
Guangxi went to Sri Lanka to carry out Mid-Autumn Festival activities


According to the Department of Culture and Tourism of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on the 18th, the Guangxi Cultural Tourism Delegation recently held a series of Mid-Autumn Festival activities in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which brought Sri Lankan people a cultural feast with unique Guangxi characteristics. This event is divided into three sections, including the "Hello! China - Discovering Guangxi" cultural tourism promotion event, the Guangxi non heritage collection city, and the "Together in the End of the World" Mid Autumn Poetry Festival. The event also set up a "Silk Road Voyage - Ancient Maritime Silk Road Cultural Relics Picture Exhibition in Guangxi", showcasing the rich and diverse ethnic culture, art, and folk customs of Guangxi from multiple angles, as well as the colorful natural and historical cultural landscapes. Among them, the "Guangxi Non Heritage City" is bustling with activity, with guests experiencing Mid Autumn Festival riddles, Liubao tea tasting, lacquer fan making and other projects on site. The atmosphere is lively, and cultural and creative products made based on Guangxi cultural symbols such as Huashan rock paintings, bronze drums, and bronze phoenix lamps in the market are deeply loved by local people. At the Mid Autumn Festival Poetry Conference of "The End of the World at This Time", Qi Zhenhong, the Chinese ambassador to Sri Lanka, said in his speech that as one of the four traditional festivals of the Chinese nation, the Mid-Autumn Festival carries the profound cultural heritage of the Chinese nation for thousands of years, implying harvest, harmony, reunion, harmony and sharing. As an ancient civilization with a long history, Sri Lanka also has a unique culture of the Full Moon Festival, which is deeply rooted in various aspects of Sri Lankan culture and people's lives. The same bright moon has connected and brought the hearts of the two countries closer, building a bridge of cultural exchange between the two nations. The Speaker of the Parliament of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Yapa Abewadena, said that the Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional festival in China, and the Sri Lankan Full Moon Festival is also an important part of the country's culture and people's life. The event will promote cultural exchange and mutual understanding between Sri Lanka and China. At the Mid Autumn Festival Poetry Festival performance that evening, artists from Guangxi Ethnic Orchestra and Guangxi Song and Dance Theater brought traditional classic works such as "Mountain Songs Like Spring River Water", "Lusheng Joyful Song", "Colorful Clouds Chasing the Moon", as well as familiar songs such as "Same Starry Sky" and "The Moon Represents My Heart" to the people of China and Sri Lanka. When the traditional Sri Lankan songs "Lanka, Lanka" and "Can Dance" music started playing, the live audience clapped and sang along. The entire performance is full of poetic and picturesque charm, conveying the beautiful wishes of the Chinese and Sri Lankan people for the Mid Autumn Festival reunion and the long-standing friendship between the two countries. This event is hosted by the Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Chinese Embassy in Sri Lanka, and organized by the Sri Lanka Chinese Cultural Center and the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Department of Culture and Tourism. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:China News Service Website

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