
The effectiveness of energy transformation is evident, polishing the green background of high-quality development


In recent years, the vitality of green and low-carbon industries has surged, and the green and low-carbon transformation in the energy sector has continued to advance, adding momentum to the high-quality development of China's economy. The latest data from the National Bureau of Statistics shows that from January to August, China's industrial power generation above designated size reached 6237.9 billion kilowatt hours, a year-on-year increase of 5.1%. In August, the growth rate of large-scale industrial thermal power shifted from a decrease to an increase, while the growth rate of hydropower slowed down, and the growth rate of nuclear power, wind power, and solar power accelerated. The recently released "Implementation Plan for Large scale Equipment Renewal in Key Energy Fields" requires that by 2027, the investment scale of equipment in key energy fields should increase by more than 25% compared to 2023, with a focus on promoting the implementation of the "three reforms linkage" of energy-saving transformation, heating transformation, and flexibility transformation of coal-fired power units, and achieving equipment renewal and technological transformation in transmission and distribution, wind power, photovoltaic, hydropower and other fields. Focus on large-scale equipment updates, provide "real money and silver" from multiple regions, and encourage more enterprises to implement equipment updates. Guangxi supports industrial enterprises in implementing equipment updates and technological transformations, with a maximum reward of 10 million yuan for high-quality technological transformation projects; Qinghai will focus on supporting the renovation of old elevators in residential buildings that have been in use for more than 15 years, and give priority to supporting the renovation of old elevators in residential buildings that have been in use for more than 20 years; Starting from this year, Jiangsu has launched loan interest subsidies for three consecutive years. For project loans with equipment purchase amounts exceeding 5 million yuan, the provincial government will provide a 1 percentage point interest subsidy, and the district and city will provide an additional 1 percentage point interest subsidy to promote the reduction of loan costs for enterprises to carry out equipment renewal and renovation. "Since the implementation of the equipment renewal action, the results have continued to show, effectively driving investment growth." Industry experts have stated that new support measures are still being introduced to address the problems faced by some enterprises, such as funding shortages and failure to meet project application thresholds, which are expected to encourage more enterprises to implement equipment renewal. Driven by a series of favorable policies for enterprises, a large number of industrial enterprises are seizing policy opportunities and accelerating equipment updates and technological upgrades. In Chongqing, a super charging station has been put into use in the Western Science City, which can meet the simultaneous charging of 180 new energy vehicles and the cyclic swapping of 40 heavy-duty trucks; In Weifang, Shandong, one intelligent and high-powered agricultural machinery is loaded and transported to various parts of the country; In Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, a certain motor factory has launched a zero carbon factory creation plan, and various industries in the region are striving to transform themselves. By 2025, it is expected to achieve the goal of "carbon neutrality"... "Replacing old equipment with new equipment and introducing new production technologies not only improves productivity, but also helps to enhance the high-end, intelligent, and green development level of the manufacturing industry, accelerating industrial transformation and upgrading." Industry experts say that promoting a new round of large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade in is of great strategic significance, as it benefits both the present and the long term, stabilizes growth and promotes transformation, and benefits both enterprises and people's livelihoods. Recently, the speed of equipment updates in industrial enterprises has increased, and the adjustment of industrial structure has accelerated. According to data from the State Administration of Taxation, the amount of machinery and equipment purchased by industrial enterprises increased by 5.3% year-on-year from April to July, an increase of 6.4 percentage points compared to March. Among them, the amount of machinery and equipment purchased by the manufacturing industry increased by 5.8% year-on-year, an increase of 6.8 percentage points from March. The policy dividend of supporting device updates and replacements is gradually being released, with increasing efforts to update enterprise equipment, active progress in exchanging old for new consumer goods, and a continuous increase in the proportion of advanced production capacity. High quality durable consumer goods are entering the daily lives of more residents The head of the relevant department stated. To build a green development highland, we need to focus on both regional coordinated development and regional collaborative transformation, with the aim of creating a growth pole and driving force for green, low-carbon, and high-quality development The relevant department heads stated that increasing the supply of green products is also a key focus in promoting green transformation. The next step will be to continuously reduce product energy consumption and carbon footprint levels, encourage the purchase and use of products with lower carbon footprints, accelerate the demonstration and application of advanced green and low-carbon technologies, and establish and improve standards and specifications for the design, procurement, and manufacturing of green products. (New Society)

Edit:NiChengRan Responsible editor:LiaoXin

Source:People's Daily Online

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