
The Hangzhou Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army strengthens military civilian cooperation


Thank you to the procuratorial organs for promoting the resolution of the major flight safety hazards that have long plagued our department. After the signal tower lowering and rectification, it has now met the standards for military airport clearance protection. Recently, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate of the People's Liberation Army, together with the local procuratorial organs in Ningbo, held a case acceptance hearing on the impact of three ultra-high signal towers on military airport clearance safety. At the hearing, the person in charge of the stationed troops expressed gratitude to the local procuratorial organs in Ningbo. In September 2023, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate received feedback from the military during the "Military Airport Clearance Protection" public interest litigation special action that three ultra-high signal towers were built in the clearance area of a certain military airport, which affected the safety of military aircraft takeoff and landing. Due to the large number of signal tower construction management units and complex causes, this problem has not been resolved for a long time. Given the importance of the end clearance zone, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate immediately initiated the case handling procedure and carried out supervision and rectification Prosecutor Lu Xuehao introduced that the clearance environment of military airports is to ensure the safety of military aircraft takeoff and landing. If there are super tall buildings in the area, it will directly threaten military aircraft takeoff and landing. On October 10, 2023, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate, in accordance with the Public Interest Litigation Cooperation Measures between Military and Civilian Procuratorial Organs, reported the clues to the Ningbo Municipal People's Procuratorate and selected key investigators to form a special case team. On October 19th of that year, the military and civilian procuratorial organs conducted on-site investigations, studied and formulated investigation plans, drafted evidence lists, and conducted centralized visits and research on 13 relevant units such as administrative agencies, stationed troops, and communication tower infrastructure service enterprises. Subsequently, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate and the Ningbo People's Procuratorate jointly initiated a hearing procedure in accordance with the law, convening relevant administrative agencies, enterprises, and stationed troops in Ningbo to jointly study rectification measures and clarify responsible units. During the rectification period, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate fully utilized the advantages of military civilian cooperation in handling cases, and worked with relevant military civilian units to optimize the rectification plan. Measures such as "adding before dismantling" and configuring temporary communication vehicles were adopted to ensure that local communication was not affected while completing the rectification of lowering the height of ultra-high signal towers. Not long ago, after on-site investigation and measurement acceptance by the stationed troops, the height of the signal tower has met the standards for military airport clearance protection. Guarding the safety of military facilities and fully serving the preparation for war is an unshirkable responsibility of military and civilian procuratorial organs The leaders of Hangzhou Military Procuratorate stated that in recent years, the procuratorate has closely focused on serving the preparation for war, and has successively carried out special public interest litigation actions such as "clear air", "clean sea", and "clean electromagnetic". It has independently or jointly handled military related public interest litigation cases with local procuratorial organs, dismantled and rectified the super tall buildings in the clear air area of military airports, restored military ports and waterway training sea areas, and helped the troops solve a number of "urgent, difficult, and anxious" problems. Next, the Hangzhou Military Procuratorate will continue to carry out a special action on public interest litigation, focusing on addressing and rectifying issues that infringe upon national defense and military interests, affect and constrain the generation of combat effectiveness in the military, and effectively provide strong support for military training and preparation. (New Society)

Edit:He ChengXi Responsible editor:Tang WanQi


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