
Building the "Core" of New Quality Productivity - China Chemical vigorously develops strategic emerging industries


At the mid year work conference held recently, Mo Dingge, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of China Chemical Engineering Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "China Chemical"), made a resounding statement: "We will persist in comprehensively deepening reform, promote scientific and technological innovation, and management innovation, cultivate new quality productive forces according to local conditions, accelerate the construction of world-class enterprises, and rebuild a higher quality China Chemical within five years. In the new era and new journey, China Chemical focuses on its main responsibilities and businesses, vigorously develops strategic emerging industries, and continues to use technological innovation to create the "core" of new quality productivity. When it comes to nylon 66, it may seem unfamiliar to many people, but in fact, it is closely related to our lives. It can be found everywhere, from daily quick drying clothes, yoga clothes, and assault suits, to car engines, high-speed rail body components, and large ship turbines. Unfortunately, China was able to produce nylon 66 before, but has been unable to produce its core raw material - adiponitrile. Adiponitrile is a key link in the polyamide and specialty polyurethane industry chain, known as the "throat" of the industry chain. It's like we can make bread but don't have our own bread ingredients, flour Zhang Xiaofeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Tianchen Qixiang New Materials Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation, said. In July 2022, with the successful operation of the key equipment in the first phase of China Chemical Tianchen Qixiang Nylon New Materials Industry Base, this situation was fundamentally reversed. As the first industrial production project of adiponitrile by butadiene method in China, its implementation has completely broken the blockade and monopoly of adiponitrile technology by foreign countries, filling the technological and industrial gap in this field domestically. In April this year, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council announced the Product Manual for Scientific and Technological Innovation Achievements of Central Enterprises (2023), and adiponitrile and silicon based aerogel composites from Sinochem were successfully selected. The second phase project of Tianchen Qixiang Nylon New Material Industry Base has been launched, which will further enhance the safety and stability of the domestic nylon 66 industry chain supply chain Zhang Xiaofeng introduced that the industrial base will drive the formation of a new materials industry cluster with a total output value of billions in the future. Develop new chemical materials, not only targeting adiponitrile. Since the beginning of this year, China National Chemical Corporation has achieved its first export of its own technology, the butadiene method, to produce hexamethylenediamine. The high-end polyformaldehyde project using independent technology has completed pilot construction, and industrial projects such as ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, environmental catalysts, and phase change materials have been orderly promoted... Focusing on weak links, China National Chemical Corporation continues to promote the deep integration of the industrial chain, innovation chain, capital chain, and talent chain, and the industrialization process of scientific and technological achievements has significantly accelerated. Layout new energy and open up a vast "blue ocean". Nowadays, whether on building roofs or in the Gobi Desert, neatly arranged photovoltaic panels are widely used. The rapid development of China's photovoltaic industry is inseparable from the continuous breakthroughs in polysilicon production technology. More than a decade ago, China's photovoltaic industry ushered in development opportunities, but the key technology and equipment for producing polycrystalline silicon relied on foreign countries, becoming a bottleneck restricting the industry's development. In response to this pain point, Hualu Engineering Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Hualu Engineering"), a subsidiary of China National Chemical Corporation, has started developing polycrystalline silicon technology with independent intellectual property rights. Based on its rich experience in the synthesis of organic silicon and trichlorosilane, the company has successfully developed a series of technologies such as cold hydrogenation, achieved the self-reliance and localization of polycrystalline silicon technology and production equipment, and solved the key technical problems that restrict the development of China's photovoltaic industry Hualu Engineering Technology Expert Chen Weiping said. Afterwards, Hualu Engineering continuously iterated and upgraded its polysilicon production technology, completely solving the problems of high energy consumption, high pollution, and high cost in polysilicon production. In December last year, Hualu Engineering and its cooperative units jointly applied for the "Development and Integration of High Purity Crystalline Silicon Preparation Core Technology and Industrial Application", which won the first prize of the 2023 China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Federation Science and Technology Progress Award. At present, China National Chemical Corporation, relying on its independent intellectual property system of efficient polycrystalline silicon production technology, has a market share of over 90% in the domestic and international polycrystalline silicon industry engineering construction market Chen Weiping stated. Deploying new energy is not limited to the photovoltaic industry. Relying on biomass gasification hydrogen production technology, vigorously carry out the construction of biomass green methanol projects; Utilizing independently developed waste gasification hydrogen production technology, a demonstration project for producing hydrogen oil from 2 tons/day ultra-high temperature solid waste gasification will be established; Designed the country's first integrated demonstration project of "using mudflat photovoltaic off grid power generation, energy distribution and storage and hydrogen production from seawater desalination"... Aiming at emerging fields, China Chemical continued to optimize the platform system, constantly improved the "production, marketing, research and use" integrated tackling mechanism, overcame difficulties and overcome technical problems, and entered a vast "blue ocean". Building new equipment to promote high-end transformation. As a major tire manufacturing country, China has long relied heavily on imports for high-end tire products. Tracing back to the origin, it is due to the monopoly of advanced composite rubber extrusion units by foreign countries. In order to change the passive situation faced by high-end equipment in China's tire industry, China Chemical Equipment Technology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Equipment Technology") has taken the path of independently researching, designing, and manufacturing five composite rubber extrusion units based on its own advantages. The five composite rubber extrusion unit is a specialized process equipment for producing high-performance tire components Li Hong, Vice General Manager of Equipment Technology, introduced that "it can simultaneously composite extrude 5 different rubber materials in the machine, meeting the special process requirements for extruding high-end tire semi-finished products, and making the key tread components of the tire have high wear resistance, rolling resistance, and wet sliding resistance." In March 2023, the five composite rubber extrusion unit developed by Equipment Technology was nominated for the 7th China Industry Award. Prior to this, the equipment won the Chinese Patent Gold Award. The five composite rubber extrusion unit provides key technical support for the transformation of China's tire industry towards high-end, intelligent, and green development Li Hong said. Creating new equipment, the five composite rubber extrusion unit is not an exception. In the past year, China National Chemical Corporation has made continuous progress in the field of high-end equipment: China's first set of new intelligent semi steel one-time forming machine with the function of manufacturing gas deficient tires has been successfully delivered to customers; The newly developed large-scale single screw 300 extruder can significantly improve the production efficiency of aviation tires; The key equipment of the functional polymer film biaxial stretching production line has completed the construction and preliminary testing of the transverse chain track test platform... We always adhere to the principle of "bright lights for scientific research" and scientifically compile the industrial chain research and development map; In depth exploration of mechanisms such as "unveiling the list and leading the way", and continuous strengthening of key core technology research and achievement transformation... Nowadays, China's chemical science and technology innovation is full of vitality, and a series of innovative achievements have taken root and flourished. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to 'improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions' and' strengthen key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technological innovations'. This has made us deeply feel the great responsibility and glorious mission Mo Dingge said, "Next, China National Chemical Corporation will deepen its reform comprehensively with a sense of urgency that cannot be slowed down, a sense of crisis that cannot sit still, and a sense of responsibility that cannot be waited for, injecting strong impetus into technological innovation and making every effort to create new quality productivity!" (Xinhua News Agency)

Edit:Lubaikang Responsible editor:Chenze

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