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Why does the whole process of people's democracy in China have appeal?


As a vivid practice of people's democracy throughout the entire process of China's development in the new era, the grassroots legislative connection point is connected to both the legislative body and the grassroots people, providing a window for overseas observers to observe Chinese style democracy. Since the beginning of this year, many foreign political leaders have visited China and chosen to enter grassroots legislative contact points, experiencing firsthand the operation of Chinese style democracy from the "capillaries" of Chinese legislation. In August, parliamentary leaders and representatives from 32 developing countries conducted inspections in Tianjin and Shanxi. At the grassroots legislative liaison point in Xiaobailou Street, Heping District, Tianjin, foreign parliamentary representatives were deeply impressed by the innovative legislative and legal education work carried out locally. The district conducts regular activities such as "Peace Night Talks" to translate "French language" into popular language, and on this basis, collects public opinions and suggestions on legislation. For example, Guo Xin, a representative of the District People's Congress, combines the work of lawyers with their practical duties, and conducts legal education and legislative consultation through themed lectures and other forms. The biggest advantage of the street legislative contact point is that it is closest to the people, "said Guo Jiawei, director of the Xiaobailou Street Working Committee Office of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of Heping District. The representative of Barbados, Edmund Sinkson, said: "The deputies to the National People's Congress of China go deep into the people, and the voice of every group can be heard." At the liaison station of the deputies to the National People's Congress in Xinghualing Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province, representatives of foreign parliaments watched a consultation meeting on the opinions and suggestions of the Shanxi Provincial Sports Development Regulations (Draft). In August 2024, parliamentary leaders and representatives from 32 developing countries visited the People's Congress Representative Liaison Station in Xinghualing Street, Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Photo by Guoxuan: "How can the opinions of grassroots people be conveyed to higher-level authorities?" During the exchange session, Trokhang Sekamane, Speaker of the Lesotho National Assembly, asked questions on topics such as legislative procedures. Representatives from various industries, including community police officers, coaches, and principals, answered his questions. Cai Fenxiang, Chairman of the Legal Affairs Committee of Shanxi Provincial People's Congress, said that in order to ensure the democratization of legislation, specific draft legal texts will be sent to various grassroots legislative contact points for extensive solicitation of opinions. People's congresses at all levels will arrange on-site research and solicit opinions from relevant experts. This process attaches great importance to the role of National People's Congress deputies and ensures the subjectivity of the people in legislation. The opinions and suggestions of the public are authentic folk voices Cai Fenxiang said that grassroots legislative liaison points will collect and report opinions for the highest legislative body to fully consider, and some of them may be incorporated into national legislation. At the consultation meeting, I saw the specific operation mode of Chinese style democracy Saikamane said. At present, the Law Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress has set up 45 grassroots legislative contact points throughout the country, and has led provincial and municipal people's congresses to set up more than 7300 grassroots legislative contact points. More than 200000 representative homes and liaison stations have been built across the country, achieving full coverage of townships and streets. The public can enter the contact point to directly express their opinions on relevant legislation, and grassroots public opinion can be directly transmitted to the national legislative body. Taking Xiaobailou Street as an example, since its establishment in 2021, Xiaobailou Street has completed the legislative consultation of 24 draft laws, fed back 786 suggestions to the Law Working Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, and 57 of them were adopted and absorbed. In the practice of people's democracy throughout the entire process, the election of National People's Congress deputies is also an important link. In April, diplomatic envoys from 36 countries visited the Legislative Liaison Station in Nanmofang Township, Chaoyang District, Beijing. Chen Hongzhi, Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Chaoyang District People's Congress, introduced that the election of National People's Congress deputies is divided into direct election and indirect election. The deputies to the National People's Congress of Nanmofang Township and Chaoyang District are directly elected, while the deputies to the Beijing Municipal People's Congress and the National People's Congress are indirectly elected. In April 2024, diplomatic envoys from 36 countries to China visited the Legislative Liaison Station of Nanmofang Township, the Beijing Chaoyang grassroots legislative contact point of the Legal Work Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, for a visit, discussion and exchange. Photo by Tian Yuhao, reporter from China News Service. It is reported that among the 450 district people's congress representatives in Chaoyang District, female representatives account for about 40.7%, as well as grassroots representatives such as ordinary workers, ethnic minority representatives, and youth representatives. The types of representatives are diverse. Anne Lafotina, the Ambassador of Seychelles to China, said, "The whole process of people's democracy has procedures and structures, and representatives of the National People's Congress at all levels can truly communicate with public opinion." Aldo Alvarez, the Ambassador of El Salvador to China, said that the whole process of people's democracy has complete institutional procedures and participation practices, which guarantees the political participation rights of the people and reflects their needs in national work. This is where the vitality of Chinese style democracy lies. Democracy is not an abstract concept, its value needs to be transformed into concrete results Martin Chungong, Secretary General of the Inter Parliamentary Union, has been associated with China for over 30 years, witnessing the changes and progress of democracy in China. Pure Gong believes that China's democracy is people-centered, with fairness, effectiveness, and inclusiveness. The President of the Inter Parliamentary Union, Tulia Akson, used the term "shoes" to metaphorically describe democratic systems, stating that there are different types of shoes, and democracy also has diversity. Only what suits oneself is successful. She said that Chinese style democracy has improved people's livelihoods and is a democracy that is suitable for the country's national conditions and effective. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang xiao jing

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