
Confiscate over 2 million yuan in counterfeit currency! Beijing police collaborate with relevant provinces and cities to dismantle multiple counterfeit production sites


Recently, the Beijing police found several criminal gangs involved in counterfeiting after clue research and judgment. In August this year, under the unified command of the Economic Investigation Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security, the Economic Investigation Corps of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, together with relevant provincial and municipal economic investigation departments, carried out centralized and unified network access to the dens involved in counterfeiting. In this action, 15 suspect were detained, 8 dens were destroyed, more than 2 million yuan of counterfeit coins were confiscated, and a large number of counterfeit tools such as computers and printers were seized. After investigation, these gangs involved mostly use the Internet to organize counterfeiting criminal activities. On the one hand, they purchase counterfeiting equipment through the Internet to process and produce counterfeit coins. On the other hand, they use the Internet to sell the counterfeit coins they have made to gain profits. The group has a tight internal organization, clear division of labor, concealed criminal methods, and strong anti investigation awareness. In order to evade punishment, the gangs are linked through overseas software and niche chat apps to commit crimes across regions. According to Article 170 of the Criminal Law of China, those who forge currency shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined; Those with serious circumstances shall be sentenced to more than ten years of fixed-term imprisonment or life imprisonment, and shall also be fined or have their property confiscated. The above-mentioned criminal gangs are suspected of counterfeiting currency. The police remind the general public to understand the common criminal methods of counterfeit currency, improve their knowledge and skills in currency anti-counterfeiting, and when using cash transactions, regardless of the denomination, be sure to keep your eyes open. By rotating the face to check the color change, touching and carving the concave convex printing pattern, and viewing the watermark pattern on the face through light, carefully identify the authenticity. If you find clues about the manufacture, sale, or use of counterfeit currency or receive counterfeit currency, please report it to the public security organs in a timely manner. (New Society)

Edit:Luo yu Responsible editor:Wang er dong

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