identification, guided by military needs and based on the requirements of job abilities and qualities, comprehensively assessed the actual moral and talent achievements and consistent performance of cadres, strengthened the classification and grading selection and comprehensive measurement and comparison, and achieved accurate evaluation based on people and positions, and precise selection and matching of personnel according to their positions. Recently, the list of the first batch of proposed government officials recommended by the department has been released. In this work, they strictly follow policy regulations, take into account different directions, sources, and other realities, ensure that a group of outstanding cadres and backbone who work hard and start businesses are highly valued, and establish a clear orientation of being assigned based on quality and determined based on ability. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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