
Monetary policy strongly supports economic recovery and improvement


The scale of social financing and the growth rate of RMB loans are both higher than the nominal economic growth rate, and the interest rates of newly issued enterprise loans and personal housing loans are at historical lows... Since the beginning of this year, the prudent monetary policy has been flexible, moderate, precise, and effective. In February, May, and July, significant monetary policy adjustments have been implemented, and comprehensive measures have been taken in terms of the total amount, structure, and transmission of monetary policy, effectively supporting the economic recovery and improvement. Currently, the complexity, severity, and uncertainty of the external environment are increasing, leading to an increase in adverse impacts; The insufficient effective domestic demand, the transformation of old and new driving forces, and the deepening of structural adjustment have also posed certain challenges. But it should also be noted that the early policy effects continue to show, and positive factors are also gathering and increasing. The stable operation and long-term positive development trend of China's economy will not change. In this context, macro policies should continue to be more awesome. We should continue to adhere to a supportive monetary policy stance and strengthen countercyclical and cross cyclical adjustments; Closely observe the effectiveness of policies, and reasonably grasp the intensity and pace of monetary policy regulation based on the economic recovery situation, target achievement situation, and specific problems faced by macroeconomic operation. In terms of total amount, a variety of monetary policy tools should be comprehensively utilized to maintain reasonable and sufficient liquidity, guide banks to enhance the stability and sustainability of loan growth, and ensure that the scale of social financing and money supply match the expected goals of economic growth and price levels. In terms of interest rates, we should leverage the recent downward trend in policy interest rates and loan market quoted interest rates to promote a steady decrease in the cost of corporate financing and household credit. Structurally, we will increase the implementation of existing tools and promote the implementation of newly established tools, mainly to improve the efficiency of fund utilization and increase high-quality financial services for major strategies, key areas, and weak links. Doing a good job in the five major articles is the focus of high-quality development of financial services for the real economy, and it is also an important content of deepening the supply side structural reform of finance. In recent years, the support for technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance, and digital finance has been continuously increasing, with significant results. In the past five years, the average annual growth rate of inclusive small and micro loans, green loans, medium and long-term loans for high-tech manufacturing, and loans for technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises has been significantly higher than the average growth rate of various loans, and the financing cost of enterprises is at a historical low. Next, the financial sector should continue to strengthen collaboration with industry management departments, formulate overall plans, refine policy measures, strengthen positive incentives, and enhance the service capabilities of financial institutions. Preventing and controlling risks and promoting financial openness are essential for promoting high-quality development of the financial industry. We should adhere to the coordinated development and security, effectively handle and resolve financial risks in key areas in conjunction with relevant departments, continuously strengthen monitoring, early warning and evaluation capacity building, establish a financial risk disposal mechanism with equal rights and responsibilities and compatible incentives and constraints, strengthen the guarantee of risk disposal resources, and weave a solid financial safety net. Continuously promote high-level financial openness, strengthen communication and cooperation with international financial organizations and monetary authorities of major economies, actively participate in international financial governance, and enhance high-level openness in expanding international cooperation. As a super large economy, China must independently grasp its monetary policy, mainly adjusting it based on the domestic macroeconomic and price situation, and giving priority to supporting domestic economic development. At the same time, we insist on the exchange rate being determined by the market, creating conditions for us to take the lead. In recent years, the market-oriented formation mechanism of the RMB exchange rate has been continuously improved, the elasticity of the exchange rate has been continuously enhanced, and the automatic stabilizer function of the exchange rate to adjust international payments has been significantly improved. This will help to release external pressure in a timely manner and expand the space for domestic monetary policy to be controlled by myself. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:Economic Daily

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